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Everything posted by SiCkSoULjA

  1. Everyone played like garbage all the rookies too. Vessley and singleton was garbage each made one shot and missed numerous outside shots. Ves had and a alley and singleton had a nice steal that's it. Wall had the worst performance on the floor well him and Crawford might be tied. Blatche was balling first half great post defense then the second half fell off. I am not going too sit there and watch that pathetic game again just too watch you hate on Blatche when if there was a bright spot it was him.
  2. Some blame Blatche for everything, he's the problem for Walls countless turnovers Crawford chucking up bricks, Rashad Lewis soft play, all the rookies playing like they are not ready. Blatche was the only bright spot at least on first half then the rest of the teams sorry ass play rubbed off on him in the second half. Blatche played the best defense on the team, he attacked the rim he also took outside shots which we don't like but that's apart of his game. He wasnt the problem today and last year when he played we had a much better chance too win. Preseason game 1 grades Wall F Crawford F- Lewis D McGee C- Blatche B ( was an A in the first half then struggled in te second half)
  3. I hear how it's a deep draft but are there any can't miss guys? I am talking about superstars not good solid players.
  4. I stopped following college basketball closely the last 5 years can't keep up with the players, so who do we draft in the lottery with a top 3 pick?
  5. Lol I maybe his biggest critic but after watching a preview of what may be too come I am willing too throw a extra million in too make it a cool 10 million too save us
  6. This man get it! Holiday is getting too the paint at will so far we look like the same team. Blatche is playing well great defense on brand.
  7. I would like him coming off the bench giving us instant offense like Jamal Crawford. I like Jordan starting once Nick got hurt our team started putting some wins together and Jordan was playing lights out. I think a 1 year deal is what i'll give him, he needs too prove that he will rebound and get other players involved more and not just shoot.
  8. It looks like we are rolling with the same team as last year for the most part. We sucked last year but towards the end of the year we were much more competitive so with Wall's progession and the team jells more I think we can win 10 more games in this shorten season. Looking at the training camp videos on washingtonwizards.com which don't show much but at least we have something too look at that previews our team. Wall is pushing the pace at a insane rate, Crawford and Mack look very good. Everyone looks like they are in great shape, Blatche looks like he finally developed a few muscles, Saraphin looks like he's toned up and Booker looks like a brick wall. The ball movement looked great Blatche made some great passes from the post, passing is a strength for him when he does pass which he don't do enough. I am expecting John Wall too average at least 18 and 10 this year I want the ball in his hands more and run through him almost entirely and let him decide what he wants too do with the ball not passing too Nick Young and Blatche so earily in the shot clock. Any news on Nick Young? did we or anybody make any offers
  9. Last year he struggled with injuries, at the begining of the season he was dunking like crazy then once the Wizards mishandled his injury he could barely get up, Also at Kentucky the man was flying. I thought Wall came into the year a little flabby and needed too hit the gym and eat right, looking at him he had zero muscle tone. In that highlight video the man almost look like Derrick Rose body wise! I also like fire he had in the video telling the guy YOU CAN'T GUARD ME, THIS IS TOO EASY.
  10. I wanna see him score when he reaches the basket don't care if its a dunk or lay up as long as we have the points, But when he finish strong and dunks its more exciting DUNKS PUT ASS'S IN THE SEATS.
  11. Superman is not coming too D.C. Ask yourself why would he come here? We are rebuilding!!!! Does he want too a team already established that's contending for a championship?
  12. Yeah but he's how old? 24? I am just tired of the Wizards and Redskins giving up on young talent and letting them go too other places and be stars. A few years ago we were Detriots farm team they at one point had four Wizards on the court at the same time. I can see the Blatche hate even though I am not ready too give up on him, the hate McGee is crazy.
  13. HAHAHAHA thats gold, between you and him. You guys hate the man guts, I am giving him 1 more year I think the injury set him back last year I believe this year hes going too give us 16 and 8 in a more efficient effort shooting 48%. I big JaVale fan his basketball IQ is not the greatest but I love watching him play and thinks he still has a great upside. Dwight Howard is not going to leave Orlando to come here people get over it! hes trying to win a championship not fight for the 8th seed.
  14. I am 50/50 when it comes too the lock out one side of me says hell with the players cancel the whole season for the good of league in hope that small market teams will be able too complete again. Then there another side of me saying man theres no way I can go without basketball for a whole year. Get used too the cheap shots man some of these guys are relentless any disagreements you may have open you up too war. In order too be welcomed here theres a list of rules. 1. You must absolutly hate Blatche, You must hate McGee and You must love Nick Young. ---------- Post added October-15th-2011 at 12:42 PM ---------- Washington is a powerful city but a terrible basketball town hense the SMALL MARKET, ATLANTA is the same. DETRIOT has always been a basketball city no matter how hard times are.
  15. From what I am understanding the Owners drop the requirement for a hardcap. I was hoping a hardcap would be stand in the new CBA, thats almost our only shot of getting another championship in D.C.
  16. I would rather another player in the league say that other than our man JaVal, hes basically been called out by the Union as a idiot. But get real what he said more likley than not he maybe spoke more for himself than anybody but I am willing to bet at least 20% are ready to fold, and as weeks go by thats going too double. The union and Fisher is playing damage control here, and trying too keep the "UNITED FRONT". I am happy that there are breaking but man JaVale come on man, if your ready to break then get a group together and come together as 1 and speak your issues. What pisses me off more is the bullcrap thats coming out these players mouth MELLO and AMARE about possibly forming your own league what kind of bull**** is that? First of all its impossible, and second of all lets say you are sucessfull they would be lucky to have 10 teams of 12. That right there is hilarious! REALLY what about all the other players in the league you know the MAJORITY of guys who are roll players they would have no job. While the rich which the stars would make up less than 10% of the league would still be making there money. Its the whole rich get richer and the poor well they have no job. Thats why they won't be united because they can afford too take the hit while others who are making the minium won't how are they suppose to pay for that brand new Ferrari?
  17. He split with Paul Williams the first fight good fight second fight he landed a shot that he threw with his eyes close. This guys defense is a joke he blocks jabs with his face I mean straight eats them. He is not a bum but not a world beater either and I needs too be out the top 5 pound for pound rankings. Citron is a bum, Pavlik is a drunk and Paul Williams is good but that's it. I think Paul Williams was killing himself jumping from 147, 154, and 160 and that caught up with him in that fight. Margo whooped Sergio and he was always overrated also. PAC goes up in weight and does work,I think a little suspicious but t is what it is. The guy has been moving up and fighting some of the best. Floyd dominate from 126 all the way too 140 has been moving up fighting guys and making them look stupid. Sergio comes in last night at 170!! But says he can't figt above 160 cause it's too much weight he would rather come down and fight the little guys. Why fight this guy? No one knows him he brings ZERO too the table has no name or no country. He keeps saying no one wants too fight him but no one at 168 have a problem with the fighting him. Bute has been begging this guy for a fight and nothing, Hopkins said he would go down too 170 and maybe a little more but he says no.
  18. Fake knock out!!! Sergio is a bum! He gets all this hype for beating a overrated Paul Williams. He keeps trying too cash in with fights with way smaller guys Mayweather and PAC, they keep saying people scared too fight him but he gets challenged by guys that weigh 4 more pounds then him and he says that's too much wieght. PAC knocks this guy out and Floyd Gattis him. He was getting out boxed tonight but the announcers were all on his jock.
  19. Booker is a solid player coming off the bench great guy too have in no way he compares too Blatche. Booker is small and his skill set is limited, I guess he can start if you have other guys at the other positions that can score and have him as a filler which our team dont. With the other point Wall is nice and hes a beast pg unless this lock out brings a cap the wizards are going too depend of McGee too be a good player too bring in another star free agent. Today's NBA the Knicks, Lakers and Heat will get the best players with Dallas and maybe San Antonio getting others. If McGee fails, and we waste years consider Wall GONE, Wall is a winner and not going too settle on a mediocre team.
  20. I agree **** Ortiz he is the reason this fight ended like it did! the fight was looking good, IMO Mayweather won every round but Ortiz was doing his best and was making it very competative. Then he turned in too the weak hearted punk with the headbutts and then the worst in HISTORY! not the damage but he clearly launched himself like I have never seen that before. Then he topped it off with 2 punches after that 1 behind the head. Then he goes for the hug and kiss which he successfully pulled off and followed that up with 2 more apologies before getting KTFO.
  21. I like McGee, if your a Wizard fan I think you almost have too like McGee he is pretty much our only chance too be a good team. Its clear we have almost zero chance too land a great free agent player so young guys with potential like McGee you have too root him on and pray he becomes one of your key building pieces. I can see why Blatche rubs people the wrong way but at the same time you have NOBODY behind him at PF that compares too his skill set or production and add in the fact he just turned 25! And this off season he has shown signs of maturing.
  22. Funny!!! Mayweather Ortiz video NSFW Some guy I think has a future in comedy
  23. He still has legal issues because of PAC.
  24. I agree that really no one knows the exact facts other than mayweather, PAC, shafer and Arum, so why put all the blame on one guy when he has one demand drug testing and the other had numerous and those are facts.
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