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Everything posted by Isifhan

  1. I hope every one of the mother****ers goes to jail. Every single one.
  2. How are they screwed if no one is willing to enforce any of the consequences?
  3. They were but were they traitors? Because that's what they are now, and I can't believe they are doing it for a guy that would turn on his mother if it meant saving his own skin. This is such a sad day, not sure America recovers from this to be honest.
  4. agree 100%. The only way to fix this mess is to take back the House and Senate and Trump and the GOP don't seem, by their actions, too worried that, that will happen...
  5. It'd be funny if it wasn't so ****ing sad. We were on top of the free world at one point and had lots of warts and flaws but we were never a laughing stock or reality tv sideshow.
  6. Cool bribery is lawful now.
  7. Can you expand on this a bit? How would one accidentally run afoul of a conspiracy charge if she's not suspected (and assuming she actually didn't) do anything wrong? Just curious about this. Iit must suck to be a low level person who genuinely did nothing wrong (not saying SHE did or did not) caught up in the Trump Tsunami having to hire lawyers and everything else if it's out of your own pocket.
  8. If it's true these things typically are never an isolated incident. I'd imagine the flood gates will open.
  9. I wouldn't mind a quick PhD - need to find out where this bozo got his. Wonder if he can hook a guy up.
  10. We have rules for any television and radio ad that's currently run including the fact that you have to note who it's paid for at the end of the commercial. Social media needs to adopt these standards ASAP or it will continue to be this way. Social media sites love their money though so I'm sure it will be met with a ton of resistance.
  11. Everyone is playing Chess and Trump doesn't give a **** what anyone is playing. They are operating like whatever he does won't matter and he won't have to answer to anyone. To me that's the troubling part here.
  12. Why the hell does counsel have any say in how long someone needs to testify before the panel?
  13. If we manage to survive this mess and retake a majority in the House and Senate in '18 priority one needs to be closing these loopholes so this **** can never happen again.
  14. Unfortunately I think it's about 0. The one thing that bothers me about all of this and I've mentioned it in a post before, they are so brazen, it's like they know nothing is going to happen to them. Regardless of any outcome, regardless of if Mueller finishes his investigation and finds collusion or if he's fired before he can. They just don't seem to give a ****, and when you don't give a **** you're operating with the information of you know nothing is going to happen. I hope I'm wrong but I don't see this ending the way it should or at least with the minimal amount of justice being served.
  15. Convinent that he doesn't mention that everyone typically has car insurance which keeps the premiums down.
  16. Very sad, I have very little faith in our democracy right about now. Everyone is out to cover their own asses, sadly I don't see getting any real answers on this one way or another - all of these people are just doing what is politically expedient.
  17. If there's a tiny sliver of bending the rules so that he can cover his ass he will do so. I'm sure of it.
  18. Does exec privilege stop Comey from testifying in any setting or just public settings?
  19. Powell should be the example for McMaster and reinforce that what he's starting to do is going down a dangerous path at the very least.
  20. Well - look at that https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/european-official-to-ap-country-might-stop-sharing-intel-with-us-if-trump-gave-classified-info-to-russian-diplomats/2017/05/16/d0bd76fc-3a3a-11e7-a59b-26e0451a96fd_story.html?utm_term=.24b94bda97bd
  21. I can't tell if you are serious. That's exactly what could happen. If there is an ally, who has sources in place who thinks by sharing information with the US will jeopardize those sources/assets, that information will stop flowing. Again if you don't think that's a possibility, you are extremely short sighted. Perhaps the things we worry about never happen because that intelligence has been flowing freely to us. Why would you be OK with ANYTHING that could possibly jeopardize that?
  22. Extremely short sighted. What ally would continue to share intelligence with us if they don't have confidence that anything they share can't be held in confidence and would risk said allies assets. You don't think that would be a problem? You don't think that's already becoming a problem? What happens when that lack of intelligence sharing directly leads to another 9/11 style attack? Would you care then? Or would you still be non plussed.
  23. I heard it wasn't certified but it DEFINITELY had some form of tracking number.
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