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my top 10 players in the nba


Who do you want to be The skins starting fullback this season?  

51 members have voted

  1. 1. Who do you want to be The skins starting fullback this season?

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10.baron davis

baron davis or gary payton was a tough one for the 10 spot

I know alot of you have got on the bibby bandwagon but he isnt a top 10 player well not yet anyway

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Baron Davis turned into a real "go-to" guy with the Charlotte, er ... New Orleans Hornets. He's perhaps worthy of consideration but I'm not sure he would have cracked my top 10. The guy shoots free throws almost as bad as Shaq for Chrissakes! And at a guard spot, no less.

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Thank God someone realizes that Dirk is a player. I love the Mavericks, bash me if you will. They are the only redeeming thing that Dull-*** has to offer. They are refreshing. I became a fan the year they drafted Dirk. I love watching team basketball. They are a team, period. Teams like the Mavs and the Kings give the NBA hope of a post MJ revival. No more watching Heat vs. Knicks 66-67 nail biters. Some criticize Dallas for the lack of "D", but I say to hell with them. With the young core of players(by NBA terms) of Nash, Finley, & Dirk, the Mavs will be fun to watch for years to come. Dirk will be a great one, I dare someone to argue with me on this.

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Paul, Carter came to my mind as well as I read these lists, especially considering the number of members who reside in


I suppose the thought is he's too one dimensional and/or not been healthy enough.

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I am a Lakers fan :cheers: but I have to put Jason Kidd higher up on the list than most of you did.

A premium point guard that can pass, shoot, defend, rebound and be a true team leader is a rare commodity.

Kidd ran up against a more veteran Laker's team that had the ultimate weapon in O'Neal.

If Kidd were on the Lakers everyone here would be comparing him to be the best guards over the past 20 years. :)

My list:

1. Shaq. by a mile. forget the refereeing. Jordan walked with the ball. Larry Bird pushed off on every jumper. Shaq has gone from a dunker to a guy with three or four post moves, hooks set up from both sides of the basket and an eye for the cutter pass second maybe to Duncan in the NBA at center.

2. Duncan. Duncan is the key to the Spurs. Tony Parker and Duncan given their relative ages make the Spurs the team of the future in the Western Conference IF they don't stop building. You get a small forward that can really stretch the defense on this team and these guys are a 60 win club for the forseeable future.

3. T-Mac. The guy simply does everything one player can do for a team while not being 7'1 and 350 like Shaq. If Grant Hill had ever been healthy Orlando might have represented the East once in the past two years in the Finals.

4. Kobe Bryant. Bryant does at times play Pippen to O'Neal's Jordan, but what sets Kobe apart is his leadership and cool in the clutch in the fourth quarter. Kobe time and again has shown to be a player that steps into another gear under conditions where most players are prone to nerves and mistakes. Right now in the NBA if there is five seconds left on the clock and you need a basket from 8-20 feet there probably isn't a better choice than Bryant.

5. Jason Kidd. Kidd is right up there. At least based on his 2002 season. If he continues his play into the future this is the starting all-star point guard in the East for the next 3-4 years. The Nets suffered from inexperience in talented youngsters Van Horn and Kenyon Martin (at least until Martin's 35 in Game 4) and the fact they got NO productivity from the center position. MacCullough and Collins going up against Shaq is like fighting an M1 Tank with a 9mm handgun.

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Things I noticed about Kidd in the finals (I don't watch him much)... He always breaks on the right side, and when he gets right below the arc (18 feet or so), he pulls back on this little delay dribble to create space. At this point the defender is worrying that Kidd is about to try to take it to the whole, more with muscle than with speed (he's pretty bulky for a PG), or take that spot up jumper. But of course, most of the time he's going to pass right from that spot. It's his generic semi-fastbreak move.... he does it constantly.

Kidd is an excellent player, but there happen to be a ton of really excellent PGs in the NBA right now. Francis, Bibby, Baron Davis, Nash, Andre Miller, Gary Payton, etc, etc, etc. And I'm not even including people like Stephon Marbury on that list.

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