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Everything posted by CrypticVillain

  1. Yeah... I was just about comment on how the whole team looks so dead right now. I turned the game on when I made that post about us winning by 7. Bruh, this team has looked so trash. They're too talented to be looking like this. I don't think this is a Brooks issue. This roster just looks like a bunch of nice pieces with no direction. (I never posted this last night. ??‍♂️)
  2. Yeah... It's bad enough we're trashy, Refs still don't give Wall those driving calls.
  3. Yeah, as far as the team bottoming-out, I do feel like Wall and Brooks actually are responsible for that. But, there's 15 years of Ernie messing up to their month. The dude has a 44% win percentage right now as GM. How can anyone look past this and go straight to Wall and Brooks without throwing him in there as well is laughable.
  4. "It is your fault, John. It is your fault that we're in this mess. You! It's on you. I'm sick of it." Danny said this on 106.7... It's a damn shame. Wall has been getting killed this week and it's not really his fault. But since he's the star player and his umper is still trash, it's just easy for people to blame him.
  5. I just deleted a long rant that somehow led to me bashing Brooks... The rant started with Ernie. It's not fair for me to criticize the people that he's bringing in, if only becasue they're being brought in by him. I can feel another rant coming, so I'm going to stop. Just please fire this bum Grunfeld. Sixteen years is enough.
  6. I was at the Bar trying to figure out how Zion could work with Wall and Beal...
  7. ?? But seriously, that's where I am. Honestly, I was in the same place with the Skins in 2017... But them bammas did just enough to keep the staff, and they've been improving ever since. Now, they're kind of killing it and look to be tending upward. The Wizards? What the hell happened?After the Game 7 lost in Boston, I thought it was on. I thought Grunfeld finally had something cooking. All he had to do was fine tune it. But that's the problem right there... HE'S the one doing things. **** ain't changing for the better until he's gone AND we bring in someone with no ties to this organization who knows what the hell they're doing. And when I say no ties, I mean NONE!
  8. I forgot about that awful Game 7 they had... But even if they shot better that night, they weren't beating them without CP3. Nevertheless, if they're healthy, they're definately breezing through this year. Maybe they put in the effort to go Fo-Fo-Fo-Fo.
  9. Two and a half... If Iggy didn't get inured, they would have wrecked the Rockets last year. Then when Paul was injured, just felt like it must was meant for them to win. Even fate wanted it. ??‍♂️
  10. They're treating this like a 2K My Player game and keep forcing the ball to Klay. Curry just gave up a wide open layup. ?
  11. Crazy how I heard the Warriors had 92 and I came straight here and not Google. How the heck did they do it?
  12. Wow... I kind of want to watch this to see how the hell are we losing/lost by 30 to the Clippers?
  13. And it sucks because Wall and Beal are both top five players at their position... Team shouldn't be this bad.
  14. Naw, it's a different pain for me. When Snyder sees things going bad, he usually tries something. It might not work all the time, but he tries and right now the team actually looks like they are competive. Redskins have had a terrible season since 2014 and they've been (slowly (very slowly)) improving. The Wizards... Hot ass. If it wasn't for the no-brainer drafting of the Wall and Beal, we'd be the Nets right now. Trash Coach Trash Bench (Not as trashy as usual though ??‍♂️) Trash GM And all that equals a trash home crowd... Which means the Owner is trash too for not realizing any of this and letting it all continue. I didn't even watch the game last night, I felt like this would be one of those games where either they blew them out, or the Kings would make it a long drawn out game that the Wizards find a way to lose at the end. Losing, I can handle that. I can't handle disorganization and trash performances.
  15. After the GS game. It just doesn't sit well that the team is not only starting off flat, but they're losing to teams that aren't at full strength. I thought things could be different... But now I'm staring an 0-4 start dead in the face.
  16. You know your team is ass at rebounding when the offensive team boxes out his own teammate. ??‍♂️
  17. Naw, optimism went out the window when they extended Ernie without telling anyone. I'm going to be hard on them all season. Especially after last night. Same old nonsense...
  18. Everything else about last night, I can handle those issues. Brad, and the rest of the team, being in foul trouble kind of took them out of rhythm and prevented them from going on a serious run. What I can't tolerate is stupidity and lack of effort.
  19. I'm so over Keef man... February 2017 seems so long ago. Start Green and trade this dude. I don't care what we get back. I'm over it... https://twitter.com/ThisIsJMichael/status/1053119157812772865
  20. Everything is just falling apart right now. Then on top of that, they show brutal schedule. Wow.
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