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Franchise Cap Figures Released


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Franchise cap figures have been announced for 2002. Players who have been slapped with the franchise tag are paid the average salary of the top 5 players at their positions, however, that figure is based salaries in 2001. This year's franchise figures are by position: QB - $7.4M; RB - $5.6M; WR - $4.3M; OL - $4.9M; TE - $2.3M; DE - $5.7M; DT - $5.0M; LB - $5.5M; CB - $4.5M; S - $3.3M; P/PK- $1.2M.

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Parella? John Butler is not going to slap a franchise tag on a run stopper inside. <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" /> <br /><br />Remember Marty ain't the Captain of the ship in SD, merely the first officer <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="tongue.gif" />

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Your right Rat_Boy, I think his total bonus was<br />$2.5M. Not sure how much is left to be amortized, 2/3s? Cap hit for 2002 would then be about 1.3M but we'd only save 500K by cutting him (of course, there's other considerations like reporting). I'm using Buddha's and the player association's #. I'd like some more analysis here because right now, it looks like he'll be our SS next year although if Mr Spurrier's offense works, we may be in a lot of nickle.

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