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Posts posted by bearrock

  1. 1 hour ago, Renegade7 said:


    I recommend switching to desktop.mode in your browser on your phone, the word reparation, housing, and NYPD are not in 3 or 4:



    Still shows up on desktop 🤷‍♂️ (not sure why it would matter if it only showed up on some versions of the website and not others in any event.  If it's no longer their position, take it down)




    No land grabs, whether in Harlem, Lenapehoking, or Palestine. Cease expansion, provide reparations, and support housing for low-income Harlem residents. No development by Columbia without real community control.



    End the targeted repression of Palestinian students and their allies on and off campus, including through university disciplinary processes. Defund Public Safety and disclose and sever all ties with the NYPD.




    Surly complicated with respect to Civil Rights movement all the way up to NFL owners telling players to kneel in the locker room instead. 


    Protests aren't meant to make anyone feel comfortable like that, for better or worse.


    Sure.  But not all protests are always right (nor is the demand always reasonable) and you don't necessarily get blanket immunity just because your illegal actions occur during a protest either.  Once they break the law, they are saddled with the consequences.  History may look back on them as being on the side of justice and what's right, but that doesn't mean that all illegal actions during a protest gets a pass.  In the immediate, students are likely to get suspended, arrested, and they are going to have to live with the consequences of their actions.



    Protesting is about bringing attention to an issue and/or clarifying a request for a  specific change.  Blowing these young people off and saying if they want change they need to vote isn't true, they voting for Biden this November is giving no indication to a change in policy to giving Israel further military aid. 



    I don't think refusing to give in to their demand is the same as blowing them off, but whatever.  I never said don't protest and go vote instead.  But if they are going to say I'm not going to vote in the presidential election because the illegal actions during protests had consequences or because the university didn't cave to our demands, then fine.  There's nothing I care to say to change the mind of someone who thinks that way.  If they want to abstain from voting because Biden didn't do XYZ when Trump isn't going to be any better on that particular issue (most likely worse), then fine.  I don't think that's going to be a working democracy, but keep searching for the perfect candidate that will never come.  



    Those are separate matters and yes while I wish more young people voted, it starts with helping them feel they votes matter or they matter.  I've seen multiple pages where one viewpoint after the other shows people don't and are blowing them off. 


    That's not how voter outreach is supposed to work, telling people they don't matter until they are needed to win an election and shame them into higher turnout is dead ass wrong. And results speak for themselves.


    Sometimes their votes isn't going to immediately change the country's policy.  Suck it up.  Protesters drew the line at what they want.  If the majority of the country agrees, things will hopefully change.  If the majority doesn't want it, that's democracy.  Outreach or not, people who choose not to vote for whatever reason have zero right to complain about anything at all.

  2. 20 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:


    Where do you see reparation housing or severing ties with NYPD?


    Below is their specific list from the same link (in context this group says they date back all the way to 2016):




    This is one group, are they running point for this protest in Columbia?


    What about other campuses?


    At its core, we jus sent more money ($90+ billion) to three different countries in their war and defense efforts then the Federal Government allocated to our entire Department of Education (~$80 billion).


    In the middle of a student debt crisis, is it any shock college students are seemingly leading protests with respect to continuing to give military aid to Israel even though they are still planning to invade Rafah?


    Yes, our government should reconsider their stance on this issue in an election year instead of blowing this off as a bunch of angry youngin's who don't get how the world works yet. Especially when your asking for their votes to help save democracy in a couple months.


    Hmm, maybe it only shows up on the mobile version? (I'm using a phone).  Number 3 has the reparation and housing and number 4 has the sever with NYPD.


    Not sure who can be the "point group" per se in a campus protest, but seems like this one is the one often prominent in the news.  Perhaps it would actually be helpful if all or most of the groups involved in the encampment or occupation issue a agreed upon list of demands.  Not gonna imagine it's likely to cross that over to other universities.


    I have nothing to say against a student or anyone's right to protest lawfully.  I also think civil disobedience is an option, though that's on less absolute moral footing.  Interruption of other students' right to education is of course wrong, but I'm not sure if any of that really occurred or if that's just stirring the pot by certain members of the media.  Occupation of university building just seems to be asking for trouble, but if they are okay with the consequences, I guess they will live with the aftermath.  They shouldn't be shocked when they get slapped with consequences for breaking the law though.  No one ever said anyone has a legal right to protest unlawfully, though perhaps the history books will be kinder to them than the law books.


    As for the election, whatever.  Save democracy if they think it's worth saving.  Not sure how much of a democratic process it is to protest, occupy and demand instead of voting.  If the next occupation and protest is by a pro-Israeli group, then what?  If they have so little faith in democracy to not bother to attempt change at the ballot box and so little respect for it that they cannot accept defeat if their chosen position loses in the election, I'm not sure what democracy there is left to save anyway.


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  3. 14 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:

    Oh cool, I guess now we can take these campus protests seriously instead of ignoring them or jus sending the police in...


    If you don't schedule you server maintenance, your server will schedule it for you...




    Yeah....  pretty doubtful that Columbia is gonna cave to all their demands regardless of the escalation in protest. Ceasation of university expansion, reparation/housing for displaced residents, defund public safety and sever ties with NYPD?  Seems like a pipe dream to me.  Stick with the divesting in companies doing business with Israel (though the list seems overbroad when you include companies like Amazon, Alphabet, and Microsoft).  Cutting all ties with any Israeli universities?  Don't get the logic behind that one.  Divesting in weapons manufacturers is probably a targeted message that likely would have won broad support.

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  4. http://How did McDonald’s become a new flash point in the Israel-Gaza war? https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/10/21/mideast-mcdonalds-israel-arab-world/



    Meanwhile, in Israel, the local McDonald’s franchise has had to battle rumors that it’s supporting the Palestinians, threatening legal action against anyone spreading such stories. It said on its X account that it has donated 100,000 meals to security forces and local hospitals and is offering 50 percent discounts to members of the rescue and security forces.





    Mr Padan, however, is not new to controversy related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In the 30 years the businessman has been operating restaurants for McDonald's in Israel, he has been at the centre of a number of disputes.



    In 2013, the Israeli businessman angered Israel's settler movement when he refused calls to open a branch of the fast-food chain in the settlement of Ariel in the occupied West Bank. Mr Padan's company Alonyal was asked to set up a restaurant in a shopping centre but declined, saying the firm had a policy of staying out of the occupied territories.



    Mr Padan is one of the founders of the group Peace Now, which opposes all settlements and views them as obstacles to peace. Peace Now says he is no longer a member of the group, which was founded in 1978.



    A leader of the Yesha Council, the settlers' umbrella organisation, said at the time that McDonald's had gone from being a for-profit company to one with an "anti-Israeli political agenda".


    Yeah, sounds like a bloodthirsty zionist who wanted to do whatever he could in helping the Israeli mitary wipe Gaza off the map. 


    I know many attorneys who were personally vehemently opposed to the Afghanistan War but were happy to volunteer and take part in a program drafting free estate planning documents for soldiers being deployed overseas.  It doesn't take a lot of intelligence to separate the policy and the soldiers being forced to carry out that policy.


    Beginning to think there's no shortage of ****ing idiots in the world 🙄

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  5. 35 minutes ago, Fergasun said:


    BDS movement has been around a long time against Israel.  


    Bdsmovement.net indicates McDonald's Israel gave free food to Israeli solders.  



    They want a global boycott on McDonald's because a franchisee handed out free food to soldiers?  

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  6. What is the likely cost of getting Aiyuk?  Depending on the cost, couldn't we get him and frontload his contract to use up whatever unused cap space we have after rookie contracts to make him more affordable starting in year 2 of the contract?  

  7. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/04/26/trump-advisors-are-considering-plans-to-dramatically-revamp-the-fed-wsj-report-says.html



    Former President Donald Trump’s political operatives are putting together a plan that would give him unprecedented influence over the Federal Reserve, including a provision that could make him an “acting” central bank board member, according to a report from The Wall Street Journal.


    Not linking WSJ directly since it's paywalled, but cnbc article is not paywalled.  I cannot emphasize enough how terrible an idea this is.  To any voter with an ounce of sanity, this has to be straight up disqualifying regardless of party leaning.  If anyone wants an example how insane it is to have political concerns meddle with the central bank, just go look at the Turkish Lira since Erdogan's stupidity.

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  8. 1 minute ago, Wyvern said:

    Yes.  I just didn't agree with the decision.  You cam disagree with me,and we'll all find out later what was the reality was.


    It's one thing to disagree with the decision (plenty have), but you are ascribing intent and incompetence to Peters that is wholly unsupported by any evidence (refuted in the case of Kingsbury connection).  The notion that an up and coming GM with a long term view towards his own future in the league is going to torpedo his first stint as a GM by using the 2nd overall pick for a marketing juice instead picking who he thinks is the best pick is so beyond the realm of logic, it is in tinfoil hat territory.

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  9. 1 minute ago, Wyvern said:

    I was warned by people from cities whose franchises were bought by the Harris group, about how we may not like their changes to the franchise.


    What a bad short-term marketing driven choice by Peters!  My opinion only, but I'm too tired to invest in yet another Washington FO decision that could be questionable for the long term.  


    So first it was to cater to Kingsbury and now it's a marketing move?

  10. 10 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:


    If I start drinking now, i am afraid that one more post from @JamesMadisonSkins about trading down, one more about Drake Maye has to sit in his rookie season from someone, one more about Jayden Daniels is a straightline runner from someone -- and I might snap.  So am holding back for a bit. 😎


    Don't forget the Keim shade for reasons that passes understanding 

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  11. 1 minute ago, fanman8825 said:

    I am very depressed about it as well. I think Grant Paulson summed it up the best when he was on the Sheehan show yesterday. Finally someone on the radio said Daniels in his opinion was likely to bust out of the 5 quarterbacks. “


    I think at least 3, most likely 4 will be considered a bust out of the top 5 QBs.  There is rarely, if ever, a safe QB pick anyway.  I'm not gonna fault the team for swinging for the fences.  Hopefully it works out.

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