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Posts posted by MrSilverMaC

  1. McCarthy can’t win with Rodgers, and you want him here with Dan and Alex?


    Tomlin’s success is all about him reaping the benefits of probably the best f.o in football providing him with an outstanding offense along with crushing defenses and you want to pair him with Dan and whoever our “gm” is hoping we can reproduce that here? He has rothlisberger, Antonio brown, other assorted all-pros. We have Alex Smith and doctson. Just sayin.


    And unless you’re thinking Jim harbaugh, I want no part of John. An offensive coach that’s responsible for the joke that’s been baltimore’s “offense” for years doesn’t exactly warm the loins.


    Just Incase you did mean Jim, I don’t think Jim would want to trade one dumbass nfl owner and dysfunctional f.o for a second probably worse set of dumbass owner & f.o as his second foray into nfl head coaching gigs. But I guess we can dream, right?

  2. 3 hours ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

    I'd like to add our D coordinator to the list.  And when Sexy Rexy gets fired we sign him for that spot.


    (Yes I know this is not a coordinator list but I tied it in with Rex)

    Considering the number of times a Ryan has found themselves in the unemployment line after being beaten like a silver mullet'd step child by the Skins, I doubt he'd want to coordinate for them.

  3. 1 hour ago, Ludomaniac said:

    Does anyone else get annoyed by bikers on the roads when there is a sidewalk next to them?  I understand when there is no other option, I (As a biker) will jump on the road when I have to and as soon as Im able to get off, and onto a sidewalk, I do.  I feel Im allowed to criticize cyclists fairly because I am one

    Your bike is considered a vehicle here in az and riding on the sidewalk is illegal. You're expected to ride in the street and if there is no bike lane to own the lane like you were a car.

    Perhaps you should take the time to read more about cycling, my guess is you're the one in the wrong where you live.

  4. 32 minutes ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

    The odds are based on the amount of money they expect to receive on each side. It's less about what they think will happen and more what they think or need people to bet to have even money on both sides 

    Vegas odds are absolutely based on what they think will happen. Vegas is about money, they set long odds on something because they don't think it's going to happen.

    They tinker with lines to even money. The skins line by bovada hasn't moved. Dallas dropped to the same odds as Washington, ny's got better.

    in essence bovada is saying a dak-led Dallas team is as good as Washington's best shot. You can try to rationalize it however you like, but it's an insult no matter how you slice it. 

  5. I wasn't mad when Vegas picked Dallas as the favorite to win the division. I'm not mad that the skins still aren't favored to win the division by some picking the giants over us. 

    That being said, how the **** does bovada justify giving Dallas the same odds as the skins after romo goes down? I don't need someone else to validate how good the skins are in general, but that is a straight up insult.

    I hope they lose a ton of money on that idiocy.

    • Like 2
  6. Saw Suicide Squad, felt it was pretty bad. They are too heavy-handed with their cgi and the story line for this was terrible imo. There were several points in the movie where either the story line, acting, or cgi made me cringe.


    If it had been released with no other semi-recent comic book movies it would have been bad, but when held to the standard that Marvel has created it looks even worse. I had no intention of telling my girlfriend what I thought of the movie (she wanted to take me out and this is what she took us to) but as we walked out of the movie theater she lamented how poorly D.C has been executing it's cinematic attempts when compared to Marvel.


    I haven't been excited to see a dc movie in forever but i am actually looking forward to the ww movie, hopefully it makes up for this one.

  7. rode to work yesterday. It was my first ride in a while and probably not overly wise in retrospect. 10 miles with a steep 300ft climb vs a headwind in 97 degree weather.

    Had to dismount at the top of the hill, but I made it to the top first, so I guess that's a win.

    • Like 2
  8. 1st Larry, what exactly do you think it means for the article to state that over 20,000 defendants were affected by this? Because to me that would be 20k+ cases of her tampering.

    2nd, while not all of the people who's case she tampered with were completely innocent of all crimes, the fact that she tampered with with their case means they were likely innocent of that crime.

    This isn't meant to be a shot at you but my guess is that you're skimming the article instead of reading it to try to stick to your point or that you're having the same issue that I'm having in that the number is so unbelievably hard to wrap your head around.

    It's not hard to imagine she touched 40k cases over 10 years of work, or that a little more than 1/2 of the cases she touched she tampered with. It is hard to believe that one person could attempt to wrongfully send 24k innocent people to jail by lying though, because that number, when tied to the actual human cost is, mind numbing.

    To imagine 24k people, imagine taking the entire undergraduate class at Virginia tech or u of Maryland and framing them for felony possession of drugs. That's a similar scenario minus the length of time, of course.

    For a closer example for you Larry, you could frame the entire undergraduate class at the university of Miami this year, let enrollment fill up to its previous level after that, do it again, let it fill up once more, and then take half that class too.

    If you want to keep arguing semantics you should probably just pm about it though, cause at this point anyone reading this has already made up their mind whether your version of the wording or mine was correct as the number of people affected has already been established in two different articles.

  9. Note: 24,000 cases she touched. Not 24,000 cases of tampering.

    Yeah, no. 24,000 cases of tampering.


    Here's a new wild twist for me. When I read the original article I posted I saw 24,000 cases and thought to myself "ok so 24,000 cases, unbelievably terrible number, but I'm sure that some of those cases were one person with repeat offenses." That second link I posted says at least 20,000 defendants

    20k plus individuals. One person did that. One person sent an obscene number of innocent people to jail by lying.

    I can't even begin to wrap my head around it. And all she got was a 3-5 year sentence and early release on parole.

  10. I'm sure some/most of you had already heard about this, but I hadn't until I read the article two days ago. After two days I still don't have any words to properly express how I feel about this. Rage doesn't fit, though there is certainly some of that.



    Annie Dookhan, the convicted former drug lab chemist, was responsible for testing evidence in more than 24,000 cases that resulted in convictions during her 10 years working for the state — a quarter of the successful prosecutions by the district attorneys that used her laboratory, according to figures released Thursday by the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts...



    Five years after the scandal broke, the vast majority of defendants who were convicted based on evidence that Dookhan tested have not been notified she was involved in their cases, or that they can appeal their convictions...



    Dookhan was a chemist at a Department of Public Health-run laboratory in Jamaica Plain from 2003 to 2012, before an audit by the State Police — who had been taking over the laboratory’s drug-testing duties — uncovered problems. An investigation found that Dookhan had certified substances she never tested, mixed substances with drugs so they tested positive, or given the wrong weight for substances. When confronted by investigators, she lied.



    In 2013, Dookhan pleaded guilty to tampering with evidence and filing false reports and was sentenced to three to five years in prison. She was released on parole in April.


    24,000 cases. She got 3-5 years for 24,000 cases of tampering. Even if you assume an average of 3 cases per person, that's 8k people. How is tampering not considered tantamount to kidnapping?

  11. Florida woman shoots husband in testicles after learning of affair, police say

    Victoria Reid, 60, of Melbourne was arrested in Brevard County, Fla. and charged with aggravated battery with a deadly weapon, aggravated assault, kidnapping and shooting or throwing a missile into a dwelling, jail records show.

    Police say Reid threatened to shoot her husband in the face and kill him, CBS 12 reported. She is accused, though, of shooting him in the knee. The bullet ricocheted and ended up in his testicles.

    Click on the link for the full article

    First of all, wtf is "throwing a missile into a dwelling" and how is that the same as shooting someone?

    Second, that ricochet was some bad luck :(

  12. I couldn't resist the good weather any longer, finally broke down and got my entry level hybrid/commuting bike.

    It's a Kona, and per McSluggo's advice/past experience, I got those Gatorskin tires put on it. Just the bike and a helmet to start. I took it out for six miles yesterday and learned a few things.

    1. I need padded shorts. Bad. I am walking bowlegged today. I am not as resistant to this sort of thing as it was when I was a teenager.

    2. I've got a long way to go before I can maange the 25 mile roundtrip biking to work.

    That's awesome man. Congrats. And yeah, those first few rides can be rough. But I'm guessing that the fun of riding probably easily outweighed the soreness.

  13. So I'm just curious. I have a super low opinion of the walmartyr's IQs, but how exactly did these "seals" say they were going to parachute in that caused these troglodytes to believe them?


    Do they suppose that the federal government has been so focused on the retards in the sanctuary that they can simply fly a plane of any sort over the sanctuary to parachute in without any challenge? That the U.S government has shutdown and has somehow forgotten to pay the FAA and numerous military installations around our country and that there is now no more radar? That somehow this group of "seals" posses stealth c130's? What runway are they taking off from? Or do they own catapults and plan to be launched into the compound?


    If anyone knows I'd be seriously interested in reading the info you have.

  14. The trial of a Florida man accused of killing his wife and then posting a photo of her corpse on Facebook resumed Friday. Derek Medina, 33, of South Miami, is accused of killing 27-year-old Jennifer Alfonso in August of 2013.

    State prosecutors allege Medina,”an undefeated, 200-pound amateur boxer who was much larger than his 5-foot-6 wife,” killed Alfonso because she threatened to leave him. His Facebook post, state’s attorney Leah Klein said, was his way of “claiming victory.” Medina admitted to the shooting in the posting, claiming his wife had assaulted him.

    Medina is countering that he uploaded the photo in an attempt to show family what allegedly happened: That Alfonso pulled out a knife after the two began arguing. After supposedly disarming his wife, she attacked him again. Medina’s defense attorneys are also claiming Alfonso abused drugs, battered her husband, and was involved in Satan worship.



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