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Posts posted by nonniey

  1. 3 hours ago, Cooked Crack said:


    Not really an important development as she has been calling for a new independence referendum many times since the last one was rejected.  It won't be considered by the new government so she will probably have to wait a while (probably won't happen in her lifetime). The Labor party  also isn't too keen on Scotland leaving.

  2. Hell just because the bad guys (and the darkside) win in the end everyone goes bonkers. It's just a movie about a fictional society. Shouldn't get that emotionally attached.













    ok I really have no idea what happens so if this is correct it is only an inadvertent spoiler.

    • Haha 1
  3. What I find amusing is the wringing of hands by many of you Dems over the Tory victory. When in actual effect the Dems are closer to Tory beliefs/policies/positions than they are to Labour.  In fact the Dems would be to the right of the British Conservative party if they transplanted themselves to Britain.  

  4. A lot of you seem forget that Corbyn as PM would have been the worst case scenario.  He would have been a catastrophe for British, US and European interests. He was what other Labour members called a Trot, as in a Trotskyist/Marxist.   If there was any one person Putin would want as PM it would have been Corbyn.

  5. 1 hour ago, Destino said:

    I don’t follow U.K. politics, but Jeremy Corbyn is the long time supporter of Venezuela’s Chavez and Maduro right?  If he’s the same guy I’m thinking of I’m kind of surprised he got this close to being PM.  I thought he was just some wing nut politician.

    Well there, like here the wing nuts became a plurality.

  6. 11 minutes ago, DoneMessedUp said:

    Potentially the biggest Labor loss in almost a century. Hopefully Corbyn now exits the stage and US Dems learn a valuable lesson and stop chasing unicorns


    Well two parts really that led to this -  Brexit and having an unpalatable leader of the main opposition party. Yeah you can go too far in who you pick as your leader. 

  7. Exit Polls say the Tories win big - real big.  Brexit will happen (if the polls are correct of course). Conservatives projected to have 368 seats (86 seat majority) which is well beyond pre-election projections.


    If this holds it would be biggest electoral victory since Thatcher (Her last two were over 100 seat majorities).


  8. 1 hour ago, Rdskns2000 said:

    I hated Lorca and was glad he was eliminated.

    Really? Why - curious as I thought that he was the best thing about season 1 (Really enjoyed the plot twist).

  9. 1 minute ago, Llevron said:


    I know the story. Whas your point? 

    Actually changed my response  to be clearer to -


    I'm not defending anything,  I'm condemning the mob and the media that went after all (All) these people. 


    Further edit - when all they had (as far as I currently know) is this photo.



  10. 28 minutes ago, The Sisko said:

    But, it’s such a stressful job tho. He was just blowing off a little steam.


    Just a few isolated bad apples. This picture would seem to say otherwise.

    Sisko in your opinion how many of these are making the Zieg Heil salute?  I see 2 that look like Nazi salutes, several that look like Roman salutes (closed fists - which would fit the hail theme?) a bunch that look like waves, one guy using his left hand  to wave.  Saw the story and if it is only this photo that they have to claim they were making a Nazi salute then it looks like an over-reaction, burn them at the stake sort of situation. 

  11. Javalina probably about 50lbs.  Thought for years they were hogs but are a rodent. They like to knock over and raid our trash cans on occasion. They will attack if they feel threatened.  


    more info

    Javelina stand about 2 feet tall and can weigh between 35 and 55 pounds. They are 3 to 4 feet long.




    • Confused 1
  12. 1 hour ago, MarkB452 said:

    I was there yesterday, but I did not have the app on my phone.  I tried to download the app while I was in line, but could not get it in time.  Anyways, they got my account number and are supposed to be mailing me something.  My brother was me with and he has a ticket though my account, but I don't think they are going to send him anything.  The free gloves were nice and I put them to immediate use.


    I have sold my Eagles tickets on stubhub and am about to sell my Giants tickets to a co-worker who is a Skins fan.  

    My brother and I are pretty much of the feeling that Snyder and/or Allen needs to be gone if we are going to renew our seats for 2020.

    I have two other seats that a friend of mine buys and he did even bother to go yesterday.

    What is the advantage to buying season tickets at 5-10 times the cost of tickets that could be purchased on a weekly basis. I just don't get why there are any season ticket holders at this point.

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