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Everything posted by dfitzo53

  1. A fight over whether he's a fan or not is just what this thread needs. More funny, less drama.
  2. Should you engage the parking break on an automatic even on level ground? If so, should you do it while the car is in drive/reverse, or in park? I've heard all different things on that subject.
  3. You gotta do what you gotta do. I understand that. I don't think that you can say this thread is really intended to be kid-friendly though. I understand that's supposed to be the standard for the tailgate, but if I were a parent there are plenty of things that go on here that I wouldn't want my kid getting into. Are pictures of people growing marijuana really appropriate for kids? How about some of the UFC sigs of people getting the **** kicked out of them? Depends on how you're defining kid I suppose.
  4. Especially when they're wearing Cowboys gear.
  5. Wonder when that pic was taken. I drive by that sign on the way home from work every day. I guess I get them, but I don't think they're all that funny. There are a couple of particularly well photoshopped ones though.
  6. I think the funniest part about the bat pic is that it hit the only dude in that section of the stands who wasn't ready at all. Everyone around him at least had their hands up. (Yeah, I know there are a couple people just chilling, but they aren't really in the path of the bat.)
  7. I don't think you understand. She had her waist through one of the leg holes, and one of her legs through the waist of the thong. It was completely messed up.
  8. I think you should let Sweet Sassy Molassy speak for himself instead of just volunteering him.
  9. Coincidence that someone named BALLz posted this? I think not. Is there something you're trying to tell us? Not that there's anything wrong with that...
  10. For those who don't read German, that says, "Sharply reduced!"
  11. Weather bloopers: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jX1flbgequ8
  12. No offense, but you should probably wear some clothes if you're going to put pictures of yourself on the internet. That's not a good look for you.
  13. I don't think someone who's taken it upon himself to decide when people should and shouldn't share their opinions ought to be throwing around the "thread police" label. Let's just get back to some funnies.
  14. Literally saw the graded paper with my own eyes.
  15. From the same site: One of my high school classmates wrote that for his senior year Geosystems class. His teacher was the easiest grader in the world. Note he got full credit for it.
  16. Normally I don't bother, but that one made me laugh. Plus it seemed an easy way to change the subject.
  17. I think you mean People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, not Pain in the Ass.
  18. And the guy who upended his monitor onto the copier. What in the world was he trying to do? "Oh, you want to spray toner on my shirt? Here, copy a monitor, *****! What now?"
  19. :laugh: A couple of those make me wonder if it's real, but it's funny nonetheless. The brawl in the call center with everyone else still talking on the phone is priceless.
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