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Everything posted by PokerPacker

  1. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't wanna be on the other team when Ovechkin's on the ice.
  2. Its Jaws. Jaws is full of metal teeth and awesome.
  3. we've gone over this before, yes you can. So says the thread-starter.
  4. no, that's not how you do it. This is how you do it:
  5. Gordon Freeman is a video-game character
  6. I see your Schwartz is as big as mine.
  7. okay, but then if you go by the claim you didn't cut anything as you made the text black (or more accurately, adding in BB tags), you broke the first rule of fight club... er TOOC. : you added in bb tags that were not originally there, thus you broke the rules. GTFO, no0b! :chair:
  8. you don't have the monopoly on rage! :redpunch:
  9. you can't do that. You can cut from the beginning of a sentence and from the end, but can't cut out of the middle. Its no longer taking out of context and just cutting and pasting. basically, you just made a newspaper ransom note!
  10. I figured that would probably wind up here. Surprisingly, no one blinked at it in the thread itself.
  11. nah, that's a puss tactic. You wanna throw down? Drop the gloves and fight like a man!
  12. that's not the caps. the picture name is Ruutu-Phaneuf. I'd say that's Jarkko Ruutu flipping Dion Phaneuf.
  13. ^ that would've been pretty bad-ass if he pulled that stunt off.
  14. Looks like I was stuck with H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu
  15. surely you're aware that that takes place in a parallel universe where he's straight.
  16. oh damn, the clock says its only 3:00, and it opens at 5:00! :rotflmao:
  17. there's also "vegetarian" refried beans. you never know how they prepare stuff...
  18. well I think the symbol goes well with the vegetarian aspect as a lot of indians are vegetarian. As for why vegetarians would use barbecue sauce? its delicious.
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