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  1. I understand, I just think that, fair or not, wearing our jersey starts you out in the upper quintile until you screw up and fumble at the wrong time (Gibson) and then you are in the bottom quintile. I don't know many players who are anything greater than a 2 and less than an 8. Just what I've noticed/am projecting.
  2. Because he's wearing our jersey, and truthfully, that's reason enough.
  3. 1) Aside from Forbes, who I'm pulling for but think was a bad pick and had a pretty traumatic (for him and us fans) rookie year, I think that last year could show the fundamentals of what players can do, but it's not going to be a continuation of that. It'll be like going from the car race in Grease" to the Indy 500. Yeah, it's still technically racing and winning is still the same, but it's a drastically different approach. Plus Lightning McQueen k'chow! 2) As others have said, it was lame duck, ownership was still cleaning vanilla ice cream off of the offense's meeting room, we had two insanely disappointing coordinators, and Ron was on his way out. You're only as good as your last game, but this team hasn't even had their first. 3) **** Wiley, he went to the Casey Rabach School of Turnstyle Blocking and graduated magna cum ON MAN HOW DID YOU WHIFF AGAIN JFC
  4. NFL app premature 😂😂😂😂
  5. I mean I get that, like you can get the player you want or move down a spot and get the player you want and a second. Am I following?
  6. Yeah this is what kinda makes me gloss over any trade-up situations for LV. They can't empty their pockets to get to 3 and then afford twice that to get to 2.
  7. Keim's the gold standard but this half sounds like a commitment to Daniels and half a broken Confuscious quote.
  8. Ah, I wonder what Blondie is up to nowadays. Haven't thought of her in a long time.
  9. I more mean does it seem, and I know it's hard to extrapolate, that he can still be a franchise quarterback without his legs being an every down possibility.
  10. What do people think of Daniels if his running fell off? I know I'm getting way ahead of myself, but the dream is to have a quarterback that gets my first- and second-graders through high school. Even before the ACL, RGIII didn't seem sustainable. Would Daniels still be as viable in 2034 as Maye would be? I literally know nothing about CFB because my heart can't take more than one team and one sport, so I have no horse in this race.
  11. Ahhh, okay. I was there too, now I remember. My son's first game and he got to hear me pissed off on a Sunday during a game except outside this time.
  12. The RGIII hit by Ngata was a one-in-a-million-and-only-to-the-Redskins hit. I don't like how he was treated after that hit by Shanahanahanhanaan, but that hit itself could've happened to anyone. The hit on Howell, is that the one that was half an hour after the whistle and a mile and a half out of bounds in the Giants game?
  13. I think this is the only team-centered approach, truthfully. I would much rather have to make a hard choice between a bunch of future HOFers than pick "my guy" who's clearly above everyone else. It only makes us better. And I hope the rest of them have careers that are great when they don't negatively impact us.
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