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Street's and Smith's


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Just picked up the Street's & Smith's preview. Coule of interesting things, understanding that it's all conjecture at this point.

- They gave us a "B" on the draft. They seem to like Ramsey. Called Betts a reach but figure him for solid depth. No surprise there.

- They figure us to finish 2nd n the East. No surprise there.

- In the "projected starter" section they list at QB ... Ramsey. Bit of a surprise there, don't you think?

More to come when I actually sit down and read the thing.

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I've learned not to place a lot of stock into any of the preview mags predictions. First off, the latest news they have is ususaly at least 2 months old. Second, they have to analize evey team in the league so they can't be experts at every team.

I read mags like Street's & Smith's more to check out other teams and catch up on league wide news. Add some good feature stories and some football and cheerleader picks and you have just enough to get you through till September. :high::pint:

I do think that Ramsey is going to be a great QB and maybe even a better value than Harington, but if he starts this year it will be because things have gone horribly wrong with our #1 and #2 QBs or it will be in a meaningles game at the end of the season.

If he *does* start this year, let's hope it's because we clinched the division. :cheers:

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Well I found Street and Smith's 2002 Preview. They pick the Eagles to beat the Steelers in an all PA superbowl.

The Skins are picked to finish second. They even use the new hemlet.

Coming soon: Athlon's and Lindy's.

My favs are TSN"s and PFW's.

You don't take in the predictions but it gives you something to read until the season gets here.

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You certainly can't put much stock into what they say at this point ... hell, it's before the June 1 cuts! But, it's part of the off-season. I use them to keep up with other teams' moves, rosters, etc.

I've always liked Street & Smith's and TSN for the write-ups and Athlons usually has the best pictures. I may boycott Lindy's after they failed to put Champ in the top 10 CBs last season (which he then proceeded to darn near justify with his so-so season.)

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Here's one more interesting tidbit from the mag:

"If the Redskins are half as productive during the season as they were over the winter, they should run away with the division."

Be nice to see that one come true. :)

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