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Everything posted by CrypticVillain

  1. Game 3. Kind of sucks because I wanted him to win it, but in a four game series, you can't have three great games and a stinker... Especially when your counterpart was consistent during the entire series. Last night was terrible... When I saw LeBron wasn't playing hard in the first, I knew it was a wrap. You know what would fix this, 1-16 seeding of the top eight teams in each conference. We would have gotten a Rockets/Warriors Finals this year and everyone would be satisfied. Honestly that's a change they can pull the trigger on today.
  2. Wouldn't you admit that both chances aren't good chances all things considered? You still would watch the Redskins game wouldn't you? Once again, again lol... My whole point was NEVER about parity, it was more about just watching some good basketball. Which I believed I saw last night.
  3. You know what really pisses me off, teams switching off of everything now. I'm so glad it happened last night with LeBron... Maybe people will see how stupid it is and start teaching how to fight through a screen.
  4. There is no line. There's never been a line... I honestly don't know why the NBA has always had these dynasties come out of nowhere. I do feel like something needs to be done with salary cap structure. Also feel like owners are responsible too. For example, it's CLEAR that Grunfiled (I hope I spelled it wrong) is not a great GM at all. He silently gets an extension and I'm supposed to get upset with the lack of parity when moves like that are being made for my team? lol Especially when I see teams like Boston and Philadelphia actually find ways to build teams that can actually start competing with Golden State as soon as next season...
  5. Maybe, but Sin saw it the same way. That's why I said my bad if I misunderstood it. But I also ask if you're a Cavs fan? If you are, everything you says has Roger Federer size spin on it. lol
  6. @Renegade7you're really going to hate me for this... I shared this yesterday: With that I shared this: " I would like to see this. Wizards aren't winning any Championships in the near future... Might as well watch the world burn." Maybe I like the chaos... I don't know. lol
  7. Yes I would like y'all to stop whining, but that's only because I feel like no wanted to talk about just how good KD was yesterday, and yes I would like to see more basketball. It sucks that this series might end on Friday, but it is what it is. As for why it doesn't bother me... It's because it's what I'm used to. In the 90's, the Bulls and Rockets won 8 out of the 10 championships. The Pistons won in 90 I think and the Spurs won in 1999... Then in the 2000's they won three more and the Lakers won 5. At least in the 2010s so far, there's been 6 (Lakers, Mavs, Heat, Spurs, Warriors, and Cavs I think) teams to win a championship. For me, I feel like until they get a hard cap in the NBA, and limit the games during the season, we will never see true parity in the NBA.
  8. This too Hersh... My bad if that's not what you meant, but it seemed like it... Wait a minute... Aren't you a Cavs fan Hersh?
  9. Right there. You were trying to discredit me by asking me when I started watching as if I don't know what is and what isn't good basketball. Once again, I don't know why y'all are complaining? This is nothing new. There's literally been a dynasty every decade since I've been born and every decade before it. Now, it's the Warriors turn and it's up to the rest of the NBA to catch up. That's probably what keeps the NBA going to be honest... Everyone wants to see who can take down the giant. Especially after last night's game. I just felt like regardless of how it happened, who's a snake, who's a traitor, who needed who, the game was actually a pretty decent game.
  10. It's not unreasonable... I'm just saying that as of now, we don't have it. So instead of being disappointed in not getting what everyone wants, I'm just going to enjoy what I have. Hersh can deny it all he wants, what KD did was really impressive. He was extremely efficient on both the offense and defensive ends.
  11. 43 points, 15 Rebounds, 7 Assists and another dagger and you don't think that was impressive?
  12. I guess it just comes down to me completely not caring who wins... I just like watching basketball... And I know last night, I saw one of the greatest basketball performances I've ever seen and it ended with a three-point dagger and a cold stare into the crowd. THAT'S the type of stuff I'm talking about and like to see. And, I can't remember who it was who said it, and someone else mentioned it again today... The NBA doesn't care about parity, they want star power. That Pistons vs Spurs Final was horrible. Rating wise and excitement wise, but to me, that sounds like the type of "drama" y'all wanna see.
  13. It's an accurate comparison because it's all entertainment... I can say the same for a Redskin vs Patriot game... Sure, the Redskins might have a decent shot of winning, but we all know what's going to happen. Doesn't make the game any less enjoyable for me.
  14. You can't leave because they have you... Short of LeBron joining a league in Europe (Which someone from ESPN said he'd consider Smh...) you're going to have to watch the NBA. As far as the Wizards, their partially to blame for all of this. They had a team that KD could have came to and won with in his own backyard, and they didn't even get a damn visit. If KD joined the Warriors or any other team, it would have no impact on the Wizards because the organization isn't anywhere near championship contention. I like good basketball. It's June, I don't have anything else to watch. Why not watch 3 of the top basketball players in the world do what they do best? Plus Kevin Love was getting his man; Jordan Bell was making clutch plays, Draymond and Trsitan Thompson almost started wrecking... And it was actually a close game. I liked it. You musty hate watching TV and Movies then... I always know what's going to happen, for me it's the how. I knew a bunch of bammas would die in Infinity War... I watched because I wanted to know how it happened. Sure, it does suck that the Warriors are that good. I want to see the Wizards ball like this... They had their chance. If they played better, they could be playing against the Warriors, and probably giving the Warriors a run for their money too... It didn't happen though and I've accepted that.
  15. Y'all sitting here whining and complaining... if y'all really didn't like it, you would just stop watching it altogether. lol
  16. Y'all talking about LeBron switching, I'm saying just like last year when LeBron actually didn't switch off, it probably would not have mattered..
  17. I know I'm late, but I don't care... Hell yeah! That KD dagger man... Hell yeah. That's the KD that can't be guarded.
  18. Benning and Peter are making some damn good arguments. I just refuse to believe it lol Magic is so much more than numbers and whatnot. I just don't think I can logically pick Curry over him if I'm starting a team... I just can't.
  19. @BenningRoadSkin you're tripping. I don't think it's anything Curry could do *to pass Magic.
  20. That's a good question. If they can change a freaking charge, they should be able to do anything. Smh...
  21. That's because he HAS to be. That's why Miami LeBron was so polarizing... It was like he did whatever he wanted to at times.
  22. No... I'm not saying Curry is the best PG ever at all. Definitely ready to say he's the best shooter of all-time though. It's been four years and he's still hitting those same shots. It's not a fluke, dude really is the best shooter. Anyway you want it to. Break it down off the dribble, catch and shoot, he's even taking it to the rack on bammas and hitting ridiculous shots at the rim. That's why I said ultimate Starting 5. That wasn't a death lineup, that's a Weapons of Mass Destruction Lineup. You know what I like about that lineup outside of their basketball skills, Jordan will be in LeBron and KD's ass making sure they don't get complacent. If it's one thing that irks my nerves about LeBron and KD, they can be frustratingly lackadaisical at times. So annoying. LeBron is supposed to destroy Curry ANY time he's on him. That's just unacceptable. Smh...
  23. LeBron has the PG roles. He's the one setting the table. That's why I said I don't really need Magic. But... Curry is definitely more than capable of being the other facilitator on this team.
  24. I have Jordan and Hakeem. Forget dirty work. I have the insides and outsides on lock. KD, LeBron, and Curry are just there to do their thing... Which should be even easier because of the presence of Jordan and Hakeem. I do like your idea of Rodman, I think I can live with that trade though. @Renegade7, Magic would work perfectly too. I just feel like he and LeBron are too similar and I'd rather have that space that Curry can create... Dude is pulling up from 25, 26 feet... And they go in a lot. lol
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