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Posts posted by G.A.C.O.L.B.

  1. I know we lost, but I'm still shocked that Beal played... and played well IMO. I thought he might play on Friday, so to see him tonight was sweet.

    After tonight, I have absolutely no doubts that he's on the verge of suoerstardom. Like THIS season

    Is it just me or does Mark Cuban look like he's gotten some work done? Like botox or a facelift or something

  2. .

    But Randy trusts them and it looks like the trust is paying off with Wall because he's playing himself back into the game.

    Wall hasn't earned your trust yet? And even if he is sucking, you ain't gonna win with Andre Miller. Your only hope is that Wall gets his **** together

    I think the Skins have given us, all of us, sports fandom PTSD.

    But yeah, I wouldn't play Temple, period. I think it's time to see what Rice can bring to the table. And Seraphin...yeah. Time for Blair.

  3. Steve Buckhantz has always hinted at, if not outright said, that LeBron is the biggest egotistical douche he's ever been around and he can't stand him.

    Also heard an interview a few years back (ugh. I'm turning into Larry in my old age) with some local who used to call Mason games. Said the team was in Cleveland for a game and the day before they got tickets to the Cavs game. So after the game they were invited into the locker room to meet the players, particularly LeBron. So he said LeBron talked to them there were folks literally dressing LeBron. Like he would hold his arms out and they'd rub lotion on them, lift his foot up and they'd put a sock on, other foot, sock, then shoes, tied them. So on and so forth. Said it was the weirdest and most douchey thing he'd ever seen. Imagined that's how royalty lived in 18th century Europe or something

  4. Speaking of internationalI player, I wish the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Union had collapsed about five years sooner. I think we really missed out on something special by getting a Sabonis that was already on his third set of knees. Heard so many stories about how ****ing awesome he was.

  5. Nice moment for Kobe tonight as he gets to 32,000 points and the Lakers get a win. He's about a few weeks away from getting to Jordan's career point total. I should also add that this is the first game this season where Kobe's shot over 50% in a game. It took him until the 11th game of the year to do that.

    Kobe for MVP?

  6. Michael Adams is the new Wizards/NBA guy on 980. Loved him growing up (off the top of my head, my 3rd favorite Bullets guard from my childhood--Strick, 1, Robert Pack 2 and Adams 3). He's doing his first appearance now. So far so good, but nothing special. Gotta give him time to grow into the role.

    Having a total brain fart on who 980 had in that role last year (someone help me out here?) but I wasn't feeling him at all. He had a good radio personality but his bball and NBA knowledge left a lot to be desired.

    On the flipside, Laron Profit was OUTSTANDING before him. Full package, great radio personality, great bball knowledge (and great at sharing/communicating it) and still plugged into the League. It showed with the job he left the station for (Orlando Magic assistant coach--anyone know if he's still there?)

    Anyway, first impression of Adams, the opposite of last dude. Dry radio personality but great bball knowledge and good at conveying it.

    Sorry. I spend so much time in the car driving, I actually listen to the radio more than I watch TV. Probably the last person in the country saying this, but this ****, the radio, matters to me.

  7. God I can't stand how much time in between games there has been lately.

    You ain't lying. Like RA15 said, it feels like a goddamn bye week.

    That's one thing I love about baseball. There's a game damn near every night. And I like the night games, the norm for the NBA and MLB. It's the perfect way to wind down and close out the day.

    I could see his lockerroom being resentful of the money he makes. Although he is sure as **** more deserving of his money than Danilo Gallinari, Wilson Chandler, and JaVale McGee are of theirs. And I could see Faried viewing his contract extension as a mandate to lead while his teammates don't accept him as a legitimate leader. But I think it's a leap to go from that to egotistical primadonna. That conflicts with all the accounts that he's one of the league's good guys and a humble player.

    I think he'd be fine if Denver didn't have such a big leadership void.

    If you haven't already, you should read the article about Denver. Very interesting and right up your alley


  8. I could see Paul becoming a rich man's Andre Miller. Where he just lasts forever because of his style.

    But yeah, you know who fell off FAST? Deron Williams. He went from a superstar, franchise player in the same class as Paul, to eh, an average starting PG. Seemingly overnight. Makes me wonder if he was just overhyped and overrated from the start, that Jerry Sloan probably deserved more credit for him then he got. I mean he went from 20 and 10 in Utah to 14 and 6 last year.

  9. I like Wall, and Rondo's shooting is a huge problem, but Rondo is unique in how much he dominates a game from the point. He's a triple double machine, and Boston is so much better when he is in that it isn't even funny.

    He's so good they've been trying to trade him for three years and just took a point with their top pick. John Wall has shown you can build a team around him. Rondo has shown you can't. John Wall is a superstar. Rondo is a quirky, unique piece.

    That's my take anyway.

  10. I can't believe Rondo is shooting 30% from the line. If he finishes the season there, that's got to be an NBA record for a guard. He's actually shooting at higher percentage from 3. Head...hurts.

    And I swear to God I better not hear anyone put him on the same level as Wall again. No. Just no.

  11. Based on the rest of the article, how they have no superstar and how they overpayed him, I'm assuming it's the former. That he's some egotistical primadonna that thinks he's a top 5 player or something and should be treated as such

    Another thing with that article, it didn't say it flat out say it but I took their small bit about the Nene/Javale trade to mean that we won that (and they made it worse with Javale's extension).

  12. Hollinger is VP of Basketball Operations for Memphis now so I don't think he's doing too much writing these days.

    Nice win by the Bulls tonight, but still laughing at Butler's minutes. 45 tonight. I hope Thibs doesn't break him before he has a chance to get the max deal he's playing for.

    I'm absolutely positive I saw him and his rankings in some giant collection of NBA power rankings earlier today.

    Thanks for letting me know that though. I've been wanting a new WC team to follow and hate. Memphis it is.

  13. John Hollinger is the worst. I've hated his ass for about a decade now. I haven't read him anytime lately so maybe he's switched it up, but in the past, it's like all of DC slept with his wife AND his daughter. Always seemed like it pained him to say something positive about the Wizards no matter what (think a non-moronic, NBA-focused UnWise Mike).

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