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I was doing fine until....

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I saw this new movie about the Res Sox fanatic.

I really was having one of my best football offseasons ever. I was content with waiting out the offseason and rooting passionately when the season came around. I wasn't huddles around the computer around 10pm every night just hoping that the Post would grace me with an article. Despite pretty negative press about my beloved Skins, I was just going to let the season be played on the field.

But man this movie really hit home. I really saw a lot of me in the Jimmy Fallon charector in that why I root for the Skins. I love the people that shave sit in my section for years. And that despite them sucking since I was in 8th grade, every September I have a fresh new start. Despite the heartache of recent seasons, they are the team I grew up rooting for and will do so until my grave. Perhaps this borderlines on psyco for an adult, but that is the point as the movie shows. It's not about being an adult, it is about having the same passion as something you had when you were little. How many things in life can you claim to have been passionate about for so long?

So now I am dying for the season. Sept. 11th (well the football aspect of it) can not come soon enough. But for now I will settle for the schedule coming out, the draft, arguing about Faterelli's forthcoming artilce on how we can't draft, mini-camp, June 1, camp, and preseason. But soon enough, it will be kickoff weekend!:point2sky :helmet:

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I saw that movie and someone laughed in the back when they said that Jimmy Fallon went to spring triniing to scout out players even though he had no reason too. I then looked at my bro and he pointed out that we did the same thing at training camp with the skin.

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I haven't seen the movie yet & I want to, but when I first saw the previews, my first thought was that it was me. My wife, the first thing she saw? Red Sox. She started yelling at the tv because they made a movie about the Red Sox (she's a dreaded Yankees fan). :rolleyes:

I don't know how to explain it, but there is a connection a person has with a team like the Redskins or Red Sox. People like the Yankees or Cowboys because they win. Well, there is no connection there. What's so special about being a fan of a team that wins all the time? But to follow a team that hasn't won anything for a while...there's a connection there that is very intangible. It's impossible to describe to fans that don't experience that connection. But that connection is what drives us to hate teams like the Yankees & the Cowboys. I can't really explain it well, but I think some of you will get what I'm sayin'.

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Great post Steve. I'm looking forward to the start of the season just as much as you believe me.

Originally posted by GloryDaysGrill

Thanks for a worthless post. Keep it up! - The World

Thanks for showing the world what an :moon: you are.

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Originally posted by GloryDaysGrill

Thanks for a worthless post. Keep it up! - The World

And this did what for the discussion? He shared his opinion and feelings regarding our beloved Redskins.. I can respect that and enjoy reading that a lot more then some miserable prick downing on people with the use of sub-par one lined babble.


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