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Everything posted by Chachie

  1. Not long. We are witnessing the beginning of a civil war... and we'll lose this one, at least in body count.
  2. I was eagerly anticipating both!... But when I started MH S3 Ep1, I realized right away that I was "Heisted out." Too much of a good thing becomes a bad thing. Lost in Space is well-produced, well-performed, and visually cool. Why do I bail half way through every season? I can't even give myself an answer there. It's just not... good? I don't know. I did go back and try again on Season 3 of "You" and i'm glad I gave it another try. For some reason that one keeps me coming back.
  3. The scary part is even if his supporters begin to really suffer under him, they'll never admit it. Not to him, not to democrats, and not to themselves. They could go homeless and still blame Biden, Hillary, Obama, Jumbo, and Chachie while casting their next ballot for more Trump. Defies logic but that's the name of Donnie's game.
  4. I guess we were a lot better off "finding our identity." Now that we've found it, we're awful.
  5. You can't? I think it depends on what we define as "success." If he can keep The Base believing and donating, I can't imagine much failure.
  6. This illustrates how deeply-seated and strategically-placed the members of our govt/military are in regard to who wants Donald Trump to succeed in taking back something he legitimately lost and who wants a fascist in the oval office. It's terrifying and increasingly indicative of how hopeless it is becoming to combat it. Honestly, what can be done about it? I'm losing faith in our ability to maintain a free and open election process (and so much more) because SO many of us on the inside simply have the upper hand. If our national guard (essentially our Minute Men) can't be relied upon to react at a moment's notice to something as blatantly apparent as a bum rush on the Capitol of the USA, we're f***ed in the long run. Anything goes. I can't claim to know what the jan 6 commission has up their sleeves in the coming weeks/months to put this thing down but I haven't seen any method historically over the past 5-6 years that gives me any confidence. Half of our govt and half of our population want it and they just seem to me to be willing to play dirty enough to win. If one side can break all the rules and the other refuses to because they want the "moral high ground," it's over. This crap is happening in stark daylight, right before our naked eyes and it just seems like there's no way to snuff it.
  7. I may have stated this sentiment somewhere in the Tailgate before, but it's worth repeating after seeing this article... It chaps my azz that Trump devotees have (somewhat successfully) "monopolized" the american flag in all its incarnations. The very people that do NOT stand for civil rights, separation of church/state, or voting rights, and who ultimately led a revolt against what this flag stands for operate under the banner of stars and stripes as though the rest of us are not american citizens and patriots. They've made it THEIR brand. That's repulsive.
  8. That's their big play. Vote against anything a democratic prez wants, no matter how much damage it causes the country. If the bill passes, they claim they pushed it through. If it doesn't and the country suffers without it, they blame the dem prez. It actually does "work" for them because their voters fall for it every time. Short memories are precious to them.
  9. Finished Season 3 last night. For the first couple episodes I was wondering if I was "You'd out." Sometimes even a good show can get old, especially in the age of the binge. It picked up quickly and I was riveted. The "other" couple was fantastic. They both annoyed me early in the season (I know- they were supposed to) but great character arc/growth for both of them. I wish a certain big character wasn't killed off because I am such a fan. There's another season in the works.
  10. Copy. You're looking ahead, which is not bad. I was thinking about how Harrell's stat line is probably equal to Deni/Rui's combined... last season, anyway.
  11. "The Patriots" threatening to not support Trump is laughable. He's the GOP juggernaut and if they think they'll follow through supporting some other candidate, they're delusional or willing to LOSE.
  12. You are probably right, Burg. At least I hope you are. My observance is that "The Base" holds current and near-future candidates hostage. They can't win without the crazies. They can't win without the idiots. They can't win without the militia-minded, racist, civil war fantasizers and those that can't see beyond a Donald Trump society that encourages their world view. COVID's not going away, so they can perpetually "fight for their rights." The Big Lie is now their biggest weapon and a part of the future process of all elections. Rittenhouse just won them a huge banner to carry for a long time. The republican politicians are chained to all this. Extreme right is now THE Right. I'm having trouble focusing beyond that brand of political opponent. Truly a frightening phenomenon.
  13. I think I'm jaded from experience but if we get 50 wins I'll soil myself. Even the success we're having right now does not allow me to dream of a 50 win season. I think we're on pace for 48 as it stands today and if I had to make a prediction right now I'd go with 45.
  14. The way I see things now, we may never see a "less-Trumpian" candidate from the GOP. If you're a republican politician, the only way you're getting the necessary votes to move up (or even move in) is to go all Trump all the time. The base isn't budging.
  15. In the sense that he's the "new guy," maybe so. I don't think a few losses dim his glow though so my short answer is "No." We're going to lose games. (I know you know these things, just mentioning the obvious.) I'm of the notion that as long as we go .500 or better this season, it's a success for him. The honeymoon ends for me when his first season is over.
  16. It's not illegal for him to lie to the media. He needs to be subpoenaed and forced to lie to the committee.
  17. Yep. Teams are learning to keep us shooting from the perimeter and we'll beat ourselves. #makeshots #getinthepaint
  18. Watched it about a month ago and that was the last time I was interested in anything new that Netflix had to offer. I just haven't had a desire to watch what they've offered lately. I tried the new season of Narcos and quickly realized I'm "Narcosed out." Tried the new season of You and realized I'm "You'ed out." Tried that new korean show Hellbound. Couldn't get into it. I'm frustrated!
  19. Oh, they got RIGHT out in front of it per their "projection model." If you're guilty of something, immediately blame your enemy. Say it early, loud, and often. Make it your narrative.
  20. I hope we see Andrew Garfield and Toby Macguire. I'd love to see this meme referenced in the movie... 😁
  21. I'll say it loudly and proudly... US Attorney General William Barr had Jeffrey Epstein WHACKED under direct orders from President Donald J. Trump. I'm sure Bill Clinton was just as much at risk of any Epstein testimony but he wasn't POTUS at the time and Barr would never have done him any favors anyway. This was about keeping Donnie T safe. No way a spoiled, mega-rich guy with all that damning info commits suicide. He had too many cards to play and too grand a life to just check out. Especially since he didn't know the prison cameras were down right when he supposedly did it. WHACKED.
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