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Everything posted by SiCkSoULjA

  1. Naw man he's one if the worst players in the association top 5 IMO. I really don't like Wittman but I am sorry he doesn't have much too work with and it really not fair. This team is overmatched every game, every team we play pretty much have better players at every position other than NeNe. The team is playing there heart out but this team is made up of 3rd rotation players the team looks like a D league team. Beal, Crawford and NeNe are really the only good players with potential on the team. Beal I have been hard on him but man at 19 years old hes asked too do a lot and he is simply not ready for that pressure that we put on him. Crawford I like him but he's very streaky and throws up crazy shots but he's our offense. NeNe is a beast but he's limited with injuries.
  2. I agree with our coach being a joke, but come on my Jan played the 3 and 4 for the first 10 games of the season he was found terrible so he'll Witman don't know where too put him, he's just out there like he is winging it. He is a fast break guy and we aren't getting any fast breaks
  3. He blew two shots at the rim and is racking up fouls, he's totally confused on defense losing his man every time down court.
  4. He's the only one this game that looks like they even know how too make a shot.
  5. Well in Denver, JaVale scores 19 points, 6 rebounds and 3 blocks in 17 minutes. Just admit the Wizards get used again like a farm team.
  6. Nene out again? Lol but we got the better player. I like Nene but come on man he's going too continue too be plagued by injuries and he's eating up a huge chunk of our cap for the next 5 years. Denver defiantly won got the cheaper, younger player, with great potiental that can be depended on too play every game.
  7. Denver destroyed us in that trade, I don't beleive Nene will stay healthy. Denver knew Nene was having pain and we bailed them out they know have a healthy young big man for less than the older one with chronic knee problems.
  8. You know what thats fine, I agree this fight has been a joke and both sides are equally responsible. I just hate when people sit there and ignore all the excuses Pacquaio had its a joke really its like this guy can do no wrong.
  9. So your going too believe all the bull**** that comes out of Pacs mouth? If you going too go by that then in 2009 the fight was made both in there prime. MAYWEATHER signed the contract for 50/50 Pac didn't scared of needles. Fight could have been made last year May 5th but Pac has this super cut that takes 6 months too heal, and the make believe stadium won't be ready in time. EXCUSE AFTER EXCUSE AFTER EXCUSE Pac, knows he isn't getting 50% of the money he knows that period, he preaches this 45% bull**** when Mayweather is on his way too prison.
  10. DM and friends should be on suicide watch. PAC turned the other cheek and got his chin clocked by running away for drug testing. PAC should have took the 40 million he will be lucky too get half that. Marquez got off the pissy drinks and moved on too bigger and better things power pellets.
  11. Well advanced testing is available one choose not too adopt it too bad. Floyd tried too warn everyone that boxing is filled with PED users you guys laughed and turned the other cheek, now see who's laughing now all sudden Freddie Roach is crying that Marquez is on something and all the PAC fans are doing the same. I guess you didn't care when this little guy was moving up in weight knocking welterweights out and begging them too hit him in the face, while getting faster.
  12. Lol you guys hit a all new low I tell ya claiming steriods LMAO! Should have requested Olympic style testing but Pacs side is agaisnt it o well i guest we would never no.
  13. Wow you are really hurt aren't you? Are you Filipino? just curious if so I understand.
  14. Man those gifs had me crying the laughing the Michael Jackson one is the greatest ever. On the fight I am not happy Manny got put down, I am truly upset that Mayweather wasn't the one that do that too him. That outcome vs Mayweather was pretty much set in stone the way PAC leaves his self open too counters. Damn DM lol Broner the best fighter right now with no significant win. Broner is my second favorite fighter next too Mayweather but he's not in the mans class right now not yet anyway. Floyd vs Saul lets get it on!!!!!!
  15. These guys are cut from a different cloth they were established ball players all stars and for sure hall of famers they earned there right. It's a completely different situation John Wall my fav player but there's nothing good hanging out at clubs daily. Magic, and Jordan where gym rats first they have put in work, playing in and 1 games I don't consider that putting in work there's legendary players in south east dc that's a beast in pick up and play ground games. I am talkin about hitting the gym and working on your weakness shooting jump shot after jumpsuit trying too improve your craft.
  16. Yeah my friend is a party animal and he says Wall, Blatche and company be partying and drinking until they get stupid drunk. This team has no direction it's a mess I don't see any hope until things radically change from the top down.
  17. Well guys two of the guys I supported here are starting too come along and get it! McGee and the guy everyone loves too hate Blatche both have quietly been having a solid season with a pers of 24 and rising. McGee has been pretty consistent all season putting up crazy numbers and limited minutes. Blatche started off slowly but has been balling as of late , playing defense getting rebounds and not just scoring like he was doing here at moments. Blatche, I know ran up his time here with his off the court activities and coming in out of shape and lazy. I think he can maintain his play and be a productive player in Brooklyn for years too come. I wonder was he right the team not having his back and giving him the help he desperately needed. Yes he's been in the league for 6-7 years but coming in he was a immature 19 year old and the team just let him run loose. Being on a team full of a bunch of young knuckle heads like Arenas, McGee, Nick Young and others he never learned and continued too live his life style of a young guy straight out of high school getting paid millions in a big city. I wonder if we had a real coach that didn't take his bull**** and a team with some real vets on there too help him along the way. In Brooklyn Joe Johnson, Williams, and The enforcer Reggie Evens too let him know he's not only destroying himself but this team is not going too let him bring them down. Here he ****s up and still get an extension with no stipulations too void his contract if his actions continue. Here he was allowed too **** up act good, or play good for a few weeks and we reward him a extension, Coach Avery Johnson has brought him under his wings and let him know one **** up and your done, but her let me make sure your in your off season conditioning programs and lead you in the right directio. It's your desison on what route you choose too take. McGee another immature player with talent out of his world again was young and surrounded by a bunch of young douches. But yearly he continues too add or work on a element of his game. Potential out of this world but again he was allowed too party it up with no problem. Not really a trouble maker like Blatche but still in the clubs every week partying and not focusing on his game. In Denver he has been playing well but George Karl is making him earn his minutes and learn too be a professional if he wants too get starter minutes letting him know consistency is the key. I hear stories from a friend of mine saying he is pretty sure too see wizards players constantly clubbing it up multiple times a week partying Last year like its 1999 including everyones favorite player John Wall. He clearly must be smarter too avoid trouble than the blatches Mcgees and Youngs but still when is enough enough? Yes this year we go out and get rid of all the trouble makers but we go out and get aging vets with a history of injuries and others who on clearly on the down stroke of there careers. NeNe, Okafur, and Ariza We needed those players years ago too help develope our younger core. Our GM robbed us of that earilier by extending Arenas too 100$ deal fresh off knee surgury or picking up vets that was just here too pick up the pay check Rasad Lewis and letting go one of the better leaders of this team in Caron Bulter. Everyone may seem like I am making excuses for these guys but ask yourself if he was 19-20 year old talented athlete just handed millions on a team full of guys just like you will, What will you do continue on your path of being young and living the life.
  18. I agree with everything you said but a younger Floyd that moves around and not as stationary would have have shut Pac out.
  19. Drug testing is a ridiculous demand? if Pac made the demands for drug testing and Floyd turned them down then the world would have ended. Drug testing is nothing but good for the sport. Mayweather was taking the same test by the way. When did Pac ever get over 40 million? How much did Pac make vs Cotto compared too Mayweather? Who sales the most pay per view per fight? Like I said before Mayweather vs Pacquaio was signed sealed and delievered for 50/50 when there both was still in there prime and Pac turned it down because he is affraid of needles. MAN GET THE **** OUT OF HERE. I will agree that Mayweather is at fault some for the fight not happening but your acting like Pac is a saint in this.
  20. You know its kind of crazy that just LAST YEAR Floyd Challenged him just like you said May 5th and Pacman turned it down big time!! Him and Arum need too build this fake ass stadium and its not enough time too do it LOL! you believe that? MGM Grand the fight could have been made, or what about just before that Pacquaio's "CUT" won't be ready by MAY 5th but just before Floyd prison sentense got moved too June, Pac had a fight scheduled around that same time but as soon as Floyd is avalible then well this "CUT" can't heal even though he was seen in a photo a week later and that cut was a tiny tiny tiny cut that will take 5 months too heal. We can do this both ways, but don't sit there and act like your guy isn't at fault for this. Just like 2 years ago the fight was made Mayweather actually SIGNED THE CONTRACT FOR 50/50 but as soon as Pac saw drug testing he declined, was it the drug testing that made him decline or he was just looking for a excuse?
  21. LOL you guys love you some Pacquaio!! I don't see the problem at all, how are you stealing thunder from Pac? Is someone going too not buy the Pac Marquez fight because Floyd says hes going too fight in May? If anything I think its a perfect situation he has a date in May and guess what if Pac beats Marquez then it gives us a little hope that the fight can be made. Right now the two leading opponets for the fight is The Ghost and Canelo. Pac said he is fighting two times next year and the two most likely too fight is Rios and Bradley. This puts pressure on both of them get it done or continue too drag boxing down.
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