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Everything posted by CrypticVillain

  1. Before being ruled ineligible at Kentucky He looks good GAC. Does anybody know how he is on defense?
  2. I am telling you all, just because this draft looks kind of weak, the Wizards will win the lottery again.
  3. Never said he was Kobe. I just think he should have a spot on this team next year. Wouldn't max out if we let him go... Why are you in here anyway? I will tease you plenty enough come playoff time
  4. Yeah, I know that, but I just can't imagine letting a player with that kind of motor walk out the door. As for Julie Donaldson:
  5. Boy these DC teams sure make sure you watch every second of a game. I am not saying that the Wizards are going to be a championship team, but I think every team who competes for championships has a guy like Evans on their team. Last night I think I heard Buck say that there might not be a spot for him on the team next year. I say why the heck not??
  6. They kept it close, but they pulled a Washington on them. Washington- To do something good, but find a way to mess it up in the end See Washington Redskins, Washington Capitals.
  7. Hear me out on this, McGee is not soft, he does play hard. But that is in the game. I am talking about in the gym, the weight room, etc/ His preparation seems non-existent. You just said it yourself he looks lost out there. Rather it is him or the coaches, somebody has to get him to realize that he is in the NBA. Athletic ability along would not get you far in this league. Let's look at Dwight Howard and Amare'. These two were freaks coming out of High School. They were freaks; jumping out of the gym, over the Sears Tower, yada yada yada.There were people out there clowning both of them, saying they would never amount to nothing. So what did they do, they went to work. You can't tell me that those two haven't been getting better each year they have been in the league. I can't say that for McGee. I know it is only his third season, but dude needs some help badly. Maybe Ted Leonsis should open his pockets and get David Robinson to help him like the Magic are doing for Howard. :whoknows:
  8. Liar. First of all, I wasn't even posting in this thread that much this season. Secondly, I always looked at the brighter side when it came to McGee. But after seeing him consistently do some boneheaded stuff this year, I have decide that he will never be as good as he could be. I know it takes time to develop as a center, but that is the problem, he is not developing. Last night was the last straw. He had the monstrous block, I was like cool. Then he stared the dude down and I was like, okay. Then minutes later, when I saw Gerald Wallace punk him for that offensive rebound and the easy put-back, it let me know what he was all about. I hope I am wrong, I want to see McGee succeed; but if he isn't going to care, why should I.
  9. My bad. He is in the D-League now. I thought he played there between the Wizards and Clippers.
  10. First of all, I don't follow the NBDL at all. I watch like maybe 30 seconds of a game when I see it on Versus, but that is about it. Between all the people I do know that played in the NBDL, to me, it is a toss up between Skip and Bobby Simmons. Skip was my man during that playoff run the Magic had in the 2009 playoffs. I honestly think if Nelson hadn't tried to rush back and play in the Finals, the Magic would have been more competitive. Bobby Simmons used to get his man with the Clippers. Then he got paid with the Bucks and I haven't heard from the bamma since.
  11. You're always asking questions, so let me ask you one. Can this team build around John Wall and be competitive? If so, how long will it take?
  12. I don't know why, but I got a strange feeling that we will get another #1 pick this year. Which would make sense since there isn't any "next big thing" type players coming out. :doh: Yi= meh Jordan Crawford =
  13. I tried to defend Javale McGee on many occasions: after tonight, I won't do it anymore. I have come to a realization that he will never be an effective NBA Center. The Blazers are making him look like a poindexter out there.
  14. That's just crazy. I needed to hear the Green Machine after listening to that Friday song. Seriously!?!?
  15. No wonder GMU was kicking butt this year. If I had that band playing for me, I would kill on the court too......
  16. "That's what happen when you hot dog...... and McGee, we will see you on the Not Top 10." Every time I hear that I laugh. That made my night
  17. It just goes to show how far talent will get you. You can have all of it in the world, it might get you oohs and awes, but until you compliment that with some desire, some want, you will never be as good as you can be.
  18. True and False. Young is good, he is just in a funk. Booker is my man though. ---------- Post added March-15th-2011 at 09:12 PM ---------- I remember when I first saw him play when he was with Atlanta. He was shooting the ball good and I saw Crawford on the jersey so I thought he was Jamal Crawford. It will be interesting to see how he plays for the rest of the season.
  19. Cena had a nice comeback. I will call the first round a draw........
  20. I have been screaming this for the last 2 years.Cena as a heel would be great, but they are scared they would lose money from merchandise. Hopefully the ratings from The Rock would override that.
  21. When was the last time you saw someone get 20min on the mic. The Rock is the beast
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