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Everything posted by PleaseBlitz

  1. Guiness is outstanding. Probably the best beer for drinking indoors.
  2. Here is my question. On St. Paddy's, why the hell do people drink green-colored american beer instead of just drinking Guiness? They say on St Paddy's, everyone is Irish. Well Irish people never drink green colored american beer. Irish people drink Guiness.
  3. Where is a good place in NOVA to get a 60,000 mile checkup?
  4. Maybe he would have gotten pounded out, maybe not. It's questionable because he DID put up his legs in a guard position, so he WAS intelligently trying to defend himself. Im just saying that the ref shouldnt stop it until there is NO question. So what if Koz takes and extra shot to the face? He's a professional fighter, it happens.
  5. I cant stand Jardine either. I hope Rampage beats his ass.
  6. I thought the Koz fight was stopped too early. Seriously, let him at least take some punches on the ground. He's already ugly, you arent preventing him from getting uglier.
  7. The McPizza Once again, Nuclear Toast Laboratories returns with a new cooksperiment. I can't take credit for the idea, since I saw it on the intartubes, but that didn't stop me from investigating this concept and bringing you the hard-hitting, gritty truth. I love pizza. So any opportunity to try a new type of pizza is always welcome. And since this one doesn't seem to have any name, I've dubbed it "McPizza". First, we need some ingredients. Boboli (whole wheat, of course), sauce, cheese, and... what? Mickey D's? The contents of the McD's bag: two cheeseburgers, medium fries, 4-piece chicken McNuggets. And, inexplicably, a straw. Start with the Boboli crust. Add sauce, top with oregano. Add the key McToppings. Layer on the cheese. Close-up of some key ingredients. Bake at 450 for about 15 minutes until the cheese starts getting crunchy around the edges. Here's the McPizza fresh out of the oven. I used a pizza cutter to slice up all the McGoodness. Round-robin bite-taking to distribute the delicious taste sensations. Hamburger-y fry-y chicken-y pizza! To answer everyone's first question, it tastes exactly like you'd expect. Hamburger+pizza or french fries+pizza or chicken nugglets+pizza. That being said, this is one of the most awesome pizzas I've ever had, and believe me, I've put away my fair share. The pickles in the cheeseburger are a nice touch; the fries are just amazing this way, and the chicken McNuggets are surprisingly delicious. Maybe it's just the jalapenos. The lab notes section: This thing is really filling. Extremely filling. So a smaller pizza than you're used to will feed the normal crowd. Smush the cheeseburgers in the wrapper before you put them on the pizza, so they're not as vertical. I had to arrange the fries to get good coverage without a lot of holes or parts hanging over the edge. Eating was a challenge, as the cheese helped make the toppings a layer that wanted to separate from the sauce/crust combination below. So taking a bite would cause the whole topping layer to rise up, pivoting at the bite point, and smack you in the nose. This is a sloppy-eating pizza. Reheating was easy. One minute in the microwave, then about 8 minutes in the oven to restore the crispness. Would I make the McPizza again? Oh HELL yes.
  8. Id hate ______ if not for _______ thread.
  9. I hate it when stick figure cartoons go over my head. I think i need more coffee. Like a gallon.
  10. Thanks Zoon. Everything you said fits perfectly. Actually, i think the mechanic DID put the stop-squeel grease on it and just didnt charge me, cause they stopped squeeking. I thought it was because he inadvertently fixed something just by taking the brakes apart and putting them back together (properly). I love that mechanic, he very easily could have been like "yeah, you need new brakes and rotors" and i would have believed him and shelled out the $600 or whatever bucks for it, because the squealing was LOUD and it sounded very bad (metal on metal, exactly like you said). Instead, he charged me the $30 he said he would just for the brake inspection, and fixed the problem. :applause:
  11. 2003 Nissan Maxima. My brakes were squealing like a banshee so i figured i needed new break pads. I took it in, the guy said they were fine, sometimes brakes just squeak, charged me $30 for the inspection and said come back in 15,000 miles. WTF? Brakes just squeak?
  12. If everyone on EBay was totally honest:
  13. Printing this one out, hanging in kitchen.
  14. Lemon Demon is hilarious. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwBK31tC5QM&NR=1
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