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Everything posted by Sebowski

  1. I thought it was a fair question. He tried to give Toney props by saying even though the boxers are talking smack Toney is the only one to step up and fight. Toney took that the wrong way. That guy's interviews have gotten really good in the last few months.
  2. Diaz-Noons is on for the for Diaz's welterweight strap in October. War Diaz!!!!!!!!!! Even some of his haters will be rooting for him in those one. Actually, King Douche will probably have some of his haters on his side too. Should be a good one.
  3. What about that punk moved he pulled against Argentina?
  4. Yeah. Those are some crazy swings. Really hope he gets matched up with Cheech in Oct. You're sig makes me want to see Gomi-Douche Noons too. BTW, what's up with him calling out Mayweather? Who the **** does he think he is?
  5. Midas touch sounds real familiar. I'd guess I've had it but can't comment in it. I'll look out for the Palo Santo Marron
  6. I keep biting my tongue on something that you guys aren't going to like. That ends now. Dog Fish Head is overrated There. I said it. I can't even remember if there is a beer they have that I like. I've had the 60, 90, 120, World Wide Stout... Maybe a couple others. Maybe not. If I did they weren't memorable. Maybe it's just my West coast pallet. I do LOVE the Stone, DFH, Victory collaboration Saison De Buff. One of my favorites.
  7. I'll admit I fell for him saying he was going back to JJ again. Fool me once..... But, I don't blame him that much. I think he just sucks at takedowns and he knows it. It is great that he can fight on the ground, but you have to get the fight there. His wrestling sucks so he can't. That was some horrible ref'ing last night. Standing up a guy in the mount? Not giving Gurgel extra time after a late shot, or offering it to go to the cards or a No Contest(whatever the rules may be. I think they differ in each state)? Nothing for the illegal knee? Back of the head strikes legal in Strikeforce?
  8. Hey, keest. Where you in San Diego for Beer Week last year? I was looking at the slide sow on their website and tout I saw a pic of you.
  9. Newcastle also puts their beer in cans. Just remember to always pour into a glass for the full beer drinking experience. ..and Guinness isn't flat, it is perfectly carbonated by nitro instead of being overly soda-like carbonated like the beers Double likes:silly: It took me a long time to start loving dark beers. I always associated the taste with coffe, and I don't like coffee. Then on a tour of Stone they passed aroud the different malts and I got to try a bunch in succesion. When I ate the roasted malts used in dark beers I started to disassociate the taste of raosted with the taste of coffee. Anywho, if you are very anti-coffee I suggest trying the "lighter" dark beers. Heineken dark and Becks dark were a couple I liked before I really got into beer. If you are a coffee drinker then you are used to raosted flavors. Just dive right into the good stuff.
  10. Feeling frisky. I'll take: Feijao by sub Jacare by sub Gurgel by sub Griggs by UD. Ah screw it, Griggs by sub.
  11. :doh: I knew Shipyard was from Maine, but always assumed Allagash was Oregon. Just take a plane to Oregon then
  12. 2 great fights so far. Totally forgot about this until this morning.
  13. So Riggs lost to Miesha Tate in the finals?
  14. Allagash is great if you like the Belgian style. Shipyard amkes some good beers in different genres. The answer is easy though: Deschuttes! They kick ass all over the place. Especially if you like stouts. They are one of the breweries my brother has me send stuff East for him. Abyss, Black Butte, Hop in the Dark, Hop Henge.... All among my favorites. I hear they have great beer bars around there too. While you're out there make sure you try stuff at the bars you don't get East. Look for Russian River, Ale Smith, Port, Lost Abbey, Kern River.... I can give you specific West Coast recommendations if you tell me what your favorites are and what styles you like.
  15. If Sonnen ends up riding out that last round I would have pointed to this right here as the key to the fight. Andersen was turning it on. He probably should have stood when he had the chance and let Sonnen get up, but he went in and tried to get on top.
  16. Awesome video. I think it is all the Sonnen questions from the post fight presser http://videos.mmaweekly.com/view_player.php?id=2945 My favorite part that I am surely about to butcher: Sonnen talking about only caring about being a champion says something like, "I just want to be a champion. I'll go up to 205, or go on a diet and call out Jose Aldo if I have to" A lot of good stuff in there. Really worth watching.
  17. Good points. Like SU said, I'm not sure GSP would have the size/strength to do what Sonnen did. Sonnen has fought at 205. He is a big dude. GSP would get some takedowns, but he wouldn't be able to hold Silva down the entire fight like he does his welterweight opponents or like Sonnen did last night. Silva would KO him. On your point about wrestlers and ground game: that is emphasized even more by the cage vs. the ring. Huge difference there. I'd like to see what percentage of takedowns are from a cage clinch position vs. open mat. Just saw on mmajunkie that Silva was hit more times by Sonnen then the rest of his UFC fights combined. Something like 286-211. Silva's comeback last night is one for the ages. The more time that passes the more impressive it will be. It blows away the Fedor ones.
  18. You have to give him respect for actually backing up what he was saying. He put a ton of pressure on himself. He would have looked like a can if he got smoked in the first. He earned a lot of respect tonight. That was the 4th round. He got dropped in the first.
  19. Props to the first guy for marking some 10-8's
  20. Hey guys. We are normally really good at this, but I guess it needs restating:troll: That simple. I realized that half way through the first round. Sonnen landed some bombs on the ground in the first. Anderson also pulled a Leben there for a few shots and blocked some punches with his face early in the first. I am really impressed with Silva's chin and resilience.
  21. Triangle. Called it. Just how I drew it up.:paranoid:
  22. Rogan confirms. Either way Sonnen is where he wants to be and we have 4 of our "unbeatable" fighters from 6 months ago go down. GSP beats Koschek and there is no question who the best on the planet is.
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