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The Evil Genius

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Everything posted by The Evil Genius

  1. It's both. These two female Russian athletes kissed on the winners podium to protest their country's anti-gay propaganda law.
  2. Handed out by the Police at Seattle's Hempfest this past weekend.
  3. Countries That Do Not Use the Metric System
  4. 2nd career fight. Nice 1-2 combo at the end plus the loser does her best Rick Flair I just got ran into the belt buckle impression.
  5. Saw "The Wolverine" last night. Loved it. One question though..why didn't Logan's hands bleed when his claws came out (when his healing powers were diminished)?
  6. I just googled that video MLSKINS and I read that the "fan was actually NWA-Wildside wrestler, Salvatorie Rinauro. Sal has worked for various Indies including, TNA, ROH, FIP, IWA-Mid South, NWA-Wildside and others. He also appeared in a WWE backstage vignette with Trish Stratus back in December." http://www.wrestlezone.com/news/232457-identity-of-fan-jeff-jarrett-attacked-at-slammiversary So I'm guessing it was an angle of TNA at the time.
  7. Roid rage..or at least it used to be before WWE started suspending them for it. Plus, I suspect he isn't all there to begin with. How far back? I've been watching off and on since the early 80's and I don't remember ever hearing about a fan attack in the ring that wasn't an angle.
  8. Apparently, this wasn't an angle. It was a real fan attacking RKO. Of course, RKO got in a good head kick at the end. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zL_sM2KF8Ac
  9. So this elderly lady walked into a drum shop...and...well, I'll let the video show you.
  10. Oz: The Great and Powerful and The Hobbit : An Unexpected Journey I enjoyed both but I was suprised at how much they used Gandalf in the first Hobbit movie. I don't remember him saving them that much in the book. As for Oz - if you can get past James Franco, it was an entertaining movie and the scenery (hello Michelle Williams, Rachel Weisz, and Mila Kunis) made it a worthy Redbox rental. I think both are definitely better seen in HD.
  11. I'm sure y'all know this, but the Warren's ( the main characters from The Conjuring movie played by Vera Farmiga and Patrick Wilson) are/were actual paranormal investigators whose most famous case was the Amityville house. To this date, Lorraine Warren says she would never go back to the Amityville house because it bothered her too much. This movie is derived from one of their cases.
  12. I guess he got a different woody than expected.
  13. http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2013/07/satanists-perform-gay-ritual-at-westboro-gravesite/ Satanists Perform ‘Gay Ritual’ at Westboro Gravesite Jul 18, 2013 3:24pm A group of satanists say they’ve given the controversial Westboro Baptist Church a taste of its own medicine, performing a same-sex ritual at the grave of the mother of the church’s founder. Members of the Satanist Temple performed on Sunday what its spokesman describes as a “pink mass” an admittedly made-up ritual, celebrating gay love, at the grave in Meridian, Miss. Spokesman Lucien Greaves doffed a headdress made of horns as two male couples, and a female couple recited scripture, lit candles and made out over the grave. Members then posthumously declared Catherine Johnston, the mother of Westboro’s founder Fred Phelps, a lesbian. The ritual was designed to get a rise of the WBC, the satanists said, an organization that’s earned a national reputation for getting a rise out of others. Phelps is the leader of the Westboro Baptist Church, a fundamentalist congregation infamous for picketing at the funerals of celebrities, victims of disaster and terrorism, and U.S. soldiers killed in combat. The church, located in Topeka, Kan., believes that the whole of the United States is in a state of sin because of gays. Members often protest at funerals carrying signs that read “God hates fags.” The idea to stage a counter-protest by the New York based Satanist Temple after WBC members threatened to picket at funerals for those killed in the Boston Marathon bombings, Greaves told ABCNews.com. The ritual took place at Magnolia Cemetery near a busy road, but Greaves said no one bothered the group of Satanists. MORE AFTER LINK
  14. Phonetic ITS road sign (or at least how some people are guilty of saying that second word)...
  15. 14-month-old buys car on Ebay. http://www.digitaltrends.com/mobile/baby-submits-winning-bid-for-car-using-dads-ebay-app/ Sounds bad, right? It was $225 Here's the actual car --> Here's how it could look if its properly restored -->
  16. You might just want to link those rather than embed them..cause there's a bit of nsfw language that the mods usually frown upon.
  17. BTW - Hunnam was on Conan O'brien last night - his interview (plus the one before it with Kevin Bacon) were ridiculously funny. edit.one more poster - this time for Spike Lee's remake of Oldboy..and the first good image of Jamie Foxx as Electro...
  18. It's currently tracking 76% on Rotten Tomatoes, which is pretty solid, especially for a summer blockbuster type of film. I'll go check it out - I always enjoy Guillermo del Toro's work, and this is his first big budget major movie, so it's kind of a "make or break" situation for him. It's also the first chance for my boy Charlie Hunnam from Sons of Anarchy to step up into Hollywood "leading-man" territory, so I feel compelled to support him as well. And come on - it's giant mechs battling even larger monsters, with Charlie Day, Idris Elba, and Ron Perlman also in the cast. If I was just shooting off my own ideas for fun sounding movies that I'd personally like to see, this is pretty much the recipe I think I'd come up with. I wonder if Hunnam will speak in his original accent, and if he does, how many people will think he's poorly faking an English accent? He's from Newcastle and his actual accent is pretty thick.
  19. I'm on the fence about Pacific Rim this weekend. I mean, it looks like everything I want in a movie..but I wonder if some of the so/so early reviews are tempering my excitement. Anyone else going to see it?
  20. To the extreme I rock a mic like a vandal, light up a stage and wax a chump like a candle.
  21. Looking forward to The Winter Soldier..not sure if Black Widow really has a place in the story though. Also it's interesting that they are introducing The Falcon into this story....
  22. This is all sorts of messed up...and I'm going to hell for laughing.
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