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I don't need to live in D.C.


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As most of you know I am a D.C. Area Transplant living in the Seattle Area, the last time I lived in that area was 1989. Until recently it was hard for me to keep track of what was going on with the Redskins. I remember whenever I would see a Redskins Game that was close on the sports ticker during a game I would call my uncle in Manassas, Virginia to give the play-by-play of the last few minutes.

Now because of the Internet and Direct TV I can follow the Skins like I was living back the Northern Virginia! I watch Comcast SportsNite Daily to get updates (it is kind of cool to see the local D.C. Metro Area commercials) and I have the NFL Sunday Ticket and the NHL Center Ice Package to watch my Skins and Caps live. Not to mention I have this site to talk Redskins Football with.

I love technology, I don't need to live in the Beltway to keep up to date with my teams any more!

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sounds awesome .. im gonna be going off to college soon and im gonna need to find a sports bar near where i go to school to watch skins. the prospect of not being able to watch scares me.

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2 things.

1) The already mentioned NFL Ticket. Used to have to drive to Wendover NV, 90 mins away to gurantee seeing the Redskins play at a sports bar.(during the Heath Shuler/Gus Ferotte season no less.) Though since then several good ones have opened up in SLC. Desparetly need one in Park City though. :D:pint:

2)More importantly,(obvious, obligatory suck up), the founding,by D.H. , and the discovery by Utah who told me about, Extremeskins. definately a way to keep up and share on all things Redskins. :cool: Will always call Fairfax home though.

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I am bitter because not only do I have to get up at an ungodly hour to watch the game out here on the left coast, but my landlord won't allow me to get Direct TV, so I have to drag myself to a bar. I like watching Skins games in my boxers on my couch, now I have to watch them in my boxers at a bar, a small sacrifice, but as Vincent Vega said, its the little things.

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