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Everything posted by CrypticVillain

  1. Props. I honestly don't care where the Wizards finish as far as the Lottery goes. I just know that I am enjoying the way they are finishing the season.
  2. You see what your sig is saying. That is the type of attitude the Wizards have right now. There is no point of tanking for these players. They're playing hard and that is all we should be asking for from a team that has the record that the Wizards have.
  3. Who do you think is worth doing that for? If we fall to 8th, I say we stay there and stay put wherever ATL pick lands and draft the person that fits what we are trying to build here,
  4. Ah, good ole Rod Garner. That is a good comparison. I wish I didn't have to finish my stupid paper, I would have enjoyed seeing this game in its entirely.
  5. Nice First off, the Hawks are some trash, they won't make it pass 5 against the Magic, and I am being nice. If anybody disagrees, see me in the NBA Thread. Blatche is the Gucci Mane of the NBA. He has a couple of nice hits (games) here and there, he might get have a couple of tight versus (plays), he will even get you some sells here and there. But anybody who plays close attention to him will realize he is not as good as people say he is and he will not be able to carry an organization. PERIOD. Like Vishal and GAC said, you don't want nobody like him around your future. Just by association he will bring people down. One of my friends tried to compare him with Clinton Portis. I could see why people would think that is a fair comparison, but it is not. The Redskins actually won games with Clinton Portis while he carried them on his back. I might get blasted for this, but I also think that Clinton Portis was a hard worker. As of matter of fact, I think he worked too hard. All in all, Blatche needs to get us some more draft picks. I am willing to give McGee another season or two. :whoknows:
  6. I knew they banned chair-shots to the head. TNA banned them as well. I know it sucks, but a lot of people were getting concussions because of that. The last person to get hit in the head st TNA was Mr.Anderson/Kennedy and he was out. :no:
  7. Do you think they will fall to us with our second round pick? Furthermore, if they do, do you think one of them is even worth a first round pick?
  8. I know I will probably get bashed for saying this, but me don't care, Wall and Crwaford will be a better Ellis and Curry than Ellis and Curry. Don't get me wrong, all four can ball, but I think that Wall will be too much for teams to handle(at times I forget that he is a rookie ) and Crawford will only continue to get more comfortable, thus creating even better shots for himself. I know it has been stated before, but the Hawks really screwed the pooch on this one.
  9. I still have a feeling we will end up with the number one pick. Check this out. I think this dude is the Brazilian McGee
  10. I missed the game tonight. Judging by your post, it looks like I didn't miss much. How did Jordan Crawford do tonight??
  11. Blatche for Nicolas Batum. Straight up if the contracts work out right.
  12. Has Valanciunas had any injuries that you know of? Honestly, this is the first time I have ever heard of him.
  13. Out of those seven that Mcqueen just posted, the only one I want is Kanter. Seriously, do we even need any more of those types of players. Edit: Maybe Perry Jones
  14. I don't watch Jersey Shore, so I don't know if she sleeps around or not. But for face value, I'd tap it. Man, that CM Punk video was funny. "You stupid ***** I am not holding a microphone."
  15. Every time someone mentions that or I think about it, I just smh. That was probably the best time I had watching wrestling, think it would had been better if HHH was in it. Maybe he and Stephanie would have brought ECW, him and Kurt Angle probably would have went at it a couple of more times. The thing I loved the most about that Invasion was The Rock/ Chris Jericho feud. Even though they were on the same team, they still managed to go at each other.
  16. Man, heart almost fell in my stomach when that last shot went in and came out......
  17. Forehead, I am glad that I wasn't the only one who enjoyed the front row. Did you see my man switch from the Atlanta Hawks throwback to the Cavs throwback with the 23 crossed out. Brilliant! Snooki, I'd hit it. On top of that, can't nobody say that they weren't shocked when she hit those flips. I am very interested to see how they are going to use Cena in the next fifty two weeks. The Miz is the future. I laughed a little bit when typed that thinking about when he was on the Real World.
  18. You're right. Maybe I shouldn't call Young a bum. If that is the case, I will go on record by saying Blatche is not a bum either. However, the rest of the country thinks they are bums. Maybe for these two, inconsistent might be a better word. I just got in the house from school the first thing I see is two fast breaks, where John Wall out ran everybody on the court and went strong to the hoop. Dude is so fast it is scary.....
  19. Only in DC can we have an argument about two bums.... Honestly, if we had to keep one of the two, I am in the Nick Young camp.
  20. I think Nick Young is going to stay. He would be a nice six man option; sort of our version of Jason Terry.
  21. Just got back from the Green Turtle. That place was live tonight. Blatche continues to confuse me. Crawford continues to impress me. This team is going to be so much fun to watch for the rest of the season and all next season, if there is a season. Wall and Crawford with a full year together will be something to see.
  22. Oh yeah, I do agree with the one game suspension for John Wall. You can't throw a punch. Nevertheless, THE PUNCH SHOULD HAVE NEVER HAD TO BE THROWN!!!!! If the stupid refs would have called the elbows in the first place, none of that commotion would have happened. ---------- Post added April-1st-2011 at 12:10 AM ---------- The two GMs at the Verizon center knows how to build teams. They know they have to slum it out for a couple of years to create a better future. I am all for it.
  23. Not if his ball awareness doesn't improve. Like five times last night he was in perfect position for a rebound and didn't know where the ball was so he turned around and the Heat got a rebound.
  24. My four cents: No way the WWE lets the bosses son-in-law stop the Undertaker's streak. The Undertaker will get to twenty and then retire. My guess is that Cena will be turning heel real soon and that he will fight the Undertaker at next year's Wrestlemainia. Miz is gold; I don't care what anybody says. He is like that on the mic and his in-ring skills are okay. Would be nice if John Morrison steps up to the plate. Don't know what they are doing with Kofi Kingston. Can't wait to see what Christian is going to do in this Edge/Del Rio match. Why did that mess up Orton's leg 2 weeks before WM. I think he's about to get written off because of a real injury.
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