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Dan T.

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Everything posted by Dan T.

  1. Yep... "We don't make mistakes we make happy little acciden... D'oh!"
  2. Best homemade fantasy football trophy EVAH.
  3. I'm afraid Kaepernick has shifted his protest from principled to juvenile. He's been wearing these socks to 49ers practice: A closer look: I hope those socks were bulletproof because, as far as his protest goes, he's shot himself in the foot.
  4. Kareem Abdul Jabbar wrote a thoughtful op ed piece on this subject in today's Washington Post: During the Olympics in Rio a couple of weeks ago, Army Reserve 2nd Lt. Sam Kendricks was sprinting intently in the middle of his pole vaulting attempt when he heard the national anthem playing. He immediately dropped his pole and stood at attention, a spontaneous expression of heartfelt patriotism that elicited more praise than his eventual bronze medal. Last Friday, San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick chose not to stand with his teammates during the national anthem. To some, Kendricks embodies traditional all-American Forrest Gump values of patriotism, while Kaepernick represents the entitled brattish behavior of a wealthy athlete ungrateful to a country that has given him so much. In truth, both men, in their own ways, behaved in a highly patriotic manner that should make all Americans proud. The discussion of the nuances of patriotism is especially important right now, with Trump and Clinton supporters each righteously claiming ownership of the “most patriotic” label. Patriotism isn’t just getting teary-eyed on the Fourth of July or choked up at war memorials. It’s supporting what the Fourth of July celebrates and what those war memorials commemorate: the U.S. Constitution’s insistence that all people should have the same rights and opportunities and that it is the obligation of the government to make that happen. When the government fails in those obligations, it is the responsibility of patriots to speak up and remind them of their duty. Rest: https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2016/08/30/insulting-colin-kaepernick-says-more-about-our-patriotism-than-his/?utm_term=.45758878e547
  5. Some might say that those who sacrificed their lives did so in part so that everyone could express their views freely. As Kaepernick did. Not that you have to agree with it...
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