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Chris 44

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Everything posted by Chris 44

  1. I heard this too. Johnson conspired all season long to get Harris and crew on a plane to fly halfway across the country so he could diss them. True story.
  2. Quinn got one more super bowl appearance than every coach during Snyder's tenure. Yeah I know, but Gibbs appearances were pre Snyder.
  3. Lets hope he / team can find really good OCs and assistants. Fine with him handling the "Leader of Men" thing and leave the Xs and Os to others.
  4. Yeah if its going to be Quinn we should know before this weekend, if not its not a warm fuzzy as far as Quinn's view on the process, cements the second fiddle feeling.
  5. Perhaps by interviewing with multiple teams you refine your interview skills, learn about the different teams, bargaining power if multiple teams are interested. Your number one destination ends up going in a different direction. Lose nothing by interviewing with multiple teams.
  6. This is the only thing right now that would make sense. Reset, evaluate all options without worrying about other competition. Not ideal from a college player evaluation stand point, behind the curve somewhat, but still no need to rush at this point.
  7. Maybe we didnt want MacDonald after the interview? Maybe what he was asking for did not line up with what we were prepared to give an unproven HC?
  8. Not seeing how they failed. They were waiting to interview in person 2 of the leading candidates. At the last moment one pulled out of the process. You suggesting that they should have hired someone earlier in the process without interviewing what was perceived to be the 2 hottest prospects? I dont understand how you can take this scenario as failing the test.
  9. I imagine there are a bunch of guys out there flying under the radar because they are on crap teams, crap players or just plain out of the limelight that most people not on the inside even know about. This would include current OC's and position coaches.
  10. Im very interested to see who the assistants are, hoping we can develop a true talent pipe line that can continuously step up as needed when others get promoted.
  11. A HC is the guy who when entering a meeting room its immediately a sign to put your phone down and give undivided attention. I dont think Ron, though respected, had that persona about him toward the end because the players had become disillusioned as to his football leadership. The new guy needs to have that aura of leadership and accountability. Purple nurples wont cut it. Not advocating for someone to lead by fear but someone who can communicate and make guys believe. It maybe that is more of what Harris etc are looking for in a HC. I dont believe Johnson exhibited those traits, especially after reading the reports that came out about his insecurities the last 24 hrs, Does MacDonald have those traits? No idea. But I think the in person interviews are invaluable as to giving a good idea as to an individuals leadership qualities.
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