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Califan007 The Constipated

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Posts posted by Califan007 The Constipated

  1. I'm pretty fascinated with movie psychopaths for some reason...seeing "We Need To Talk About Kevin" and "One Hour Photo" listed got me thinking of lesser known characters I thought were done well, although they may not be clinical psychopaths but something definitely off with all of them (you can guess the movies for ****s and giggles lol):
















    Can I also say that Michael Rooker has creeped me the **** out in every role he's done since seeing him in this movie lol...


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  2. In case anyone is interested lol...



    Anton Chigurh from 'No Country for Old Men' voted "most realistic psychopath ever"



    "...forensic psychiatrist Samuel Leistedt names the performance as the most realistic depiction of the mental illness in all of cinema. “They don’t know what an emotion is,” the psychiatrist stated in a real-life study that led Leistedt and his colleague Paul Linkowski to spend three years watching 400 movies in search of the most realistic depiction of psychopaths in cinema. 


    Reporting that depictions of psychopaths have gotten more realistic over time, Leistedt and Linkowski reported in the Journal of Forensic Sciences, modern versions provide a “compelling glimpse into the complex human psyche”. Noting No Country for Old Men as containing the very best portrayal, the psychiatrist recognised that the character “does his job and he can sleep without any problems. In my practice I have met a few people like this”. 


    Making a real-life comparison to two professional hitmen that he had previously interviewed, Leistedt stated that Chigurh reminds him of such a mental state, adding, “They were like this: cold, smart, no guilt, no anxiety, no depression”. 


    With his own twisted set of morals, Chigurh kills without purpose or mercy, representing an insidious phantom of modern America who stalks the land with genuine psychopathic tendencies.

  3. 2 hours ago, Darrell Green Fan said:




    About the only thing I liked about Gruden was, unlike most every other coach, he told it straight.  Remember what a big deal it was when he called out Robert for not having a clue, using a 1 step drop when it should have been 3?  That was a big deal because it was rarely done. Gibbs?  Come on, he went out of his way to back his players, he hid his true feeling from the press as almost every coach does. 


    The claim that coaches routinely call out players and give their true feeling to the press is nonsense. I can't believe I am even debating this.



    The ones I mentioned voiced their disappointment and displeasure when they felt it was needed. And unfortunately Sean Taylor gave ample opportunities for Gibbs to be disappointed during his first two seasons. You don’t have to be a Bill Parcells to make your feelings known. 

    2 hours ago, Burgold said:

    Well, towards the end Shanny definitely felt no desire to shield his players. He was happy to throw everyone under the bus, pour gasoline on their remains, light it up, and then detonate dynamite he placed along the bridge as he drove off.

    Towards the end?…Anyone else remember the Haynesworth and McNabb public feuds in the first season of Shanny’s tenure?

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  4. 16 hours ago, Burgold said:

    I don't really remember Gibbs actually criticizing a player publicly. I remember him going out of his way to put everything on his own shoulders.

    He wasn’t shy about Sean Taylor not showing up and not being able to reach him (I think he used “disappointed”, which—for Gibbs—is almost a profanity-laced tirade lol)…Wasn't shy about why he was not starting Ramsey when Brunell looked horrid in 2004 (although that one seemed due more to frustrations from the press and fans incessantly wanting Brunell benched than to anything Ramsey had done).


    And can’t say for sure but Gibbs may have said some stuff publicly about Lavar in 2005…it seems a foggy memory without me looking it up.

  5. 7 minutes ago, Darrell Green Fan said:

    How do you know he's satisfied? That contradicts everything he, as well as his DC, have said previously. 


    He said what he said recently because he didn't want to turn this into a big deal and cause friction and another controversy.  However if you believe everything a coach says publicly about his players is how they really feel well i don't know what to tell you because this is simply not true.  .  

    Gibbs, Shanahan, and Gruden had no problem voicing their displeasure in players’ actions. Rivera as well.

  6. 5 minutes ago, bowhunter said:

    I'm sure RR wants him there..

     PUBLICLY Coach says the right things and doesn't promote yet another distraction by voicing his disappointment, he's pretty good about that. but PRIVATELY I'm sure Coach wants all of his team there. Building unity, chemistry, and just being a "team."  What Coach wouldn't want that??


    I wouldn't be so sure he cares. Fans care and then they transfer that feeling to coaches and other players. Coaches may have a more pragmatic take especially when long-term rehab is involved. I don't know if there have been any "anonymous source" reports about Rivera being bothered with Young this year.


    What bothered me in the past were players who didn't communicate with the coaches or didn't get absences cleared with the coach ahead of time. From what I've read and seen neither of those is occurring here. So until I hear otherwise I'm not gonna assume Rivera or Del Rio are obsessing over Young's rehab absence like fans are.

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  7. 48 minutes ago, Darrell Green Fan said:


    Making the same argument over and over does not make you more right.  You keep referencing April while I have been talking about this OTA in May, which is why it is pointless for us to continue.  The altitude thing is yet another excuse  and it's amusing that you bought it.  If this were the case why wouldn't we see all players rehabbing an ACL heading to the high mountains?  


    On matters like this, I care more about Rivera's viewpoint than the fans' viewpoint. If he's satisfied with what Chase is doing and how he's doing it then so am I.


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  8. 6 minutes ago, bowhunter said:

    No, I think Wentz (sometimes pronounced "Wins" and sometimes pronounced "Wince" is just receiving a little unwarranted pessimism. Perhaps better term would be skepticism.


    I meant, you earlier said that Wentz received "a little unwarranted pessimism" and that's it. Then said Young received "a little unwarranted disappointment"...and then went into lengthy detail as to why that disappointment is actually warranted lol

  9. 28 minutes ago, bowhunter said:

    I would hope that neither gets any "hate." Wentz might be getting a little unwarranted pessimism while Chase is probably getting a little warranted disappointment. He's supposedly a team leader, elected a captain by his teammates. There's not a valid reason for him not to be there, even if just watching from the sidelines and helping rally his team. His individual rehab won't be completely thrown off by being at a lower elevation for a few 3 day sessions. IMO, He's being selfish and hence the expected reaction of disappointment from those who know what team leadership looks like.


    So...Wentz, then? lol...

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