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Everything posted by SiCkSoULjA

  1. Skin'em's LOL part about Nick Young was on point it seems too me that he actually watched the games and not just look at high lights or parts of the games. Nick Young was horrible! he scores in bunches but does nothing else, hes the worst teammate I have ever saw. Blatche looks like Jason kidd when it comes to passing the ball compared too Nick Young and Blatche rarely passes himself. When Crawford got here (WHO CHUCKS HIMSELF) he showed that you can still get your shots and get others involved.
  2. forgot me too! even though most hate me because I am anti Nick Young and pro Blatche
  3. Thinking about it guys its no way they change the name next year or the year after that. You can't make people go out and buy these jerseys only for them to be worn for 1 year thats totally wrong.
  4. LMAO makes me want too kick a baby in the face LOL!! I would buy a away jersey with WASHINGTON on it too be safe that Wizards logo is there just because we couldnt just change the name.
  5. WOW they look pretty sweet!!! nice retro mixed with new flavor in them. Logos are all sweet!! but that wizards one which isn't in any of the jerseys or pants so its only a matter of time, maybe a few years before that hits the dirt also.
  6. You wizard fans here are really hard on our young players no one wants too be patient. Blatche has earned his hatred the guy did dumb things after dumb things and some are tired, understandable. But JaVale is really really young! Coming out of college he was as raw as it comes and said by all scouts too take at least 3 years to be NBA ready! And maybe a year or 2 in the D League of those 3 years. First year as full time starter struggled at times but also showEd so much potential. Why are everyone here quick too bring out all his faults and talk about replacing him. First Dwight is not coming too Washington! Second you have a guy on your roster right now that has potential too be a top 5 center in the league. Go ahead and get rid of him and watch him turn into a star
  7. Dude Gilbert with Eddie Jordan was a beast he scores 25+ and 6+ assist on a regular. - Gibert injuries he would still be like that one of the best scorers in the biz but he's shot. Eddie Jordan definitely did not hold him back. He would never be as good defensive player as Rose, also the Bulls dont have players like Jamison that plays no D. Derrick Rose has athletic ability that's off the charts no one matches that but Lebron and Superman.
  8. That article is pretty much on point the Blatche part was funny, and nick young is the gunner everyone hates playing with that averages 1 assist a game.
  9. Idk man the guy has been bounced around the league so much he maybe just wants took find a home. He's not nessasary a guy everyone will be fighting over either.
  10. I like Jeffers as well he plays hard every game, Mo Evans is solid coming off the bench. Josh Howard is broken up, Rashad Lewis the 100 million dollar man sucks, Nick I refuse too pass the ball Young I don't no if he wants too be a bench player here again but he deserves too be on somebodies bench, Booker a solid guy coming off the bench, Yi is just all kinds of bad, Saraphin Needs the d league Who am I leaving out?
  11. These guys are so dead of getting rid of Blatche it's crazy. Blatche last night was our best player again, I thought he hit the boards hard in the first half, as a matter of fact he was the only Wizard even trying too grab rebounds, I think he had our frist 6 or 7 rebounds. Batche had way too many turnovers from what i seen most where he was trying too pass the ball too much, never thought I'd say that ever. If I am rating proformace he gets a B+, Wall B, Crawford B, McGee C- (missed too many free throws and botched a dunk that changed momentum) Evans C. Production off the bench was terrible we have no bench.
  12. It's a stupid stat makes no sense it's not a missed shot. If you get fouled you get free throws if you going too count the shot then I think you should count the free throws some how. Why penalize someone for helping the team it's rather stupid.
  13. Makes no sense too count shots he was fouled on. It's no question he shoots allot of shots.
  14. Without Blatche we would be losing by 30 after the first quarter. Tell the reffs to stop rigging the game for indiania
  15. Destino knows his stuff! I pretty much agree with almost everything he has ever said
  16. I don't know what you mean a crappy verison of Aldridge means, hes only a top 3 PF in this league. You love that TS percentage don't you? Blatche has been hurt for most the season and as of right now he is hitting the boards hard, at 25 and with a rebuilding team whats 1 more season? Hes getting better each year in his career we still don't really know what his celling is and if hes giving you at least 16 and 8 and his contract is value. Clean up his life style, take less jump shots and he can be a winner. We need to get that SF position filled and locked up don't create anymore holes. How did Young finally get it? what did he get? what did he improve on? hes shooting a average at best percentage, and hes doing nothing else. You mean too tell me that of 18+ times you have the ball in your hands no one is open? 1 assist out of 18 shots man thats not a team player. Its not like hes giving you rebounds, steals, at his 6'6 frame maybe block a few shots cause turnovers some how? Some how Nick Young is getting a pass. I don't get it
  17. Everyones favorite poster aka the Nick Young hater was at the game today!! I have been at least 8 games this year all in section 200s, this time I was section 111 row B!!! I was on the floor! Center court!! The game is a whole different beast down there feels like you are in the action! Amazing. Mo Evans played out his mind the first quarter, Blatche was the offense the 2nd and 3rd and man Wall came up big got too the line time after time . Crawford, and McGee struggled. I didn't know Tracy McGrady was that big WOW he's huge him and that tall skinny dude was killing us when they was paired together total mismatch for Wall and Crawford.
  18. HA, I am done with Nick Young talk but for the last time HE IS NOT A GOOD DEFENSIVE PLAYER, neither is Blatche but he does way way way more.
  19. I can say I have watched a good 80% of the games this year and NICK YOUNG is well Nick Young a chucker and nothing more. Blatche was hurt for the most the season he had zero preseason too get in shape. Let me make this clear I am not a Blatche fan like I said before but I just don't see why everyone is so in love with Nick Young I just don't see it. Hollinger doesn't either I guess.
  20. I can understand Blache have rubbed everyone the wrong way with this stupid off court acts, but talent wise he's a much better NBA player. I am a huge Wizards fan man HUGE thats my only team theres nothing casual about me, I have been watching the Wizards since they were Bullets son, step back and no your role youngsta. I would respect allot of your comments but everything you say is two faced. You say Blatche needs to play within the offense but Young does? no No NO If Perry Jones can add 10+ pounds too that tiny frame then he can be a beast, he gets pushed around too much.
  21. I said it was updated earilier in the year Nick Young is getting 10+ more minuntes than those guys and hes averaging 1 more rebound if that LOL. You are fighting loop holes I said from point blank what is he doing to help your team other than throw up shots? NOTHING You know someone is in there feelings when they start to result in personal attacks. Stick to your "facts" pro stick to the facts.
  22. This guy is averaging 1 assist per game while throwing up almost 20 thats all this resident retard needs too know. That says it all right there
  23. Those where Hollinger stats brother man Blatche's PER destroys Youngs get out of here with that garbage Of greater mystery is his total inability to rebound. Young is 6-6 and can jump, but he ranked second to last among shooting guards in rebound rate. Among those who outrebounded him were Ben Gordon, J.J. Redick, Luke Ridnour, Jason Williams, Aaron Brooks, Mike Bibby and Carlos Arroyo. Hollinger LMAO Bibby, Arroyo and Ridnour and Jason Williams
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