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Status Replies posted by Jumbo

  1. Jumbo is screwing with me in the Stadium now. So I guess this is it for me. Good Luck . They really need to get rid of Jumbo as a moderator.

    1. Jumbo


      i'm not surprised to see this here :)  and i will respond here since board moderation and a specific mod has been made an item (another rule violation, not that it will matter), though i will likely come back later and edit this post as an appropriate courtesy to grego
      this post will be duplicated in your (noinney) user notes
      nonniey--you have zero valid case for complaints per moderation and your struggles with such is well past ok now...you have simply been held accountable for properly documented rule violations and it's worth adding that you have also had your share of breaks and moderator assistance over the years, inc from me in case you forget
      all applied rule violations are documented and all mods and admin receive notification of such actions and they are always open to review or comment in our mod/admin discussions
      scrutiny is routine
      if you---or anyone :) --don't like the end product here, we can easily accept that, but you are still expected to follow rules and guidelines (which includes mod directives) if your goal is to remain even with your disapproving takes on board management
      obviously a number of, to you, problematic es-centric issues are dominant in your thoughts as expressed in your content...this runs the gamut from the tailgate sociopolitical conversations as you see them, to the team's name change and other off-field issues the last year, and even to the noble-oppressed-crusader-type thinking shown in your "about me" comments on your profile page...it seems you even changed your date of birth to 1892 to "carry a message" (internet crusader style)
      this type of  'inner noise' aligns with many other comments you've made in those arenas and likely contributes to your issues with adhering to our rules and guidelines, in more recent times especially...bottom line, we accept this is not the place for you and we're ok with that 
  2. Jumbo why did you edit what I posted?  I'm confused and don't know what was wrong with it.

    1. Jumbo


      answer lies in what the edit says (yes, i know how you'd explain the alteration as something that shouldn't be a problem)


      there's a long post for you on the way to that thread but it will be a minute yet

  3. Thanks I just wasted 2 hours creating a post with sourcing that showed that Griffin was a better prospect in 2012 than Haskins is this year.

    1. Jumbo


      aw---damn---do this--start a new thread with your material and some padding for a nice op  for haskins--- which i was thinking of suggesting at the time---and use that---say you got clearance ...and good work lol

  4. Hi everybody, I'm happy to join Extremeskins. My english isn't very good, so I decided to study it with I really Love: Washiongton Redskins. I have bbe a supporter of Redskins since 1985 and I think something divine wants my life to cross with Redskins, indeed my son was born during the Redskins' superbowl celebration: 27/01/1992. I hoper to find friends here and maybe join some of you during a Redskins match.

    1. Jumbo


      Welcome to our Italian brother! Our European contingent is growing. I hope you enjoy the site. You picked an exciting time to come aboard. :)

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  5. Thank the universe that we're on the verge of having some actual new and real meat to discuss football-wise!

  6. On the day I was born The nurses all gathered 'round And they gazed in wide wonder At the joy they had found The head nurse spoke up Said "leave this one alone" She could tell right away That I was bad to the bone

  7. Is RG3 un-coachable? IsSean Mcvay over his head ? What does a NFL safety look like ?

  8. The Further Adventurous of UnWise Mike https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BqsIt6DCUAAO5db.jpg

    1. Jumbo


      jeebus...braindead, ethic-free, hypocritical. sad what "sports journalism" has descended to.

      i think mike would be good at scripting the kind of "reality" shows that leave decent people concerned for humanity.

      of course, HE will think he is writing "real reality."

      "Tool, thy name is Wise"~~The Book of Jumbo

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  9. HapHaszard needs a back up. I would be that guy if i new how without getting banned.

    1. Jumbo


      I guess the obvious thing to do PM Hap tell him. Then he & TK can work on it, rather than "post" it here (like we keep telling you guys not to do :) ). And thanks for being willing to step up. .

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. Allday you are a JOKE

    1. Jumbo


      Actually, Allday, no ban for you on this.

      Nopw the rest of you best learn how to use this feature if you're going to use it at all. (this is NOT an invite to converse).

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  11. Allday you are a JOKE

    1. Jumbo


      Skinsffl and Allday the latest two posters now permanently banned for abusing this feature. Another one will be for the dupe acct.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  12. Other mods have said it before, but don't use status updates simply to make the same kind of "post" you should be making in a topical thread.

    1. Jumbo


      I need to make it clear that no one's views are more important than techboy's, whatever form they take. And I want that video destroyed, like you promised.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  13. Other mods have said it before, but don't use status updates simply to make the same kind of "post" you should be making in a topical thread.

  14. How do I acknowledge a warning? Link doesn't show up and I don't wanna be grounded anymore.

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