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Posts posted by MrSilverMaC

  1. Just curious as to what it would take for a dept to do the right thing from the jump in situations like this....

    Probably a cop beating someone to death then snearing the blood all over themselves and running into a store saying "I did it, and I liked it"

    Pretty sure that's only enough for paid administrative leave.

    It would have to be a cop killing another cop for them to do something.

  2. its daylight savings time of year again :(

    I think i am going to try coming in and leaving an hour earlier (pretend like daylight savings didn;t happen), but still.. the end of the bike season is drawing nigh

    You should win the lottery and winter here. Though this may not be the best year for it given El Niño and whatnot

  3. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/09/23/police-investigator-cops-beat-me-up.html

    CHICAGO — A man who investigates the Chicago Police Department for a living was beaten by officers once they discovered what he did, according to a lawsuit filed in federal court.

    George Roberts is a supervisor at the Independent Police Review Authority, the agency responsible for investigating claims of police misconduct and officer-involved shootings. On New Year’s Day 2015, Roberts was pulled over after he left a bar. One of six officers who stopped Roberts found his IPRA identification badge.

    Immediately afterwards, the police dashcam recording the traffic stop cuts to black;

    More at link.

  4. If you feel strongly against my comment, leave the U.S., form your own country and do what you feel like. And, if you don't like it, don't call 911 and bother the cops that, apparently, violate your rights.

    Most of this post was poorly done, but this part is the most ridiculous.

    U.S citizens who do not like that police are treating them in an in-American fashion should leave.

    Expectation of a professional/lawful police force is out of the question so don't call them if you don't like when they abuse rights granted to every citizen in the very documents that formed our country.

    I wonder if the police would mind giving me and the rest of those who shouldn't be calling them a refund of my tax dollars for almost 20 years of payments since they can't be bothered with doing the job they are paid for. Hell if I were a republican I might demand such incompetence be rewarded with minimum wage since any dumbass with a gun can take away people's rights and shoot unarmed citizens.

    Also, since you bring up the nra, there isn't a civilian alive (who isn't rich) who could unholster a firearm after pulling up to a strangers house they had been repeatedly passing in their car and threaten the home owner for video taping them and get away with only a paid "administrative leave" from their job. That's called assault with a deadly weapon and probably at least 5 other felonies the d.a would be more than happy to tack on for good measure.

  5. It certainly could have been better.


    nothing unconstitutional about police addressing threats ,w/o that you will find freedom even more limited.





    Addressing threats is fine, but address threats. Why is it that our military, who operates in actual war zones, is held to a higher standard with their rules of engagement? Why does a U.S soldier need to treat a foreign citizen in a foreign war zone better than a cop does a U.S citizen on U.S soil? How is that ok with you?


    Illegal search and seizure is a constitutional violation. Illegal imprisonment is a constitutional violation. Attempting to deny free speech is a constitutional violation. Cops executing citizens, especially when unarmed and posing no threat, and denying due process is a constitutional violation.


    Does it take white guilt to feel outrage when those things are denied to U.S citizens? As a person of the United States, who states they subscribe to the beliefs of a party that claims to desire limited government and greater personal freedoms, who hails from a state that is supposed to be famous for believing those things how is it that almost every post of yours in this thread is to defend, deflect, and condone the abuses I listed? And even worse, have stated that you don't necessarily mind and possibly deserve it if those things happen to you or your loved ones.


    We all speak in hyperbole online. It's easy to exaggerate an emotion or belief on here. But the things you've said exceed that. So I asked the question I did. Do you really and truly believe the **** you are typing in this thread or are you just fishing for responses? Do you understand the difference between the things you say you stand for and the things your words show you actually stand for?


    I'm looking for an actual answer, not a one or two line quip with an article of some guy/woman who did bad. I can drive down the street and find real life evil on my own if I want to.

    • Like 1
  6. white guilt be eating at ya Dog.

    That's one of the most horrible posts I've ever read from you.

    As a Texan, a republican, and a United States citizen do you not find the infringement of our freedoms and safety by a government body to be one of the most Un-American things you can think of? Perhaps you can help me understand why you seem to be supporting unconstitutional actions by a government body when you purport to be a supporter of limited government and an individual's rights?

    I apologize if the question seems a bit dramatic but I am having an impossible time reconciling what you claim to stand for and what you seem to not only be defending but flat out condoning in this thread.

  7. more than likely shot from the side from the autopsy , easy enough to determine where a bullet entered a car

    From this story a private autopsy says he was shot in the back: http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/08/06/an-unarmed-white-teen-was-shot-dead-by-police-his-family-asks-where-is-the-outrage/

    The officer fired twice, striking Hammond in the shoulder and torso.

    His death was classified as a homicide; an autopsy conducted by the Oconee County Coroner’s Office did not specify from which direction the bullets hit Hammond’s body.

    On Wednesday, Hammond’s family released the results of a private autopsy, which concluded that both bullets entered Hammond’s body from the back. According to the autopsy, the second bullet proved to be fatal, entering from the back of Hammond’s left side and passing through his chest, piercing his lungs and heart.

    I know sometimes things are blurry at the beginning and you could be right, but I'd be surprised to find out that this info is wrong.

  8. could be both and appropriate.....time will tell

    Pretty sure the independent forensics team determined that the car wasn't moving. That already makes the officer a liar. But of course as I pointed out, he did have the gf's ice cream cone to content with. That's worth shooting a y.o 19 in the back for if there was ever a reason.

    Oh, i read it (i actually posted it first, post 709). I just meant, i guess it's not EITHER jump out of the way OR shoot the guy. You can do both if you just disregard the standards for appropriate use of force.

    What good are standards if you can't disregard them at the crucial moment they were implemented for?
  9. Wouldn't getting out of the way be more effective self defense than shooting the driver? Better shoot him in the brain and hope it causes his legs to spasm and hit the breaks.

    Apparently he did since he shot the kid in the back.

    But we have to give the officer some slack, the girlfriend was wielding an ice cream cone. That officer was in danger of a brain freeze.

    • Like 1
  10. "all right... ALL RIGHT. all you kids gather around here. now........ were going in the store PEACEFULLY...... Slurpees for everyone. "

    I cheered (quietly--- didn't want a stern look thrown my way)

    That's a pretty awesome story man. Glad you got to enjoy the ride all around.

    • Like 1
  11. Thanks for the reply Silver.

    I went to a bike shop near my house, their entry level bike was $1,100 (and the sales guy was sort of a dick). There is a "bicycle coop" near my house that I plan to check out. http://velocitycoop.org/

    Also, now i am starting to lean towards a hybrid. There are a ton of trails near my house, i just want to exercise, i don't need a bike made out of ****ing carbon fiber.

    If he was trying to sell you carbon fiber he was trying to hustle you. The three I mentioned were all aluminum. A hybrid is really a good bike though. You're probably not gonna do any centuries on one but you get good work on them and a higher comfort level.

    • Like 1
  12. I recently had some foot issues and wont be able to run for awhile. I want to start biking for fitness. What are some good road bikes and how would you recommend proceeding for $500 or less?

    If you're willing to go about $700 you can get onto a brand new entry level allez from specialized, 1.1 from trek, or the defy 5 from giant. You can also find fairly good deals on Fuji bikes at performance and if you join their club and wait for a sale can get on a nice bike for around $500 and get some nice extras with the performance club thing.

    Also, if you're near a college there are usually bike shops selling really nice used stuff for good prices.

    Go to a few places and try out a few brands. This does a few things for you. First it'll give you a good idea what sized bike you need and second what type road bike/manufacturer you like. Each manufacturer generally offers a relaxed geometry as well as the more aggressive geo's for racing.

    Craig's list isn't a bad place but you need to know what you're looking for before wading into it.

    Does anyone have experience with Light & Motion USB rechargeable bike lights?

    I'm having trouble with both of the ones I bought recently and wonder if any of you have had similar issues.

    I use one on my bike. I've had issues with it not turning on once or twice in the year I've owned it but it's always turned on eventually. What's going on with yours?
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