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Westbrook to retire and do TV???


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I can't really see Westbrook as an NFL commentator. Maybe he can get a gig with BattleBots. Or the host of one of those beach dance shows on MTV. Any other ideas???

-- Westbrook Could Retire & "Do TV" -- from FFMastermind.com

The official website of the Cincinnati Bengals reports with training camp less than six weeks away, there is no clock for free-agent WR Michael Westbrook in his negotiations with the Bengals. Westbrook said Monday that the talks with Cincinnati, "don't look very promising. But we're still trying with the Bengals. We haven't closed the door. I still think it's a good fit." Westbrook realizes he probably won't be paid, "what I deserve," because of the lateness of the hour. But he is being firm about one thing. "It's got to be close," Westbrook said. "I won't do a job unless I'm going to be paid close to what I know I'm worth. I feel like I could start for about 25 teams out there. If I can't get what I feel is something close to what I deserve at this point, I won't play. I'll go do TV." Duke Tobin, the Bengals director of pro/college personnel, said even though the club's offer has been turned down, he believes it was an offer consistent with a June market for a player who has been available for more than three months. "We've offered him a deal that is more than the minimum and has up-front money and those are two important things at this stage," Tobin said. "Not many players signing now are getting more than the minimum. We were impressed with (his workout) and we think he's got a role here." The Bengals aren't certain there is much competition for Westbrook. But Zucker said while he has no other visits lined up, there have been conversations with many teams. Asked if he plans to visit Jacksonville, Westbrook said, "We're talking to the Bengals now and we'll see what happens. I told Steve not to even bother me (with teams) if it's not interesting. I'm just focused on working out and getting ready."

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Actually, the problem with Westbrook and his agent is that he's likely only to be offered exactly what he's worth based on his production. He still views himself as an elite WR in this league even though he's never become one. The rest of the league seems to view him as a player who had a lot of potential abut who's possible greatness never materialized. Now he's entering his 30s and his window for a big payday is likely gone.

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This episode brings up the most troubling aspects of Westbrook's personality if he is a player on your team:

1. He overvalues himself tremendously and ignores reality.

2. He is a guy who really doesn't have a burning desire to play football. He admitted when he was drafted that he never watched much college or pro football growing up and wasn't familiar at all with the history of the Redskins.

Can you imagine many youngsters today making that statement?

Michael is about the money. He always has been. He wants to do well, but only to the degree it is going to benefit him down the road in terms of dollars.

That isn't enough of an incentive to become a top athlete. You need more natural desire than that. :)

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Thank god we didnt resign him.

Now will the Westy supporters see why its a great idea to move on and go with kids like Skaggs and or D Mac who are going to pull out the stops to make the team?

The next me player to go is B Smith and it cant happen soon enough.

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Bufford beat me to it about the Dolphins. It's hard to imagine that Norv Turner would help Westbrook out while he's still got Michael's shiv in his back.

Westbrook's comments about doing t.v. are a bit interesting as well. Westbrook tried his best to alienate the media during his 'career' by refusing to speak with them. So now they're suppose to be falling over to give him a job? Guess again, Mike.

I realize we're just getting a few quotes out of context, but it appears to me that Westbrook simply doesn't get it. Not at all. He's one of those guys who should have had to get a real job before he went to the pros so he would understand life a bit better. He's going to have an ugly retirement.

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I suspect that 'I'll just do TV' is a bluff. Since no team other than the Bengals are particularly interested in him, he's trying to find some other form of leverage. My guess is that Mike will eventually sign for less than he wants.

But whatever. He's not our problem anymore. He can host 'The Price is Right' for all I care.

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Finally, we are able to see clearly where this guy belongs -- out of football.

He hung his talent over our heads like a treat on a stick, just out of reach, and now expects another team to be as foolish (and patient) as the 'Skins have been. Yeah, right!

Hopefully, the few that lauded the second-coming of this almost-was, will finally see he's not coming back here (nor was he ever in the plans). And thank goodness.

Battlebots would be a great fit for his TV debut, though they already have a former "almost was a decent football player" as host. He could try for role in Ozzie's Show. Perhaps a pooper-scooper for all those untrained dogs running around their house?


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If Westy was worth alot, we/ teams would have signed him back in April. He is a marginal receiver at best. He is not the top receiver out there now. Freeman is a whole lot better than Westy!! Both head cases, but Freeman has more heart.

That Tv gig??! I think he should reconsider and sign with the Bungels! He can barely speak when he does interviews.:laugh:

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