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Posts posted by nuposse87

  1. I don't see anyone making that claim.

    Still, this team still sucks really bad, with or without Wall. Nene is the only legitimate NBA player besides Wall on this roster.

    There are a lot of people who will be sorely disappointed by Okafor and Ariza as the season progresses. Okafor is decent, but Trevor Ariza has been quite bad for a while now.

    I disagree, by no means is this a top 4 seed roster in a weak east..but to say we're full of D-league players is wrong.

    Seraphin at the very least is a quality backup, who I think can become a top 10 all around center, this year. At least offensively. Okafor is a decent center, he won't be the reason u win, but he won't be the reason u lose. Nene is near all star quality if he could stay healthy. Booker is undersized but plays big, he might not deserve to start on a championship team, but he could be the first big man off the bench. Beal's fortune is that he plays a position that is easily the weakest in the NBA. He probably should give us average to slightly less average production right away, but hopefully trending upwards as the season progresses. I thought SF would be our weakest position going in, I am pleasantly surprised with the play of Webster and Singleton though. Singleton looks like he actually cares out there and Webster is playing ridiculously well all things considered. All we need them to do is knock down 3s and play D. They seem fully capable so far. We need to sign Livingston though, PG by committee with pargo involved is gonna suck hard. Price is still a backup in this league and so is Livingston, but our bread and butter will have to be our bigs, something we actually have quality in.

    It won't be easy but there is talent at significant positions. I would be more confident with a top tier coach but Ted is showing some rather cheap colors IMO. I like randy, but he is the real wild card IMO. That he can get these guys to develop the right way. I'm cautiously optimistic, but I don't see a reason to completely give up yet. If the team does end up failing, EG is out, and that is a win for the team in the long run.

  2. Opinion is opinion....I don't think you necessarily don't know the game....but I'm extremely surprised you'd call Okafor an average NBA center who is above average in defense and mediocre in all other aspects........Okafor is one of the better defensive centers in the league. Obviously Howard and Noah are better than him.....but I think you'd be hard pressed to find three other guys who are clearly better. He is also a very good rebounder. His offensive game is average, but he has improved over the years and will greatly benefit by playing with a very capable post offensive player (Nene) and a point guard like John Wall.

    Ariza is definitely a very good perimeter defender...hands down best on the team, so I'm puzzled that you wouldn't put him in the defensive lineup you listed. Also, John Wall is a horrible defender, so how does he make that lineup? Ariza also isn't as bad offensively as you say. He gets in trouble when he tries to play like he is a first or second scoring option, but when he settles down and knows his role (the 4th option) he'll be fine.

    Uhhh no... http://www.bulletsforever.com/2012/6/21/3105119/trevor-ariza-emeka-okafor-washington-wizards-breakdown

    While They have shown signs of being above average they have also been bad in years past.They have the abilities to be at least average on this team, okafor especially since he seems to be more of a professional, and I apprecitate the attitude he has, but Ariza is a scum **** as far as i'm concerned. Okafor average about 10 ppg, hardly a world beater but not bad. Average. I'd rather start seraphin when healthy though. He still has ability to grow and become Nene part 2 but with superior D (assuming he makes the strides he did last year).

    Again, you haven't offered up any sort of rebuttal to the fact this team played far better defense when the knuckleheads were shipped off. It is hard for a young PG to look competent out there when he is playing with a team that doesn't rotate well. Wall isn't on like...CP3 level or anything but to say he's in the bottom half is just wrong.

    I think our best defensive lineup is:






    It is situational, Wall is still better than price. Webster can guard 2s and has superior length, Singleton the same for 3s, then I'd consider either Booker or Jan at the 4. Done.

    best offensive:






    Seraphin is a better low post threat then Okafor. You could put nene at the 5 and put booker at the 4 as well.

    Best all around lineup:






    Webster as the 6th man coming off the bench to light it up.

    Ariza doesn't deserve to see the light of the day. Our only salvageable hope for him is some other teams misfortune. If another SF goes down that needs a stop gap 3, we should get on the phone quick.

    ---------- Post added October-30th-2012 at 01:57 PM ----------

    As for game predictions itself. I think the team is about where it was at the end of the last season even without wall. The veterans should add some stability and we should be able to hold our own against bottom feeders like the cavs. We will need Nene and Seraphin to play at a high level until Wall comes back to stay competitive against mid tier teams. Luckily, we play a lot of top tier teams early on so games we probably would have lost with wall anyways won't hurt as bad.

    Wiz win tonight....90-82

  3. a game changer is available in the draft once every couple of years

    I believe anyone drafted in the top 3 should be viewed as a franchise caliper player...it doesn't always turn out that way...but that is my expectation going in. I expect them to change the fortunes of w/e franchise. Phenoms are once every 3-5 years. Get what I mean? If we're drafting between 6-10, we're most likely getting someone who won't have franchise caliper impact. At least in my view of the lottery.

  4. What I have to back up this claim is that I'm a season ticket holder....so If I'm not at the game (seeing the whole court and able to focus in on one player at all times....like Wall...when the rest of you are watching who has the ball on TV) I'm watching on TV.....I don't miss a game.

    Ah so seeing how he defends in person differs from what I see on TV...Cause you know there is a drastic difference in what you see in person and TV. I don't miss many wizards games either, prolly less than 10 in the past 3 years. I'm going to go ahead and call BS on that you're able to see something none of us can see on the CSN broadcast, i've been to my share of wizards games, I don't consider it THAT different. At the end of the day seeing how the team plays holistically matters the most, no?

    Wall has all the tools to be an elite defender. He is the quickest player on the team; he is aggressive, a willing defender (unlike Gilbert), and he has the strength and athleticism......BUT as of right now and what I've seen in his first two years, he is a HORRIBLE defender.

    Again, there is no objective argument in here...he was below average his first year, but his Man D was way better last year. As I explained any deficiencies he had was also due in part to poor BBiq and rotating. I'm not trying to be dickish, but I just don't see Wall as a horrible defender, he has had his "WTF" moments but defense certainly hasn't bee his Achilles heel

    Nene is no all defensive guy either....he isn't terrible and understands how to defend a pick n' roll (unlike Mcgee) but he is slightly above average at best.

    Okafor and Ariza are the real game changers. Okafor is an elite post defender/rebounder and Ariza is an elite perimeter defender. This will rub off on the rest of the team. Having two elite defenders (one on the perimeter and one on the block) will benefit the rest of the team and really improve team defense. I'm excited to see the improvement!

    Regarding Nene, he isn't a great defender, but he's a decent enough anchor that knows how to play the team concept well enough. You don't need to have an defensive MVP candidate to be a good defensive team, you just need 8-9 guys that bust their ass.

    Okafor is an average NBA center, above average defense...but mediocre in other aspects. Ariza is a good defender...but to say he is great is stretching it. I'd prefer if Ariza actually never got any playing time. He is so bad offensively his impact is negated by his ineptitude.

    Our best defensive lineup most likely will be:






    If' we're up a possession at the end of a game, thats the line up I want to see on the floor, maybe substitute booker with okafor depending on how big the opposing team plays.

  5. Agree that Wall is better in all aspects besides shooting; but disagree that he is a better defender. Wall is one of the worst defenders in the NBA...him and Crawford (who is probably the worst defender in the entire NBA) are both revolving doors. They are horrible on the defensive side.

    What exactly do you have to back up this claim? 1st season wall was a decent help defender...below average man defender. I thought he made monument strides last season. The problem was, for the first half to the season he was playing with bigs and players that were awful in pick and roll defense and had no concept of rotating correctly. We were an above average defense after the all star break I believe, top ten with Nene...sample size of only like 11 games with nene but thats trending in the right direction. Walls issues are all fixed with either a mid range jumper or a 3 pt jumper. Thats the only thing seperating him from being an all star and locking us into a playoff spot. I fully believe that.

  6. Are you both missing (despite the fact that it was underlined - emphasis yours) the fact that I specified limited preseason minutes?

    Besides, extrapolating per36 from 13 minute regular season averages as a 19 year old rookie really doesn't mean much.

    Ah so preseason NBA play is a proper gauge for judging a players potential and expected projections. Gotcha. Duly noted. I know sports are a "what have you done for me lately" business but I think if your sample size is just what we've seen so far in this preseason you can make pro/con cases against any established/not established players.

  7. One guy is averaging 12 and 11 in 20 minutes, the other is 4 and 5 in 27 minutes.

    Granted Kanter's efficiency could be better, but I don't see how you could disagree.

    Where are you getting your stats from?

    Its pointless to look at the season total for Jan, especially before the all star break. We got a glimpse of his niche after the knuckleheads were shipped out. Per 36, post all star break Jan's line was:

    10.2 ppg 9.1 rb 1.6 assists, with about a 1 bpg.

    I think its fairer to look at Kanters number throughout the season because he actually got less playing time after the all star break for w/e reason, but his per 36 numbers were:


    Not way better, but still a bit better. Not as efficient as Jan, but thats cause the only thing Jan could do was dunk or make a layup. He isn't the passer Jan is, to Jan's credit he makes smart basketball plays, those extra passes that won't show up in the stat sheet. That and Jan's team defense I think is better than Kanter's as well. While I don't think Jan will ever be worthy of a 6th overall selection...kind of knee jerk to discard him as a useless player. Its on him to become more aggressive offensively, but I wont write him off totally yet. It is also obvious playing with Wall really helped his production, the team has to be running to use him most effectively.

  8. Unless he pulls a seraphin and shows dramatic improvement throughout the course of the season we're prolly best off trading him for w/e we can get. His best asset right now is his pick and roll defense. We drafted him to be a 3, while he has the body of a 4, but the skillset of a 5. Makes for a very awkward positioning. He has defense down, you can't deny that, I think with so much depth in the front court he's afraid to make mistakes in fear of losing playing time. You need defined roles for young players so they know what to excel at IMO.

  9. ^ I think it is mostly socio-economics...basketball game is an easier game for school systems to adapt and introduce to kids. Part of it also may come down to a "coolness" factor...when kids aspire to be like prominent athletes I doubt they think of baseball players...at least I didn't growing up.

    * on the meeks thing, he is an upgrade over Roger Mason that is for sure, but outside of being a 3 point specialist he doesn't do much else. I would love to see him be the 2nd guard in when Beal is ready to start since Meeks has fairly good 3 pt%s.

  10. He's an upgrade over Mack - which is what I said. He can run sets and bring the ball up the floor. The Wizards are not going to ask much of Price other than to be careful with the ball and to help execute the offense in LIMITED minutes. It's a one-year deal, so I really don't get the uproar over this signing. At all.

    And as it was stated, between Crawford and Beal, both guys can run the point in a pinch. God forbid Wall goes down for an extended period of time, but I would have to think that Crawford would get the nod as the starter at the 1 if this was to happen.

    Also, there is no other "quality" vet in the league who is available who can replace Wall's production if he had to miss time. None.

    No, he is not an upgrade over Mack. He is nearly an identical player that hasn't shown any improvement 3 years in the league. Just saying he is a better player is not proof that he is. The one year signing leads me to believe they are bringing Tomas over in the '13-14 season and just hoping Wall doesn't get injured.

    Crawford can't run a team. He can get his own shot, and occasionally do some playmaking for others but he is too much of a blackhole to be a PG. Beal is a rookie with average handles right now, and decent playmaking but not better than Crawford...do you really think he can play pg?

    Regarding the vets I would have liked is kind of moot because Ernie waited way too long in the game to sign anyone. If we just examine who is remaining now, the player with most upside I would have sought for would be: Jannero Pargo or Johnny Flynn. None of these two would be good as wall, but I think they could at least manage the team alright. I wanted aaron brooks but I believe he signed with POR.

  11. Stop looking at stats for a second. Price was a steady-vet on a MUCH better team than what we had. We needed an upgrade at the PG spot, and someone who isn't going to get jitters or look shook when bringing the ball up the court like Mack. We got that with Price. No, he's not a world-beater, but he's someone who is going to fill a need. He's not playing anymore than 10-12 minutes per night and as long as the ball is out of Mack's hands, I'm happy.

    Steady vet? He's in his fourth season, who has seen minimal playing time his whole career. How can you honestly spin this as a logical signing is baffling. His need is 3rd string PG, which every team does need mind you, but he should be seeing NO minutes a night.

    Every good team needs depth at critical positions. We're full of frontcourt depth but absurdly thin in the backcourt. Wall and Beal are the only players worth a damn in the backcourt. Crawford is a bad player, he tries, but he is usesless. He's a chucker, overrated playmaker and inefficient. He is going to be 24 by the time the season starts so it isn't like he is super young anymore either, he has to prove himself in my book. Oh and saying "oh he had a triple double against the heat" is pretty pointless, especially when you want to throw away the stats players accrue when it doesn't befit your argument.

    I personally don't want wall playing 38+ mins a night so that is one reason I wanted a sound vet to help him. Wall is going to have his fair share of bad games, there must be at least a serviceable option when he is having an off night. As of right now Wall is a pretty good PG, maybe on the cusp of top 10, but lets not act like his production isn't reproducible by other quality Vets in the league. IF we had a good backup I wouldn't cringe every time Wall attacks the rim and falls, but when AJ friggin Price is your backup, you know as a franchise we could be royally screwed.

  12. Don't care what the Per36 is for the Price/Mack comparison. Mack is not good with the ball and can hardly bring it up the court. We need someone in here who can play a steady 10-12 minutes per night and thats what we got with Price.


    AJ Price averaged 12 mins a game last season, Mack, about 12.2

    They both averaged roughly 4 pts per game. Mack shot 40% from the field, Price at 34%...Mack shot 29% from the 3, Price was at 30%. Virtually identical PER and TS....Both average 2.0 assists a game without about 1 turnover...So, ignoring PER 36, since you don't care for it...Mack's first year, is the same as what Prices' THIRD year in the league is. We seriously have a baboon for a GM.

  13. Agreed, we really need a solid backup pg option.

    If Wall goes down with an injury, the train falls off completely.

    ---------- Post added July-24th-2012 at 01:21 PM ----------

    I wonder what it would take to get Shaun Livingston out of Houston.

    Probably a Forward, they seem to covet those. They have like 10 on their roster. I'd look at people like Livingston, Vasquez, Flynn, hell even Telfair is an upgrade.

    ---------- Post added July-24th-2012 at 01:31 PM ----------

    I don't get what you all are complaining about. Price is a BACK UP. That's it. We wanted an upgrade over Mack, and we got one. The dude isn't going to play more than 10 minutes a night. We could have signed Jesus Christ and some of you all would take issue with it. Jeez.

    Jesus was probably diminutive in stature, he wouldn't last very long in the league. As to Price, he had an average rookie campain Per 36, but he's been worse than Mack since than. I have every to ***** about a player that has sucked every bit as much as Mack has in his rookie campaign. Wall's reckless attacking style is not conducive to long term health, we need assurance at this position.

  14. We can't honestly expect 20 ppg early on from beal. I actually think he will be fairly efficient for a rookie, I'm not saying he's gonna shoot 41% from three point land, but 14ppg on 44% FG shooting plus 37% from the 3 point land would do wonders for the squad especially when you consider he isn't a ball stopper.

    I'm somewhat mixed on singleton still. His shot looks ok, his defense looks better but he makes some WTF plays. He really shouldn't ever have to dribble more than twice. I think he is making some progress though. Needs to cut the TOs down and rebound a bit more. 6-9 with a big wingspan should be more conducive to better rebounding for him.

  15. Thunder+ Howard is a frightening proposition for the entire NBA. All they would have to do is sign wing shooters and they'd be set for the most part. I still think Houston's deal is a better offer, because honestly, the money Ibaka might command may make him not worth retaining. While Harden might be max worthy, I'm not sure it would function as good of a rebuild for Orlando's part.

  16. Btw as to the game itself. I'm happy Jan learned how to shoot, and is a tad bit more aggressive...but he looked a littler slower than usual. Not slower than the average 4, but what gave him some advantages last season was his superior quickness... I hope our strength and conditioning coaches notice this. The J is looking great though.

    Beal looked great in the 1st half. I think the entire squad kind of sulked in the 2nd half, so I'm not terribly concerned. You can tell ATL's defenses were focusing on him, so it was a good wake up call for him. Singleton....hmmm...garbage time stats :/ Verdict is still out on him IMO.

    Mack has no business in the NBA. He got toasted today.

  17. What are you basing this on? I don't know what to tell you here because their chemistry is so obvious to me when I watch them. On paper, it doesn't seem like they'd work together. But just watch them for five minutes in a game. Watch their body language and the way they make plays for each other. They're just tight knit. They know each other and know how to play together.

    Small sample size, but as a floor general when Jordan went down for a few games with an ankle injury, I thought John performed considerably better as floor general. I'll always maintain that Wall is best suited with a catch and shoot guard in the mold of something like Hamilton. Crawford doesn't compliment much unless his shot is falling. For that reason, I never want Crawford to start for this organization again, but I know he will because he's earned PT by default experience with Wall. I don't care how tight nit they are, they only perform if Crawford's shot is falling. Crawford also has poor man to man D if you ask me, at least Nick young was capable of that.

    I also think Jordan is very popular in the locker room.

    This isn't a popularity contest, this is all about production

    Crawford isn't a selfish player. He dishes the ball well. His usage is high because he's also the primary playmaker most of the time he's on the floor, both facilitating and finishing. That's the role he's been asked to play.

    This a problem in itself, because he can't handle the load. He makes too many mistakes and just can't be effective without the ball. I really don't see how anyone can consider this guy to be efficient. While his assist to TO ration is positive, for someone who handles the ball as much as he does he hasn't really shown any sign of improving in this department.

    Completely different players, completely different situations. Crawford doesn't have John and the coaching staff publicly calling him out and isn't getting shut down for most of a season for being out of shape.

    true but that doesn't excuse his abhorrent shooting, he should be getting an earful and riding the pine until he learns to play within his ability.

    First off, Okafor will probably win the starting job outright if healthy. Seraphin showed well for himself but he's not a better player than Okafor in offense, defense, or rebounding. Seraphin is actually a weak rebounder, and that alone is probably reason to start Okafor ahead of him since Okafor is a very good rebounder.

    Bull**** on two of these. I'll be the first to admit, I'm high on seraphin but he does have his faults. However, there is no way you can tell me Okafor is a better offensive player than him. Okafor's stats this past season do him disservice because he was injured so we can take a look at the previous year as a better gauge. They both had virtually the same PER, Seraphin with 15.8 and Okafor at 16.0 the season before last. Seraphin's per is probably higher once he was inserted into the starting lineup, his stats may be weighted down a bit from the first half of the season. Okafor's TS is a bit more .58 to .55 but I haven't really seen Okafor do much in terms of a back to the basket game. He finishes well, but I don't think he could be like...a 3rd option. I think 3rd option is reasonable for seraphin when he gets in his prime. He already exhibited a superior post game display this season. Rebounding absolutely goes to Okafor. I will not deny that. You have to examine though, with Seraphin on the floor, the team's rebounding went up compared to when we had Mcgee. DrTG rating gives okafor a 2 point edge to Seraphin 103 to 105, I'd like to see how that number compares with seraphin's post all star break figures. Seraphin surprisingly, per 36 is also a better shot blocker than Okafor. I'm not sure 3 rbs a game difference is warranted to start Okafor over seraphin. I'd like to have one veteran big man with the 2nd unit anyways.

    Seraphin can not create offense for himself. He's a finisher. He needs space in the lane and someone to get him the ball in his spots so he can get that jump hook off. He's not an offensively diverse enough player to carry the scoring load by himself, even on the second line. He's not skilled enough yet to work his way to the hoop consistently from any spot with technique.

    I think he has shown if we get him the ball down low with good position, he can go to work rather effectively. My only issue with him at this point is will he pass back out once defenses collapse down him. I don't see many teams doubling up on Okafor as he really isn't a low post threat. If seraphin grows as a passer it would make life easier for cutting guard.

    You're completely overlooking Crawford's offensive creativity, which explains why you think he's no better than a d-leaguer. It's almost his entire source of value. And it's an extremely valuable quality. It's what got Dion Waiters drafted 4th overall. Crawford is a highly skilled scorer and he can also run point. Those are not for nothing.

    The guy makes great passes, I won't deny that. He also makes nearly an equivalent amount of mistakes. He isn't a highly skilled scorer. Blatche scored a **** ton when we traded the farm. He didn't do it efficiently though. While I give props to JC for exuding effort, he is demonstrating the same facade we had with Dray, nice numbers on BAD efficiency. That doesn't equate to a "skilled scorer," just simply, a scorer.

    That's crazy, Crawford has already demonstrated he has the qualities of a valuable rotational player.

    Do you think Jamal Crawford is a valuable rotational player? Jordan is cut from the same cloth. Similar numbers, extremely similar skill set, similar build and athleticism, similar ideal role.

    jamal is a career 35% 3 point shooter at least. 2:1 in the assist to TO department. He also has a career TS of near 53%...Jamal's first few years showed he would be a good 3 point shooter, and had pretty efficient play making ability. I've seen Jordan go off for a few games, but you can't put him and Jamal in the same league yet, at least in terms of efficiency. The one similar thing is that they are both ****ty defenders.

    The team needs offensive creativity and Crawford brings it. John is the only other highly creative offensive player. Beal is a rookie and was not noted for his handles or slashing/passing ability. None of the forwards can handle the ball. The bigs aren't high volume ISO scorers. Cartier Martin is a pure spot up shooter. Get rid of Crawford and this team has absolutely no creativity when John goes out. I think it'd be a terrible mistake to get rid of him just to get a redundant big or get rid of Blatche. That's what the amnesty clause is for.

    I'd rather just amnesty blatche as well, but I doubt management will do that. if they do, sign someone like...Watson, anyone, just to take ball handling duties away from crawford in Mack. I seriously abhor our guard play outside of Wall and Beal.

  18. Crawford actually has palpably good chemistry with the rest of the team, John in particular.

    I think it's clear the team enjoys playing with him. He's tough, wild, energetic, and personally likeable. The team respects him. I also think the team needs a creative, alpha scorer, especially to play with the second line. Crawford is cut from a similar cloth as Jamal Crawford. Creative and hyper aggressive with pretty good athleticism. He's got some skills, good handles, a sweet turnaround fade, capable of finding open teammates but really looks to score first. His percentages have been low, partly from shot selection, but also partly because he's the late shot clock shooter. The offense never really found a consistent flow until the very end of the season. As such, there were a lot of times where the team was like, "damn, 8 seconds left and the play has fallen apart, kick it to Crawford and see if he can create something."

    Get rid of Crawford and this team entirely loses all ability to create offense outside of John Wall's dribble drives and Nene's mid range shotmaking. Nobody else can consistently get their own shot. That's an untenable situation.

    Absurd. John played better when he didn't have JC next to him. I can agree that he was put into a bad position in that he was asked to be THE guy but you have to wonder how teammates react when he heaves one up from 28 feet out with 15 seconds left on the clock. As many times he had to take a last second shot, he also shot himself out of rotation. I'd be ok with his ups and downs provided he was at least a streak shooter, but he isn't. He is terribly inefficient. His usage is far too high. People hate Blatche but they defend this guy? Insane.


    The offense is no better with him on the floor then with any other D-leaguer. He shoots 40%...he has no business being in a rotation with that kind of production. Especially for a 2 guard. He has been this way for 2 years now...do we honestly expect the little light bulb in his head will turn on and turn him into a competent guard now? I also have an issue making him the alpha male on the 2nd team. If management is stupid enough to think Okafor should start over Seraphin we should expect a 2nd lineup of something like:






    Seraphin has proven he can score efficiently against starters. I imagine with another summer under his belt and going against reserves it should only lead to more success for him. I have every belief in the world that Crawford will **** **** up. He is a turnover prone guard as well, I can only imagine how many times Seraphin will get fed up with JC's entry passes.

    The point is, if you can get rid of both Blatche and JC while shedding long term cap space, you do it. I'd rather we sign a veteran guard to play along side Mack or get a veteran PG and let Roger Mason spot up for threes. Crawford has to make MASSIVE improvements to be a rotational player, because outside of his FT% there is nothing I can like about his game. Not to say he doesn't try, cause he does, it just just hasn't resulted in production.

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