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Califan007 The Constipated

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Posts posted by Califan007 The Constipated

  1. 3 minutes ago, TradeTheBeal! said:

    Mojo’s self-ownage is a pretty good time to remind everyone that the entire objective of the QAnon movement, and by extension the shambling corpse of the GQP, is to accuse political opponents of pedophilia/grooming as a pretense to rounding them up and murdering them.


    Thats it.  That’s the whole deal.  


    For them--and this has been underscored by Trump's time in office--the accusation is all that matters. They get off on the accusations and then try and shoehorn "facts" into their narrative to present it as proof and evidence. So because of that, we end up with pedophilia and human sacrifices in pizza parlor basements, hundreds of thousands of republican mail-in ballots found in trash cans, a plane full of Antifa dressed in all-black headed for BLM protests, and teachers around the country actively grooming 2nd graders by bringing in drag queens and teaching them about gay oral sex.


    Then it gets disseminated via wacked-out message board sites...which then gets tweeted, re-tweeted and facebooked...which then gets a bunch of shallow thinkers all excited because the accusation is all that matters to them and seeing those accusations on Twitter and Facebook somehow gives the accusations validity...which then gets GOP politicians giddy because they can use these accusations and the excitement caused in those shallow thinkers to their advantage, whether it be grifting them for money or taking out their political rivals for the purpose of gaining power.


    And it's obvious. Well, to most of us.

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    "Kill all gay people? Really?  Can you cite that?because that is complete bull****. "


    (is given citations of public figures advocting killing gays)










    "...at the other end of the spectrum you’ve got the “I’m a 400lb man who  identifies as a lesbian and enjoys banging farm animals, celebrate me!” crowd."


    (asked for citation of anyone saying they want to be celebrated for having sex with farm animals)




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  3. 8 hours ago, mojo said:

    Kill all gay people? Really?  Can you cite that?because that is complete bull****.

    Meanwhile you have the Speaker of the House performing in a drag show.  You tell me who is using their position of power to push agendas.



    Can you show me where anyone said they love having sex with farm animals and want to be celbrated because of it?...I'll wait. And, no, having a drag queen story time is not the same as "I have sex with farm animals, celebrate me!"




    GOP lawmaker Mike Hill slammed for joking about killing gays

    Republican state Rep. Mike Hill of Pensacola joked and laughed about a constituent’s comment that gay people should be put to death, according to the Pensacola News Journal, drawing harsh backlash against Hill from across the state on Friday.


    According to a News Journal transcript of the audio recording, which the paper said was released by Women for Responsible Legislation, someone at the May 23 meeting at Pensacola City Hall said to Hill, “In 1 Corinthians, it says that a man who has an affair with another man will be put to death.”


    Hill replied, “It says that in the Old Testament, too.” Another attendee then asked, “Can you introduce legislation?”


    There is some laughter, and Hill finally replied, “I wonder how that would go over?”




    Candidates won't call out host citing death for gays

    Three Republican presidential candidates spoke at a forum in Des Moines this month hosted by a pastor who raved approvingly that the Bible justifies killing gay people — “and I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ.”  But neither Texas Sen. Ted Cruz (since endorsed by Iowa’s Congressman Steve King) nor Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal nor former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee rebutted Kevin Swanson incendiary statements.


    On a video of the event aired on The Rachel Maddow Show,  you can hear applause and whistles from the audience. Swanson goes on to say he doesn’t  “advocate for our civil leaders to do this (impose the death penalty on gays) today” because dying itself isn't a big deal, though burning in hell, where gay people are bound, is. He says he would give them time to repent.


    Calls and emails seeking a reaction to Swanson's remarks by spokespeople for Cruz and Jindal (who suspended his campaign Tuesday) went unanswered. Huckabee’s spokeswoman Alice Stewart asked for documentation and was sent a video link. She responded the next day saying, "Gov. Huckabee appreciated the opportunity to speak with an audience in Iowa about the importance of standing up for our religious liberties."




    Tea Party Candidate Says It's OK To Stone Gays To Death

    Scott Esk, a Republican Tea Party candidate in Oklahoma, got into a debate on Facebook last summer in which he advocated killing homosexuals.


    “I think we would be totally in the right to do it,” Esk wrote in comments uncovered by Oklahoma journalist Rob Morris. “That goes against some parts of libertarianism, I realize, and I’m largely libertarian, but ignoring as a nation things that are worthy of death is very remiss.”


    When pressed, Esk added: "I never said I would author legislation to put homosexuals to death, but I didn’t have a problem with it."




    Gubernatorial candidate calls for ‘firing squad’ for Trans rights supporters

    Former Mississippi State Representative Robert Foster, a Republican who had served from January 5, 2016 until January 7, 2020 representing House District 28 in Northwestern Mississippi approximately 23 miles south of Memphis, Tennessee, tweeted out last week that it was his conviction that transgender people and their allies need to be shot dead by firing squad.


    Foster, who campaigned for the governor’s chair in 2019 lists himself on his Twitter bio as a “Man of Faith, and Constitutional Conservative.”





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  4. 31 minutes ago, mojo said:

    Pretty weird times.  One extreme you’ve got religious zealots and at the other end of the spectrum you’ve got the “I’m a 400lb man who  identifies as a lesbian and enjoys banging farm animals, celebrate me!” crowd.

    The difference is the religious “kill all gays and jail all parents of trans kids, let me control who you have sex with” zealots are actually running for office (and have allies already in place). 

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  5. 14 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:


    Frankly, I don't care who's in any government building if it's after hours, they don't have permits, etc. It's about time we take the rules seriously for anyone. No one gets a break. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Knowledge of the law and do it anyway calls for more punishment. The biggest mistake was made when Ford pardoned Nixon. 


    My takeaway from that video was how they were treating it lol...basically having a Triumph The Insult Comic Dog puppet in the Capitol after hours as the equivalent to the Jan 6 riots.

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  6. 18 hours ago, China said:



    Is he talking about those who are already in jail and those awaiting trial?...Because if so, how does this differ from the first time he supposedly promised pardons to those who took part in the "protests"? Cuz a lot of them were furious that Trump seemed to abandon them when all was said and done, and left them on their own. "But this time it's gonna be different...just get me back in office and you'll see!"

    • Haha 2
  7. 1 hour ago, Dan T. said:



    I don't think he felt threatened physically. The explanation was that he didn't trust that they wouldn't drive him away once he got in the car, which he did NOT want to do.  That was the explanation from his chief counsel yesterday, who said Pence was determined to finish the certification on that day and did not want to have the world see the Vice President evacuating the Capitol in the face of a riot.



    Say again? lol...I had to re-read those negatives several times...I think I get what you're saying? Are you saying The SS wanted Pence to get in the car but not to go anywhere, and Pece said to the guy who asked him to get in the car that if he were driving the car he'd get in--because he trusts the guy to not drive Pence away any way--but since he's not driving the car he thinks whoever IS driving the car will NOT stay there and will oh hell I give up lol...

  8. 4 hours ago, PeterMP said:


    My understanding is that the didn't get the car because he was worried about what Secret Service was going to do him, but because he wanted to stay on location to finish up the certification.


    4 hours ago, Renegade7 said:


    Same, jus wanted additional clarification from Pence himself on that (and don't blame him if he was also concerned about that as well).


    He should set the record straight himself in that one.


    The last hearing had a witness also say that, when someone said to Pence that he would be safe if he got in the car, responded with something like “No offense, but you’re not the one driving the car.” It came across as if he didn’t know who to trust.

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    Considering the realities of what was happening that day and that Pence's assassination was indeed planned to occur--and the realities of what would have happened if he went along with what Trump wanted--painting Pence in anything other than a positive light would have diluted the seriousness of the events of January 6th. You can't both say the ramifications of Pence following Trump's orders would have been catastrophic while also saying Pence not following Trump's orders is no big deal, he was just doing his job. I get why they were emphasizing that Pence put "the Constitution above party" in that moment...or more specifically, put the Constitution above Donald Trump.
    Because portraying Pence as some sort of last line of defense isn't to prop up Pence as a hero, but to really underscore and illustrate how close the events of Jan 6th came to undoing our democracy...because the GOP machine has spent a year and a half downplaying those events as "legitimate political discourse" and a "Tourist visit", and are still doing so now.
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  10. 12 minutes ago, EmirOfShmo said:

    Yeah, Pence hasn't been pounding his chest on doing the right thing. The video was more about someone doing the right thing and people patting him on the back for doing it. It's the people saying "He should be proud of what he did." No, he did WTF he was supposed to do. 


    Ah, ok...agree with you there.

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  11. 5 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:


    That was a typo, I'm fixing it now : )


    Yeah, I figured it out, but couldn't pass up the joke lol...


    To your point, it would be phenomenal if Pence testified and was honest while doing so...then again, it was admitted by Proud Boy or an Oath Keeper that they were indeed going to kill Pence if they got to him, so...


    The GOP needs their version of a Martin Luther King of sorts, someone to start a movement aimed at righting a wrong and being dedicated to it no matter what, and who can convince millions of conservatives to join the cauahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAAA 🤣...yeah, like that would ever happen lol.

    • Haha 2
  12. 10 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:


    He isn't even co-operating with the Jan 6 investigation to say anything though.  He probably would play this up if threatened with jail time or running for president.  Fine he isn't going from screen to screen biting Trump and risking losing his base even more...oh, yea...


    He doesn't have to be in front of Congress to proclaim himself a hero. He already publicly stated Trump was dead wrong in saying he could have legally derailed the certification, and didn't need to be in a hearing to do so.


    And you seem so hellbent on making sure Pence gets absolutely no credit for anything that you didn't even really understand the point of my post...which was to say that the Chris Rock clip actually doesn't apply to Pence, just the opposite in fact.

  13. 4 minutes ago, EmirOfShmo said:

    This Chris Rock video (NSFW) sums up my thoughts on Pence doing what he was supposed to do. He should have been more vocal about WTF was going on behind closed doors before January 6th. **** him. 




    Here's the thing about Pence and this Chris Rock clip: Pence is not out there calling himself a hero or anything. Other people might be, but he himself isn't on TV every other week extolling his actions as praiseworthy. In Rock's bit, Pence would be the man who stays out of jail and takes care of his kids without bragging about it. 


    My view on it all is kind of like the religious saying "Hate the sin, but love the sinner" except in reverse lol..."Hate the man, but loved his actions." Those actions deserve praise in my eyes. The man/politician himself...not so much.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Llevron said:

    I legit hate agreeing with you but this is correct unfortunately. It’s let them change their mind or watch them keep playing this ****ing game until we all lose something else. 

    It’s kinda the point. We win if they change their mind. It can’t a zero sum game for us. 

    That said **** Mike Pence. He showed more character than I thought he was capable of on the 6th and for that we should all thank him. But **** Mike Pence. 


    Whether we believe it or not, Jan 6th changed some Republican leaders' minds. Wouldn't surprise me if Pence was one of them.

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