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Billick Is So Full Of It, Its Coming Out His Ears!


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here is Brian Billick's response to Ray Lewis not attending the first day of his voluntary camp:

"In the electronic age we live in, with all the gadgets we have out there, the least Ray (Lewis) could do is call. The camp is voluntary, the NFL is adamant about that. But in my last conversation with Ray, he said he would be here today. I am angry. I don't deserve to be treated this way. I've treated guys with respect at every turn."

really Brian? I would say that Trent Dilfer doesn't agree with you. I would also point out that your hardheaded approach to paying so much for Grbac meant releasing valuable players from your championship defense, which now looks like a sieve. ;)

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Truly a beautiful thing if you ask me. Add to it a resurgent Skins team in 2k2 and life should be pretty good in old D.C.

Billick and Stabby are two of my least favorites in the NFL and seeing them do poorly is one of the things I most look forward to next season.

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Even more than seeing Billick's smug, thoroughly self-satisfied @ss do poorly, I will enjoy the sight of Art Modell finally walking away from the NFL (which can't come soon enough), never to sully America's great game with his odious presence again.

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You took the words right out of my mouth Glenn. Modell is the biggest piece of monkey dung on the planet. He and Billick were made for each other, and both will look like monkey's effin footballs come season.

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Alright! C'mon! Fess up. Let's hear how you guys really feel about Billick and Co. :D Although, with all gadgets out there, it may have been more respectful to call Lewis and ask as opposed to airing it out publically.

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Billick is a self-aggrandizing, narcissistic whiner. I'm sure it's always eaten at him that the Super Bowl was won, not because of his offense, but in spite of it. Marvin Lewis and that outstanding defense won it. So he tries to go out the next year and make a splash, and winds up getting one of the wimpiest QB's in the league this side of Scott Mitchell in Grbac. And not only does Grbac not work out, he divides the team, and retires at the end of one year saddling them with a bunch of dead cap money. Hopefully this will all mean that Billick will be invited to fewer of his coveted interviews where he can talk about himself.

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