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Posts posted by nonniey

  1. 20 minutes ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

    Why? Did something come out about the NYT article?


    Also, what's up with the 1619 project article? I missed the fiasco.

    1) Yes see today's news


    2) This is a nice summary on the times 1619 project.


  2. 7 hours ago, Mournblade said:

    I'm wondering if dark-side Rey (a clone) is Kylo's new apprentice. Seeing as Snoke is dead and Kylo is the new Sith master,

    he'll need to take on an apprenctice in IX, won't he?

    ?????? I thought neither Snoke nor Kylo were Sith.

  3. On 8/16/2019 at 12:55 PM, China said:

    Another "controlled" gun making students safer:


    First Graders Picked Up Gun Intended to Protect Ohio School


    Two first graders found and removed a gun from an unlocked case that was brought to an Ohio school as part of a concealed-carry program to protect the school from gun violence, The Columbus Dispatch reports. The students at Highland Elementary, near the town of Sparta, reportedly picked up the weapon when a school official authorized by the district to carry it went to use a restroom. The school didn’t report the incident, which occurred in March—it only became public after the county sheriff found out about it through a resident’s Facebook post, which inspired community debates about whether school staff should be armed.


    Click on the link for the full article

    I assume the follow-up is the 1st Graders were expelled???? (Ok zero tolerance versus common sense is a different subject).

  4. 12 hours ago, PleaseBlitz said:

    Seriously considering starting the book series The New Jedi Order.  It is evidently 19 books, so a huge commitment.  Anyone read these and have thoughts?

    Excellent bad guys but multiple authors are a little uneven with the Vong.  Example the initial authors made the Vong vicious and xenocidal exterminating large populations, but about midway through the books when a  highly populated planet fell I assumed the vast majority of it's population was exterminated. The next book a different author saves the population by making them refugees that were expelled by the Vong (Completely inconsistent with earlier writers).


    However, decent read with different approach Tech versus Bio Tech (Vongs weapons, ships etc are living organisms and the Vong hate mechanical technology). 



  5. 9 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:

    People are making death threats against these sitting Congresswomen. People attack any of their policies regardless of what they are. This cannot be tolerated.

    Death threats certainly shouldn't be tolerated, but are you saying attacking policies regardless of what they are shouldn't be tolerated as well? Most of the posters in this forum do just that for other politicians (and some have strayed very close to death threats as well).

  6. 1 hour ago, Larry said:


    Roy Moore is a good example of voters holding someone accountable?


    Roughly a month before the election, it's revealed that when the candidate was a prosecuting attorney, in his 40s, he was banned from the local shopping mall because of all the complaints they got about him propositioning underage girls. 


    And he got what, 49% of the vote?  


    What he's is a good example of is that if it's revealed that a 40 year old man has a history of hitting on teenaged girls, roughly 10% of Republican voters will vote against him or stay home. 


    (Once. Maybe after a few years, they still won't vote for him.)

    Yeah he lost in Alabama. there was no way he could have lost unless a section of Republicans abandoned him.  Republicans determine who holds statewide office in that state and Moore was found wanting.

  7. 5 hours ago, Burgold said:

    I think we can name 20 people who have been drummed out of office for scandal  on the Democratic side in recent years. Presidential is harder because frankly there aren't many people on Earth who are as lousy a human being as Trump. Moreover,  i can't think of a Democratic Presidential candidate that has been credibly accused of fraud, rape, pedophilia, treason, etc. So, there is no apple to compare to your apple, but to kinda play your game... Al Franken was run out of office for an indelicate photograph that suggested he might touch a woman. Anthony Weiner was run out of office because he lived up to his name. Going back a bit, Gary Hart lost any chance of ever serving in office once they found out he had an affair.

    Meanwhile, Roy Moore was the Republican's choice for Senator. Trump is the Republican's choice for President. Dennis Hasstert was a serial child molester and the Republicans raised him to Speaker. Similarly, Gingrich was having endless affairs before during and after his Speakership and he is still a powerbroker in the party.


    One side hold its own accountable. One doesn't.

    Come on talk about moving goal posts. You tore them down here and rebuilt them in a different stadium. I thought Frank was a sitting Senator  when he was drummed out of the Senate (unjustifiably imo) didn't realize he was a candidate and just lost the election. Concede Hart is a good example of voters holding him to account but then so is Moore. But you should not be forgetting Kennedy or Clinton (especially Kennedy).

  8. On 7/10/2019 at 7:24 PM, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

    0 chance his base will care about any damaging facts his opponents point out.

    Well that is certainly not unique to Trump's base and it is nothing new. Can you point out a recent Presidential election where the supporters of either candidate cared about damaging facts on their candidate?

    • Haha 1
  9. 8 hours ago, visionary said:


    Well of course that can't be possible. You see the treaty agreed to under the last administration resulted in their reactors having concrete poured in them (according to some who who post on this board). It will take years before they can restart their program and begin production.🤣

    • Haha 2
  10. 12 hours ago, Springfield said:

    I fully support a cyber attack against their weapons systems.  Wish this type of option were on the table more often.

    The point of the cyber attack was to disable the IADs so our planes would be safe (safer).  It was pointless without the follow through and that particular attack software probably can't be reused.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  11. 1 hour ago, tshile said:


    The only real withdrawl of troops (for a long time) was with Iraq and that was an agreement put in place by Bush before Obama took office.  I may be remembering that incorrectly though...

    I grind my teeth whenever I see this. I was there and involved at levels in the know. The Obama administration screwed that up three ways to Sunday.  Won't go into it yet again as it is not the subject of this thread.

  12. Well my coworker who was a pilot says a pilot can't depressurize a cabin in order to kill the passengers (There are limits to how much he can pressurize and depressurize), unless he punched a hole in the fuselage (But then he couldn't re-pressurize).  More likely scenario is he killed the copilot in the ****pit and the passengers and rest of flight crew were unaware they were flying off in the wrong direction.


    (by the way ****pit???? really???? censor filters need adjusting).

  13. On 6/15/2019 at 9:33 AM, Larry said:


    It's like deja vu all over again.  


    (Famous quote.)


    Just pointing out, "Hey, there's a 40 year old excuse we can point at" does not equal "not preemptive".  


    As long as we're arguing over terminology, and all.  

    I think it is obvious she means an action would be retaliatory therefore not preemptive. She would be right if the action was taken to punish Iran for what they did. Now if the action is taken to stop something we think they plan on doing that would be preemptive.


    Frankly I think a stealth bombing or two on Quds  force targets would be ok in my book. We could also deny any knowledge of said attack.  

    • Like 2
  14. 1 hour ago, Cooked Crack said:
    ....One of the plaintiffs was 17 years old when she was apprehended at the border. She had been raped in her home country before traveling to the United States and the rapist had impregnated her. She repeatedly asked for an abortion. The government refused to let her obtain one....

    Not enough info provided - how far along in her pregnancy was she - would be the first question that comes to mind.

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