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Everything posted by kleese

  1. Over the years many have painted me as a Snyder “apologist.” Probably not without merit at least partially because I agree with some of what you stated above. One big thing people overlook is that he did NOT take over a good situation. From 1993-1998 we were awful, made awful decisions on and off field, and opened a new stadium that no one liked from start that had nothing to do with Dan. And as you mentioned there were also a few bad luck items to boot. I also always stated that I didn’t think Dan was a bad GUY, just a bad owner. That his heart was in the right place but he was so socially awkward and read people so poorly that he was unable to truly lead in any substantial way. But that he loved the franchise and wanted it to succeed just like the fans did. My hope was always that he’d accidentally hire the right guy to turn it around. He is not a spotlight seeker at all— he’s actually become a recluse. Now, perhaps we will find out that the “not a bad guy” part is also wrong. Or maybe he is just such a tone deaf guy that he couldn’t see what was right in front of him. But one thing is for sure... no matter what spin you put on it, he was a bad owner. Very bad. 21 years is enough time to overcome a bad start and some bad luck. At some point when you are the remaining constant, you stand alone. I think Dan just always wanted to sit at the jock table. Just invited to the party, not necessarily be the life of the party. I would be surprised if it’s revealed that he actively took part in anything nefarious. My guess (and obviously that’s all it is) would be that he was easily too weak or so duped by those he trusted that he never did anything to stop/correct it. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter. I run a business myself and I understand that in the end it all reflects on me. Not necessarily every single incident, indiscretion, or failure. But the end the product. The big picture. It’s beyond clear that he simply isn’t fit to be the owner of an NFL team. Whether it’s because he’s a dirtbag human being or whether it’s because he’s just really, really bad at it doesn’t matter. Its reached a level of no return.
  2. I don’t know any of these guys (owners). I have no clue if Bezos is more greedy than Jerry Jones or if he’s a better or worse person than Arthur Blank or Robert Kraft or anyone else. I would imagine to amass that level of wealth for any of these dudes that you are likely going to make some enemies along the way and possibly make some decisions that teeter or cross moral lines. But everything is relative and a person living in poverty in the Sudan might look at my life and choices and think I’m a personification or greed and indulgence. So I try to withhold judgment. Now, sure if proof emerges that someone is involved in criminal activity or activities that directly injure or exploit others then I would prefer them not be associated with the team I root for. But overall, I don’t give a rip. If Bezos is an a-hole, but a non-criminal one, then bring him on. It is impossible to regress at this point for us in terms of ownership/leadership. The new owner will be given the widest clean slate in the history of clean slates. I’ll gladly place my Redwolves t shirt order on Amazon the day Bezos takes over.
  3. Best case: The information/allegations is hard or impossible to refute and it leads to immediate action from the league or Snyder himself announcing he will sell. Even if a deal isn’t completed soon, we will know it’s coming and rest easy knowing it’s over. Worst case: The report is bad, but maybe not AS bad as rumored and Snyder isn’t implicated directly. There is a lot of grey area and the result is a lengthy investigation where Snyder digs in his heels. Result is more along lines of suspension, fine, penalties, etc. and not removal. As always, the reality I bet falls somewhere in between. Maybe something where it looks like it’s very possible Snyder will be gone but that it’s not a done deal. We likely have to sweat out weeks and months of allegations and retorts.
  4. Yes, unfortunately, there probably isn’t going to be a quick and cut and dry answer/solution here. Especially if the implication for Snyder is more of the “lack of institutional control” variety as opposed to something more direct. But it’s been 21 years now (and honestly closer to 30 since we were any good) so if it takes 9 months or whatever to hash out to a resolution, then so be it. This season is already going to be weird at best if there is a season at all. I do fear it may cost us some who were recently brought in like Rivera, but if that’s the case, then so be it as well. If the outcome is a change in ownership and a total rehaul, then it will be worth the short term pain (I’m speaking from a fans point of view and not any potential victims).
  5. I really despise “cancel culture” in general, but it might work in our favor here. Because even if the evidence (whatever it is) isn’t AS bad as they are saying or if it doesn’t 100% directly implicate Snyder, the public pressure could be so bad that he is basically forced to sell, even if he isn’t technically forced to sell. My message to Dan right now would be to heed the words of 80’s icon, Sting (singer, not wrestler): If you love someone, set them free. Free, free, set them free.
  6. Probably staring at 4-69-1 in about 36 hours...My presence should be factored in for sure in the prediction thread.
  7. Not a believer in drafting for need.... Round 2 Pick 28 (ATL): Barrett Jones, C, Alabama (A-) Round 3 Pick 23: B.W. Webb, CB, William & Mary (A) Round 4 Pick 2 (K.C.): A.J. Klein, ILB, Iowa State (A) Round 4 Pick 22: Kenjon Barner, RB, Oregon © Round 4 Pick 30 (ATL): David Quessenberry, OT, San Jose State ( Round 5 Pick 1 (K.C.): Gavin Escobar, TE, San Diego State (A-) Round 5 Pick 21: Bradley McDougald, FS, Kansas ( Round 5 Pick 29: Adrian Bushell, CB, Louisville (A) Round 6 Pick 2 (K.C.): Kenny Stills, WR, Oklahoma (B+) Round 6 Pick 23: Duke Williams, SS, Nevada (D) Round 7 Pick 22: Gerald Hodges, OLB, Penn State (A)
  8. Paul Brown..... Fired by Art Modell in 1962 in Cleveland, he started the Bengals franchise in 1968..... Their original uniforms were certainly no coincidence: http://www.bengals.com/team/history/uniforms-1968.html
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