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Lets get ready to rumble!

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Smell that? Huh? Thats Redskins baby! Yeah you know it. Right around the corner. August 3rd is right down the street. I may not be posting as much as I usually do, but I am have never been so primed and ready for a season. Fellas, we have not had a losing record in three years. Thats not easy. We will succed this year. Yes we will. You better beleive Smoot21 and his crew are ready for go time. I ask this question.

Second game of the season.

Monday nighter.

Those stinking birds come to town.

It is on.


Who is with me?


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You KNOW DTC#24 is always down for defending FedEx Field. September 16th will be a glorious day in the history of FedEx Field. We will be 1-0 after beating the tar out of the Cardinals, and it will be for the NFC East lead. You better believe we will be ready. DTC#28 is ready too.

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Have fun Dead Tree Crew! I will be there in sprit but I will be ready to cheer our beloved Redskins on November 3rd when the come up here to play the Seattle Seahags! :D

And hopefully I will have a crew of Redskin fans from Cali and B.C. with me. :asta:

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From what I have heard, some of the players that were to appear on the Retros might not be with the team. Bruce Smith. They also want to release the Ramsey jersey with the others. Let it be known for now on that Ramsey is "Snyders guy". He cannot be touched with a six foot stick. They also want to release some Retro hats at the smae time and some Retro tee shirts and other stuff. All they tell me is before training camp. Thats from the same guy that said before the Draft, so take that as you wish. I just cant wait for my Smoot jersey to come in.

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Originally posted by riggins44

Yep, 8 weeks till the Japan Bowl. I'm getting pysched! My

Buddy and I have gotten tickets to Colts game...we'll be in

Club Level Seats.

Don't get to rowdy in the Club Level. I heard that the Stuff Shirts fans that sit there get upset when the fans there make too much noise! :shutup:

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Hell yeah baby. And Bufford, I dont blame you for not noticing, I am a busy guy, so I am not posting a lot as of late. I got a woman, and she owns me, I'll admit it. I've been with her for a year, and when she calls, I run. She's got something I like. Therefore, I am not home that much, especially with the community service and my job. Knamean? But anyways, Tommy, I can't wait to hang out with you, and anyone else from extremeskins.com who wants to roll by the DEAD TREE!!!

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riggins44, I am in the Club, sec.328 and I will be at the Colts game. Maybe we can meet and drink a few beers. Of cource the 44 in my name is for John Riggins, in my opinon the greatest Redskin to ever wear the bugundy and gold.

fuji869, in some sections that might be true, but not in mine. I get everyone rowdy and on there feet and if anyone tells me to sit down(they don't have the balls) I tell them that they are not TRUE Redskin fans and they should stay home if they don't like it.

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