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Everything posted by SiCkSoULjA

  1. I am a huge Cousins fan but come on man what did JaVale do here? How many times hes been suspended? Hitting, Kicking players, arguing with coaches and hell just being a *******? Pretty much none Javale was just young and goffey. I agree witht he locker room being different and they where the Veteran Talent both under 25 years old, thats not good at all.
  2. I think I hate the Clippers as well only team I dislike more are the Lakers, if they play in the playoffs I could careless who wins. Vesley compared too Noel :ols:
  3. Whitman waited way way too ****ing long too call a time out. The Clippers Bench is a bunch of douches do they got too dance and jump up and down after every play.
  4. Espn has a insiders article on John Wall has he reached his ceiling ? Anybody care too share
  5. Noah and Ibaka are nothing like Vesley nothing other than tall, I am done talking about him, I hope he does well, go Wizards.
  6. Everyone in the NBA has Talent, And so far this season he has been one of the worst players in the league by far NO QUESTION you can't deny that, just because he has a game where he has 10 points and plays well doesn't automatically wipe away the 35 terrible or inneffective games he has had all season. I want him too be a great player I am a Wizards fan but from what I have seen so far he doesn't have that IT factor. I still don't see this IQ, I saw a guy that had a good game the whole Wizards team by going off what you seen last night are potential all stars and legends. The guy had a good game, vs a bad Magic team that played the worst they have played all season. Now lets see if he can build off this game, I hope so but wouldn't see my house on it.
  7. I wouldn't call us haters, he is subject too all the criticism he's recieving he's been terrible absolutly horrible. He's going too need more games like this big time. He played well got his season high of 10 points in 30 minutes I am not ready too call him Jordan yet. I thought he played well, the whole team it was a masterful proformance agaisnt a weak team lets keep the ball rolling .
  8. Your riding a high off the last 2 games, Wall is good and has potential too be a top 15 player but right now he's not top 25.
  9. Well that was a joy too watch everyone put there stamp on that game, very impressed lets keep it going
  10. If that is the trade proposal I am taking it and running and not looking back. 2013 pick isn't even in the fold? Wall, Beal, Gay,Noel, and Nene it's no way we are going too be that low in the lottery.
  11. You and me might be the only ones that like Rudy Gay everyone else thinks he's a overrated, overpaid ball player whos best days are behind him at 26 years old. I would do the trade you suggested but I would have too top 3 protect that pick. I don't know what Memphis is thinking is well Zebo is on the block as well
  12. Yup, you guys are sippin the surp if they are going too trade Gay for Okafur. Its Nene or the #1 pick most likely protected along with Okafur. I like Rudy Gay he has elite size and athleticism and can knock down any shot on the floor. I am fine with either line up Wall Beal Gay Noel Okafur Wall Beal Gay not sure who is here yet maybe Saraphin Nene
  13. People are selling Rudy Gay short, hes a very very good player and he is getting paid about what hes worth. I would trade Nene for him in a second, Nene has serious injury issues and I just don't trust too last hes in and out the line up. Talent for talent they are even great character guys one is often injured the other missed about than 30 games in his 7 year career. Don't trade big for small but in this case I will do it, then we draft Noel and we are on the right track. The guy is only 26 and people say his best days are behind him, he will be a 17 to 20 point scorer for another 4 years easy. And if its for Okafur and our draft pick I will do it as well, if we can protect that pick top 3 then hell where do I sign.
  14. I respect your detailed write up but I guess we are going have too agree too disagree. Your comparing Ves and Noel offensive skill set and completely leaving out that Noel is a great defender and rebounder. Noel also finishes around the rim like no other with put backs and dunks, Vess is too small too do that. Ves is what he is at this point IMO and Noel is still developing.
  15. I didn't say you think all black players a dumb Most White NBA players have good bball IQs too make up for lack of athletic ability most of the time. I am not trying too say white people can't jump some can "Vess" but the league is dominated by black players that run faster, jump higher and so on. What I am saying is Vess DON'T have this good basketball IQ he's a very limited ball player that belongs in the D league or back in Europe. He is not like AK47 good IQ and good athletic ability he is much much better than Vess. AK47 filled the stat sheet and was a lock down defender. If Vess was black you would clearly see he is just another below average ball player, and right now he's one of the worst players in the league arguably the worst. Too be European he lacks the fundamentals and he can't shoot as of right now he is hurting the team. ---------- Post added January-13th-2013 at 01:27 PM ---------- I thought Beal sucked he was the worst shooter in the league, I then realize that he's only 19 on a sorry injury plagued team with the pressure too be the star of the team. I realize that I was being very unfair. I didn't really like Blatche I just defended him, I hated the way he was made the scape goat. This team sucked because of Blatche according too everyone news flash we are worst without him. All the players are allowed too come in out of shape but Blatche huh? Blatche last year had a injury that put him on idle and he came in out of shape, Wall having the same circumstances came in out of shape nobody barley said anything. Blatche parties too much stays in the club, well guess what Wall and company is in magazines, music videos dancing his heart out NOBODY SAYS NOTHING. Before this team too turn the corner everyone has too go by the same rules. McGee, well he's going too be a beast.
  16. He took a few, made couple and missed horribly at times, His jumper looks smoother but it seems so slow, Teague blocked one and contested others but its amazing that now we have a guy that can get too the basket and we don't have too settle for chucking 20 threes.
  17. Race baiting wasn't you the same one that said along the lines that people look at Vessley as a goofey white dude and not judge him as not athletic or don't give him a chance? What the hell do you call that. If I am wrong what's this good basketball IQ, too me because I don't see it at all. Played 5 minutes and has 5 fouls wow IQ my ass
  18. Dude you keep putting Noel and Vessley in the same sentence and it destroys any point you make. THEY ARE NOT COMPARABLE! Noel is a true Center, HE PLAYS DEFENCE AND IS A GOOD REBOUNDER. Vessley can't do that and also Vessley is no where near atheletic as Noel. Yes they are both Raw but Noel is a Half of a year out of playing high school ball, while Vessley has pro experience. He is a liability on the court he does almost nothing well other than run and jump and he's highly overrated at that. Noel at the very least is going too be a great defensive player and rebounder. Also I am tired of the Vessley has a great IQ argument why cause he's white? What the hell about his IQ translate into a a decent ball player. I don't see any "smart plays" too be a guy that depends on a player too get him the ball in on the break. He doesn't play the passing lanes well at all, he's a terrible defender, he's never in the right place at the right time. He does hussle at times but he's a very limited player, I hate too rag on the guy like this but it is what it is.
  19. The whole organization, franchise team whatever you want too call it is a joke and its sad we have too root for this. People can say get another team but I was grown too like all the home teams and am super loyal too all of them, exception is college football when i was young I didn't like it until I watched Charlie Ward and Florida State then only tuned too college football because of them.
  20. He's a beast no doubt but this is my problem with the organization not so much Wall, they allow these guys too do what ever they want and expect them too progress not only as basketball players but as men. ---------- Post added January-8th-2013 at 02:11 PM ---------- Well damn
  21. Your right but by watching your diet and doing calisthenics you will maintain your shape and build your core body.
  22. I am sorry for everything I ever said negatively about Beal, about 2 weeks ago I realized that this kid is only 19 years old on a scrub wizards team with there star player hurt. His play over the past month has been getting better and better and his last few games dude has been a beast other than the Miami game. Now that picture of Wall is pretty bad had that been Blatche everyone would have blew up. That's a super gutt, there is almost zero muscle definition, his knee is messed up not his upper body. He is at blame for sure but where the hell are the physical trainers for the Wizards? Wall has said in a interview about a week ago all he does is play video games, eat and sleep. This is during the season not in the off season so he should be with physical trainers eatting and working out.
  23. This is a very good game impressed by the Wiz offensively and defensively.
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