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Posts posted by MrSilverMaC

  1. When I read the quote below, I feel like I am failing the test of being a decent human-being. I am having such a hard time not thinking they’ve earned where they are at instead of reserving judgement, let alone feeling compassion, for their situation.


    I’m sorry I feel that way. I’m sorry that the country is so divided that empathy for them is a struggle for me. I’m mad that their willful ignorance puts people I care about at risk. I’m mad that people who know better would rather lie and make the situation worse to further their ambitions than to admit an inconvenient truth.


    We’re about 1k deaths away from having lost more people to covid than the top 4 wars in our history combined. 606000+ dead Americans. 4 million+ world wide, and these people are surprised to find out it’s real… That it’s not some elaborate ****ing hoax that somehow the Democrats managed to convinced the entire rest of the world to join in on.


    If only someone had told them it was real, they would have gotten vaccinated…


    God help me, please.



    Juarez said many of his hospitalized Covid-19 patients are "shocked" that Covid-19 truly exists and that it can make people very sick and even kill them. "A comment they make all the time is that they wish that they knew they were going to end up in the hospital this sick and they would have made a different choice and got the vaccine," he said


    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, mcsluggo said:

    i don't know how there hasn't been a counter revolution yet...  

    American politicians, left and right (but especially the right), have made it much easier for them to double down on their brand of crazy and keep a hold on their power. If we would quit playing into the worst of the stupid **** their crazy ass leaders say about us it would probably go a long way towards helping that process along.


    Not that our badness justifies or excuses theirs, just my view on why they haven’t rid themselves of their jackass government.

    • Thanks 2
  3. 3 minutes ago, Hersh said:


    We are all jealous of his yacht and lambos now. It's all good. We are all just having a bit of fun with crypto investing and trying to learn more. I think the majority in here are skeptical of the real world applications while a few really believe in it.  We all we recognize it's a vehicle to potentially make some money before losing it all in an epic crash. 😅

    Lol, fair enough.

  4. 1 minute ago, Hersh said:


    You must be new here because the collective knowledge about crypto on this thread is slightly above


    New to the thread, certainly. Lol. Though I just started reading the beginning of it to see if an answer might have already been given.


    Volsmet wasn’t being very nice at the beginning, I’m trying to see if that gets better later on.

  5. 58 minutes ago, purbeast said:

    18 hours into my 2nd dose, my shoulder is noticeably more sore than it was after the first shot. It's not like I can't move my arm or anything, but it feels more sore than before.


    I also have a headache right now and I "feel" like I could have a mild fever too. I'm going to hold off on taking any medicine for the time being and see if it just goes away but I'm planning on not going to the gym today like I usually do around 9:30am, unless I feel like 100% by then but I highly doubt that will happen.

    I got mine yesterday too.

    My shoulder was sore as well, but luckily for me it’s largely gone now. I think I had a very slight bout with nausea while driving not long after getting it but other than those two things, I don’t have any side effects.

  6. On 1/26/2021 at 8:42 PM, NoCalMike said:

    I have a hard time believing Cruz is dumb enough to believe the "Cares more about what the citizens of Paris think" line, but the fact that he actually tweeted it out into the world convinces me he thinks his supporters are indeed that dumb.


    No, I agree that he’s  throwing that chum out to his voter base which he obviously had a low opinion of. But there are too many soundbites of the dumb **** he says for me to think he’s not dumb enough to believe a large portion of the ignorance that spews out of his mouth


    On 1/26/2021 at 9:57 PM, tshile said:

    Usually dumb people aren’t the ones that take advantage of dumb people. 

    If by usually you mean most of the time, you may be right. If instead you mean commonly, I would definitely have to disagree. Dumb people take advantage of dumb people all the time. I see multiple instances of it at work every day.

    All you need to take advantage of people is sufficient charm and the will to do so. Intelligence helps, and can turn a simple con man into something more dangerous, but isn’t required.


    On 1/27/2021 at 8:28 AM, techboy said:


    I guess, maybe, but I'd suspect most people that are plugged in enough to follow AOC (or Ted Cruz) on twitter are fixed in their views enough that it doesn't sway much.


    It's easy to forget that those of us that read these threads are WAY more engaged than the average voter. 99% of the voting populace probably has no idea this exchange even happened. A lot of this is just (entertaining) political theater.


    Now, that being noted, this IS what makes her efforts of outreach on Twitch and other platforms so interesting... if she DID get otherwise disengaged people following her on Twitter because she's cool, then...


    I agree with the point you are making in your post but it isn’t one I was trying to address.


    The part of my post you quoted was simply guessing that that McConnell, who is very intelligent, has to groan/facepalm at these just out of principle. McConnell has a master plan that guys like Cruz make harder by putting themselves in the spotlight looking like idiots. Sure it whips their less intelligent voters into a frenzy, but it also fires up their opposition.

    • Like 3
  7. Cruz is a ****ing 1st class dunce, but even he’s gotta be sentient enough to feel that burn, right?


    I imagine that McConnell has to be sitting there face-palming that hideous sagging slab of flesh attached to the front of his skull every time one of these seditious boobs sets AOC up to knock another one out of the park on Twitter.

    Unfortunately their voter base is too stupid to appreciate the artistry and beauty in the burns served every time some idiot like gaetz lobs one her way.

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  8. On 11/10/2020 at 4:58 PM, Califan007 said:

    Extremely NSFW lol...







    *Mods: I posted this before listening to the entire video lol...if you think it's a little too much feel free to delete it 😂

    Kermit didn’t take that lying down. D-Reezy ain’t want that smoke, son!



    just as nsfw as the first one, I don’t post much but please don’t ban me for it 




    • Haha 1
  9. 3 hours ago, bearrock said:

    @MrSilverMaC Your team just won a WS after a 32 year old drought.  You shouldn't give a rat's ass about what other people have to say about your team's championship.


    I would venture to guess that most of the comments about illegitimate championship or striping title is made in jest or trash talking.  Salary thing and comparison with NFL is kind of apples and oranges because of soft cap vs hard cap, but it's not like LA broke the rules, so why should any Dodgers fan care?  I doubt any team's fans would complain if their team had a super high payroll to win a championship.  

    You right 🙂

    • Like 2
  10. As a Dodgers and Football Team fan, I’m not surprised that the Dodgers aren’t a board favorite but I have a few questions/comments for my fellow posters in this thread after reading some of the posts since last night:


    For the guys making comments about the Dodgers payroll, did you make those comments about the skins all the years their payroll was near the top, or is it only something you say when you don’t like the team? Or maybe it’s only an issue if that team is actually successful due to spending the majority of that money on the guys they grew in their own system. I know I’ve personally never read any comments on this board about having an owner willing to spend money/out-spend small market teams or bragging about the d.c area market size during free agency so at least no one here is being hypocritical...


    The asterisk comments regarding season length, I think it’s terrible they didn’t let whomever your team is play this season too. I’m assuming you make sure to throw those same comments out there during conversations about 2/3 of the Skins Super Bowl wins too, right? Asking for a friend.



    Justin Turner is a **** bag for doing what he did. I don’t know who circumvented what to have him playing, but once he knew he should have kept his super-spreader ass away from everyone.
    The one comment about them stripping the title is ridiculous, even taking into consideration hyperbole.
    If the astros and red sox get to keep theirs after an entire season of systemic cheating vs every team they faced, then I highly doubt they even entertain that thought even when weighing it against the real danger Turner put his teammates, their families, and league officials in.


    I’ve been boycotting watching any professional sports at all this year because I think it’s moronic that these players put themselves in exactly this kind of danger to play a game. Especially since most of them are too stupid to exercise the type of caution it would take to keep themselves and those around them from getting sick. I’d bet a ridiculously large sum that almost to a man these dudes either don’t believe covid is real or think that because they are in shape they can’t get it. But that’s probably a conversation for another thread.

    • Like 1
  11. McCarthy can’t win with Rodgers, and you want him here with Dan and Alex?


    Tomlin’s success is all about him reaping the benefits of probably the best f.o in football providing him with an outstanding offense along with crushing defenses and you want to pair him with Dan and whoever our “gm” is hoping we can reproduce that here? He has rothlisberger, Antonio brown, other assorted all-pros. We have Alex Smith and doctson. Just sayin.


    And unless you’re thinking Jim harbaugh, I want no part of John. An offensive coach that’s responsible for the joke that’s been baltimore’s “offense” for years doesn’t exactly warm the loins.


    Just Incase you did mean Jim, I don’t think Jim would want to trade one dumbass nfl owner and dysfunctional f.o for a second probably worse set of dumbass owner & f.o as his second foray into nfl head coaching gigs. But I guess we can dream, right?

  12. 3 hours ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

    I'd like to add our D coordinator to the list.  And when Sexy Rexy gets fired we sign him for that spot.


    (Yes I know this is not a coordinator list but I tied it in with Rex)

    Considering the number of times a Ryan has found themselves in the unemployment line after being beaten like a silver mullet'd step child by the Skins, I doubt he'd want to coordinate for them.

  13. 1 hour ago, Ludomaniac said:

    Does anyone else get annoyed by bikers on the roads when there is a sidewalk next to them?  I understand when there is no other option, I (As a biker) will jump on the road when I have to and as soon as Im able to get off, and onto a sidewalk, I do.  I feel Im allowed to criticize cyclists fairly because I am one

    Your bike is considered a vehicle here in az and riding on the sidewalk is illegal. You're expected to ride in the street and if there is no bike lane to own the lane like you were a car.

    Perhaps you should take the time to read more about cycling, my guess is you're the one in the wrong where you live.

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