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Everything posted by SiCkSoULjA

  1. Na it's on a totally different level with Manny, Steward is usually pretty straight but Lampley and his crush for Manny is something serious. I am about too watch the fight now and going too score it.
  2. I only saw the last 6rounds last night and it was on a stream I didn't see the first 6 rounds. Just looking at the first 3 rounds on youtube they were extremely close. I have too see the fight next Saturday for a clear clear view HBO announcers are a joke a blow there load on anything Manny does. This fight could be much closer than people realize if they don't let the audio sway them. Seems too me that for the most part PAC may have been trying too steal rounds in the last 20 seconds like Oscar.
  3. And Sr. They are on a roll right now.
  4. Man those roger mayweather tweets are hilarious.
  5. WOW thats absolutly HORRIBLE!!! I maybe one of Mannys biggest critics thats really really really BAD. This can't stand! Manny has the drawing power too get this crap over turned this **** has too stop. WTF I am shocked theres no need for a rematch at all why waste people time. I feel sick
  6. Golden Boy has been good for the sport fighters seem happy and don't seem too be locked into a contract like most of Top Rank fighters. Bob Arum is the most corrupt man in the sport him and Don King. Like you said the fighters are getting paid fair. With Golden Boy it seems like they are working for you With Top Rank it seems like you are working for them. There seems too be way more questionable deceisons involving Top Rank fighters.
  7. You have some points on the viewers and ratings. I don't think Mayweathers sudden drug testing demands when Manny started too come around is funny what's funny is Mannys rise too the top, he's always been small but then he moves up in weight and knocking people out way bigger then him. You hit him and he smashes his gloves together begging for more. He thinks the guy is doing roids so he wants testing and too make it fair for for everyone that wants too fight him has too do the test.
  8. I think Boxing is much bigger than you make it out too be, as far as PPV yeah then only the top draws get the attention and thats the way it always had and always should be. HBO and SHOWTIME gets pretty decent ratings every fight almost with a pretty known name when people turn the channel and see people fighting, I would like too think that if people tune in at least for a few rounds too see if its anything worth watching vs horse racing a few times a year and a chunk of that is for gambling reasons. Even then you say the die-hards only care well half the "die-hards" turned the other cheek and refused too believe that Pacman or anybody else could be cheating in the sport. Announsers, other fighters and the hardcore thats directly related too boxing thought or think that Mayweather was or is ducking Pac even if he was clearly running from the test. This fight should have happened 2 years ago with people demanding that Pac take test too prove that hes clean, but the media let him get a out by saying why is Mayweather demanding such test. Floyd took alot of flack because he is demanding something that is the right thing too do.
  9. Peterson and Berto failed because of Floyd's testing, PAC has never did the random blood and urine test he's afraid of the needle. All those guys never failed a test until they got caught.
  10. Lol you hate the hell out of Floyd too admit the obvious, the man is a fighter theres a great chance he knew what is going on in the sport. Here PACQUIAO comes in knocking people 20+ pounds heavier the f*** out, and saw that he's a guy who is doing the unthinkable and raised a red flag. So Floyd said its alot of dirty fighters out there and wants unlimited random blood and urine test. This year more fighters started adopting the testing that Floyd STARTED and here we have 2 good fighters test positive. I am not saying Manny is or was doping but there should be testing and the BS las Vegas boxing commission That Manny and Roach swears by have failed too catch these guys but the random test nailed them. Who cares why Floyd was there I don't care if hes a fan of Berto or scouting his next potiental fight who just happen too be the winner Ortiz it didn't have no effect on Berto being caught red handed. The best part about these test is that these guys agreed too the test and still think they could either mask there cheating or was sure they wouldn't get caught. Either way another win for Floyd! RANDOM BLOOD AND URINE TEST IS A MUST FOR ALL CHAMPIONSHIP FIGHTS AT LEAST.
  11. Floyd was on too something! Too major fights cancelled because of random drug testing. I am disappointed I was so looking forward too Berto vs Ortiz and Khan Peterson
  12. Those numbers are going too gro 3X for Pacman but that still won't touch Mayweather. Whats suprising though is Bradley getting 5 million thats good for him, wonder if hes getting paid too take a dive or do a Clottley. :evilg:
  13. Tyson was used wasn't guided well I agree the man had issues. Mayweather also has issues and wasn't brought up well, Mother a crackhead, his father drug dealer, his father sold his mother crack at times, his father used him as a sheild from a bullet that missed Jr. but got Big Floyd. His father went too jail for years, In and out of his grandmothers house and back home with his mother, Everything wasn't peaches and creme when it comes too his life style. Mayweather hes super defensive it doesn't take much too make him snap and people see that and try too bait him too snap and it usually works. He has had plenty loud out burst when people continue and continue too ask him the same question or say that hes ducking Mosley, Cotto, Pac, Margo anybody that he hasn't faught hes ducking.
  14. DM my last post what did you think about Mike Tyson when he was on top of his game? He was the jack ass of all jackasses. Muhammad Ali also said allot of crazy things
  15. Theres enough blame too go around these guys are equally at fault, people act like Manny is this golden child he ain't.
  16. Any site that's on Mayweathers side with the facts is obviously biased. They say the same about fighthype.com
  17. He has never made 40 million in his career ever, Mayweather on multiple occasions. He don't deserve 50-50 period I think he should have countered with a 55-45 like he accepted earilier now he wants 50-50 when the numbers clearly prove Mayweather makes more and won't accept that.
  18. Lol man the guy is pulling numbers out his ass he is going too completely dismiss his paragraph where he says PAC in 15 pay per view fights did 9.9 buys while Mayweather in 9 ppv fights did 9.6 buys and more revenue in 6 less fights then says it doesnt matter. Nobody knows for sure how many buys PAC vs Marquez did, Bob Arum running around saying 1.4 million which he says UNOFFICAL 1.4 buys, the source says 1.25 which again in UNOFFICAL, those are good numbers why hide them? The fight might not even sniffed a million Bob has been running from audits for awhile. Also take common opponents and Mayweather wins on them all official from HBO. Then they talk about how Bradley and PAC wont sell well because nobody knows Bradley well nobody knew Ortiz and that fight sold very well.
  19. No it's not illegal but it makes no sense you can't tell me if Mayweather would have made that commercial there wouldn't be a problem. Also you said you don't care about atheletes cheating TIGER did it and look at him.
  20. You don't hear too much of anything about PAC the media decides too tell what they want, mayweather had tax problems or does something it's blown up 10x but when PAC does something you hear it 1 time even if u hear it and it disappears. Look at PAC's Hennsseny commercial! It's a joke if that was Mayweather we wouldn't hear the end of it. Everyone knows drinking and boxing is a sin it's the down fall for a lot of fighters. This guy PAC says he stop partying, gambling and drinking earily this year and then you come out with this gem. ARE YOU THAT PRESS FOR MONEY? That's the line people would give Mayweather. "DON'T SETTLE AND DON'T STOP" don't stop what drinking? That's what your telling people? PAC is allowed too dump out excuse after excuse on not fighting Mayweather but when Mayweather comes up with something he's ducking. What I am saying is he's not the Angel the media makes him out too be, he ****s up just as much as the next guy. If your going too talk bad about Mayweather then talk about everyone else problems. I like Mayweathers skills better I like the way he sales fights and make boxing exciting and not just the 12 rounds. I like the way he doesn't sell his self out
  21. Sorry man I am not going too read it, I have read enough of your BS one sided baised articles that you say aren't. I told you where I stand I like Mayweather reasons why He is who he is, like he says **** it its going to be what its going too be and hes not going too hide behind who he is or sugar coat it. Pacquaio yes he may seem nice but fake is hell! he gambles just as much as Mayweather, he cheats on his wife regularly, he doesn't pay his taxes and people talk about this man as if he is GODS only son. All this nice guy crap I hate it absolutley HATE IT these guys are paid too FIGHT please talk a little **** in the process. Watching Pacman touch gloves 3 times a round makes me sick! this is a fight the other guy is TRYING TOO HURT YOU why are you constantly touching gloves? whoop his ass and then after the fight hug and kiss and show sportsmanship. Is Pac a great fighter HELL FN YES the man is a brawler and he is good at what he does but man he is way over glorified. He has too make almost every fighter jump through hoops and loops too fight him, (catch weights, dropping down in weight) fighting people only after you have seen major flaws in his game.
  22. I didn't say they don't respect him you can't help but too hes known too have wars with all there fighers. I just "think" they like Mayweather more I know alot of Mexicans that brought Mayweathers last few fights and haven't brought Pacmans. Also Mayweather loves too fight on May 5 I think he picked up some fans that way. I maybe wrong on whos like who more in Mexico but Mayweather has a pretty strong Mexican fan base.
  23. You know the whole world hates Lebron James but that doesn't stop people from watching every Heat game. A ton of people including me hated the Bulls in the Jordan era but that never stopped me or everyone else glued too the TV watching MJ slaughter our favorite players or teams. Bottom line people are buying the fights, it's a part that makes him so popular not Only that he has me a huge fan watching the fight he has his haters YOU buying and watching also.
  24. Go to the part about khan http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/boxing/not-manny-pacquiao-pickings-slim-floyd-mayweather-jr-223531370.html I don't no what u expect me too find I showed you a few Brits singing there's only 1 mayweather, what you want me too find a 1000+ singing it? O yeah that happened after the Hatton fight. ALSO I know you LOVE PACQUIAO stop your blind hatred for Mayweather. I said Mayweather would win the fight and guess what so do most boxing experts and current and x boxers. I said Mayweather draws more and that is a FACT so yes I am a huge Mayweather fans but dude your the one going against the grain.
  25. Yeah there's a ton of people in Asia most either poor or could careless about boxing it's not there sport. There's no doubt PAC's Filipino following is loyal and amazing, and there's some Asians that follow boxing or call him there own. If PAC was more popular here he would have no problem outselling mayweather but he is getting outsold. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/othersports/boxing/9246418/Floyd-Mayweather-the-greatest-fighter-of-our-generation-says-Golden-Boy-chief-ahead-of-Miguel-Cotto-fight.html http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/boxing/article-2017559/Floyd-Mayweather-treats-British-fight-fans-open-workout-Las-Vegas.html
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