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70 Greatest Skins Announced 3pm Edt@ Redskins.com


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So that means right around....oh... 3:01 , the board lights up about picks. Then later on during the day, links to articles will be provided. Between that time and for sometime after we'll all be saying "What? Aw hell. shaw picked him. I mean he was a good playere and all, and statistically he......." or " Yea that's a good point and all, but no way I rank..... over......" . Cool! can't wait.

Sigh. Now don't you just know some of the Cowboys fans will show up and share? :doh:

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I really think that when we talk about players over time, we should draw a line at say 1955 or 1960 and say the group before that time deserves its own ranking as does the group in the modern era.

It is not fair to rank players according to a single scale because the game has changed so much over the course of time.

The early players were not playing 16 game schedules. The rules in the early years allowed defenders to mug receivers coming off the line of scrimmage and allowed guys to pile on and continue to battle for the ball even after a player had hit the ground!

then you add in the how many years pro footballers played back in first 30 years, most were in and out of the league in 5 or 6 years and then had to get 'real' jobs :gus:

Meanwhile the modern era players are much better athletes due to improved training methods and technology and the game has transcended baseball as the national sport so the best athletes are now coming into the game, whereas in the early years that wasn't the case.

A lot of guys turned to football when it appeared they didn't have a future in baseball.

I am sure that Baugh and Battles will be high up on the Redskins 70 year list as will Sonny Jurgensen and John Riggins and Darrell Green.

But to say one is better than the other is to ignore the circumstances they played under.

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a lot of those early guys played O and D though. I think that should raise their skills alittle. Imagine if they were coached and conditioned to just play one spot?

This is the post where I hit 2800 in honor of Darrell Green (#28) who happens to be my avatar and on the same day he'll be named on the 70 greatest Redskins!


The Future HoF'er

Posts: 2800

(3.94 Posts Per Day)

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Well, Russ is in.

By Mark Maske

Washington Post Staff Writer

Thursday, June 13, 2002; Page D01

Russ Grimm apparently hadn't checked his mail lately or returned any of his telephone messages from the Washington Redskins. Just before walking to the practice field yesterday with the Pittsburgh Steelers, for whom he now serves as the offensive line coach, Grimm was asked in a phone conversation about today's scheduled announcement of the "70 Greatest Redskins."

"Am I on it?" asked the former standout guard for the Redskins. "I'm excited about it. I hope I'm on it."

Grimm is among those who were sent letters recently by Redskins owner Daniel Snyder informing them that they'd been selected by a 12-member committee as one of the franchise's 70 greatest players and coaches, according to several people familiar with the process. The selections are scheduled to be announced today at Redskins Park as part of the team's celebration of the 70th anniversary of the franchise, which was founded in 1932 as the Boston Braves before moving to Washington in 1937. The designation promises to be meaningful to those who receive it and upsetting to some of those who don't.

"It's a great honor," Grimm said. "There have been a lot of great players to go through that place."

Honorees Sonny Jurgensen, Billy Kilmer, Sam Huff, Brig Owens, Pat Fischer, Mark Moseley, Raleigh McKenzie, Charles Mann and Joe Theismann are scheduled to attend today's announcement. They were invited by the team because they still live in the area or were scheduled to be in town. All the honorees will be invited to an Oct. 25 gala and an Oct. 27 on-field ceremony in which they will be recognized during the Redskins' game against the Indianapolis Colts at FedEx Field.

The selection committee began with a list of about 275 possible candidates compiled by the Redskins, and were told to add or subtract as they chose. The selectors decided to limit their pool of candidates to players and head coaches. They decided to consider only a player's on-field performance, only those who spent at least three seasons with the Redskins, and only current Redskins with at least 10 seasons on the team.

Each committee member submitted a preliminary list of approximately 70 selections. When those votes were tabulated, those with more than a few votes became the 102 finalists -- 99 players and coaches Ray Flaherty, George Allen and Joe Gibbs. The finalists were listed on the Redskins' Internet site for a month's worth of fan voting. Even though 32 finalists eventually might feel like they were getting cut again years after their careers ended, the committee reasoned that was the only way to make the fan voting manageable.

Another honoree who has a home in the area, Philadelphia Eagles running back and kick returner Brian Mitchell, said yesterday that he won't be on hand for today's announcement. The Eagles are scheduled to practice. Mitchell left the Redskins on bitter terms when he was released in June 2000, but he said yesterday through an Eagles spokesman that he appreciated the honor. He and Redskins cornerback Darrell Green are the only active players among the honorees.

"I'm very pleased to be part of the team, but I'm still working," Mitchell said. "I have a job at hand to take care of."

Emotions ran high during the selection process for some. After his father, former Redskins defensive tackle Joe Rutgens, was left off the initial list of 102 finalists picked by the selection committee and released by the team in May, Joseph Rutgens tried to stage a write-in campaign of sorts. He contacted one member of the selection committee, NFL Films President Steve Sabol. His mother contacted another committee member, Redskins assistant general manager and Hall of Fame former player Bobby Mitchell.

But he failed to generate any further support for his father's candidacy, the younger Rutgens said yesterday.

"The frustrating part is, it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for my father, and he was kind of overlooked," he said.

Former Cable News Network anchorman Bernard Shaw, the chairman of the selection committee, said yesterday that the selectors came up with "a list that is as thorough as we could make it."

Added Shaw: "One thing we were unanimous on was not wanting to forget players from the '60s, '50s and '40s. We were very concerned about that."

Said Sabol, who watched NFL Films footage of old-time players to help him evaluate his selections: "It wasn't that tough. When you look at a Sammy Baugh, a Charley Taylor, a John Riggins, a Joe Gibbs, people like that have to be there. When you got down to about the last 10, it was tough to make sure you weren't leaving somebody out."

Redskins officials say they stayed out of the selection process after asking Shaw to head the committee and suggesting a few possible selectors. Bobby Mitchell was the only team official to serve on the committee, and he could offer an opinion without having to worry about his own sure-thing candidacy.

The committee also included Sen. George Allen (R-Va.), a son of late Redskins coach George Allen; radio broadcaster Ken Beatrice; former stadium announcer Phil Hochberg; Pro Football Hall of Fame historian Joe Horrigan; WRC-TV-4 anchorman Jim Vance and sportscaster George Michael; WTEM-AM-980 sports director Andy Pollin; Joseph J. Sisco, former undersecretary of state; and Noel Epstein, now retired and one-time editor of several Washington Post histories of the team.

"Undoubtedly there will be people who say that so-and-so should have been on there and so-and-so shouldn't," Allen said yesterday. "But I think fans, for the most part, will look at this and say, 'Those are the 70 greatest Redskins.' "

More than 29,000 votes cast by fans favored contemporary players. Committee members were advised of the results but not bound by them.

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