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Well, I certainly hope we don't see any Lakers fans complaining about the officiating after this game :-)

As a fan of niether team (can't stand Shakhack or Webber), I'm shocked. I watched, but I didn't see fouls 4 or 6 on Pollard. Many of the calls on Vlady are junk. What did he do to get teh double tech?

Bibby is getting thrown around and hacked to no calls (though he did pick up a blocking foul on a charge). Good lord, I hope there is no LAkers whining if they lose this one.

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Which is why I've never really been able to take basketball all that seriously. The officials seem to determine the outcome of a game as much as the players do. I think it almost brings the game down to the level of totally subjective sports like gymnastics or figure skating.

Certainly in every sport the officials have some say in the outcome, but in basketball their power and ability to change outcomes is a lot greater. Plus, it also seems to me that whether some things are called are based not on what the offense is, but rather who you are. Anyone remember the non call on Jordan in what was supposed to be his final game ? What about those lame phony fouls against Sabonis in the western conference finals the year that the Lakers won their first championship. Talk about your basic rip offs. :puke: Mind you, I'm not a Portland fan or anything, I just hate to see anybody get cheated out of a win (and probably a championship) the way Sabonis and the Trailblazers were.

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No complaints from me.

But seriously, there were bad calls again all night. The non call on Kobe at the end of the game was bad, but I don't think you make that call at the end of game six in the playoffs.

I thought it was funny that after the game Vlade said he knew before the game he would foul out.He was saying that it was Shaq's turn to foul out in Sac. and his now that they were in LA.

In this game it seemed as if the refs were giving the all-stars the calls even if they were caught out of position, and when it came to two stars playing one on one, it seemed like Shaq was getting the calls THIS game. Pollard has always gotten called with the quick foul and will continue to just because of who he is. Is it fair? Probably not, but that's the way the NBA has always been.

Game 7 Sun.Does it just boil down to who gets the calls?

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You don't make that call at the end of game 6? Do you make any calls? Are the ystill playing basketball with any rules? An elbow that draws blood? Jeese, that even breaks the old playground rules of no blood no foul. With a 1 point game with 19 seconds left, not making that call is HUGE. Then charging the Kings their last timeout is almost as huge. The combination is...

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It was an obvious foul.And it was huge. But no bigger than some of the calls that went the Kings way in game 5. It's a shame but the officials are having just as big an impact on the game as the individual players themselves.

Is it not obvious that when they let Shaq play he dominates? Did he change the way he played this game or did the officials change the way they called the game?

And that timeout had to be called. You can't just stop playing because somebody is bleeding. That happens all the time, and the team is forced to take a time out. It just so happened that this time it was at the end of the game, Sac. had no time outs left, and the officials didn't blow the whistle on the play before.

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I thought I was watching Episode 7 the Phantom Fouls.

I turned from the game when Pollard got a foul for having him arms straight up and those idiots try to defend the ref.

I figured the Lakers were going to win last night but the cals were ridiculous.

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Unfortunately it quite possibly could come down to how the officials are feeling during game 7. Course, if it's an equal opportunity bad call night it may even things out a bit. With any hope it won't be anything like the Hugh Hollins call nearly 10 years ago during the Chicago/ N.Y. series. Now that would be a tough way to end the series.

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Why is basketball...one of the most exciting, beautiful sports ever invented..trying to destroy itself with biased reffing? I realize there's a few bucks to be made by having the Lakers in the finals, but, as a number of folks have pointed out, when you feel the sport itself is rigged, it's hard to be a fan.

Baseball has made sure that small market teams are out. The NFL's salary cap allows teams like the Rams, Patriots and Ravens to participate and even prosper. Which sport is more healthy? You'd think a sharp guy like Stern could figure it out.

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It is very difficult for me to enjoy almost any NBA game. I don't even watch the bulk of the game and when they stink with bad officiating like last night (I watched a grand total of 15 minutes, mainly mid 3rd to end of 4th, here and there), I turn it off.

I don't have a favorite team, just barely watch, whenever they show a Wizards game.

I went to the FIRST EVER Indiana Pacer/Los Angeles Lakers final game here in Indy and the calls were so bad and strange, it was obvious that the officials were trying their best to take control of the game.

Actually, that was what they were supposed to do (take control of the game), but I believe it's gone a bit too far.

Someone must take them back to the dictionary and explain what the word referre means. They are NOT Marketing Analyst or Advetising and Sponsorhip Agents. They ARE promoters of goodwill in a sense, because they are charged with making sure the players play within the rules of the game. However, bright lights, temptations for outcomes and changing tempos does becoming appealing to some. Can we say they truly determine the outcome, when a pass sails over a players head with 10 seconds left, he's all alone at the 3 point, and only down by 1?

Can we say that the irresponsible dribbling of a showboater that comes off the bench, craving for attention literraly hands the game over by committing 7 turnovers, from dribbling to losing the ball, to fouling, thus erasing the 12 point advantage with 2 minutes left?

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