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The World's Fate Decided By A Football Game


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The world has been invaded by aliens who say they are going to play us a game of football for control of the Earth. We have one month to prepare and we will have all current players college or pro available to us.

Who would you choose for:

1) Head coach

2) Offensive Coordinator

3) Defensive Coordinator

4) Quarterback

Remember - this is to save the planet!!!!!!!

I'd pick:

1) Head Coach - The Tuna - in this role all the head coach would have to do is give a pregame and halftime speech. Although I've never heard one first hand - I'd say he probably wouldn't have any trouble getting the troops stirred up.

2) Offensive Coordinator - SOS - Give Spurrier the best players on the planet and a month to prepare and he's unstoppable.

3) Defensive Coordinator - me - honestly with SOS running the offense, there is no need for a defensive coordinator. My second choice would be Buddy Ryan. At least if one of them wandered over to our sideline, it would be neat to see Buddy punch out an alien and start an intergalactic incident.

4) QB - tough choice here. What QB would you want with the Earth on the line? Guys like Elway, Marino, Young, Montana are past their prime. I might have to go with Farve. I stumped myself here.

That's it - who would you guys pick to save the world?

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Head coach -- I'm partial to Gibbs. But, with the world on the line, I wonder if Gibbs would have the ruthlessness in him to do what was necessary. The Tuna is a pretty good choice there.

Offensive coordinator -- Tough one. But, with just a month to prepare, I'd probably go with Spurrier too. Here's a guy that calls a game based on how he feels. With only a month to prepare, we need a fast thinking guy in there rather than a guy strapped to his system. You could easily, though, put a Bill Walsh or Mike Martz here and probably have success.

Defensive coordinator -- Has to be Jim Johnson. Here's a guy who'll let it hang out. With everything on the line, I want him calling my plays because I don't want a guy puckering up when it's important. I want pressure created and damned with the consequences.

QB -- Peyton Manning. The only guy around capable of thinking through his own game. Put he and Spurrier on the same page and you'd have some crazy synergy that would be a salvation :).

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Head Coach - Gibbs. If limited to coaches with recent NFL experience, I'll take Parcells as well.

Offensive Coordinator - Also Gibbs!

Defensive Coordinator - Do I sound like too much of a homer if I say Pettibone? Oh well, that's the guy I'd want!

Quarterback - Brett Favre. Imagine Gibbs with Favre to work with! Wow!

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I'm going with Mike Martz over SOS, if only because he's a proven commodity at the highest level.

Tuna/Gibbs, I can't complain either way.

D-coordinator? A current one? Hmmm... can we go with Belicheck?

QB.... I suppose Peyton will do..... I dunno though. As dorky as he may look, I'm interested in seeing what Garcia would do under Martz.

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I like this question. It reminds me of the time, as an eight-year-old, I saved the world by beating Satan at Parcheesi, best two out of three.

Head Coach: Shula (yeah, I know he's old. Be glad I didn't say Lombardi).

Offensive Coordinator: Gibbs

Defensive Coordinator: Belichik

These guys would kick some green butt.

Oh, right, QB: Elway. Oh, you mean living? Favre

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Coach: Gibbs

OC: Spurrier

DC: Pettibone

QB: Montana

Gibbs - are you kidding me??? tactics all the way down to the timing of the water boy. Yes Lombardi, Levi,Parcells, Noll, Landry good cases.

Spurrier - this can be a toss up with some others, but just the sheer fact that he is sooooo flexible and makes use of everyone, Gibbs does surpass him in this dept (use of everyone). Shula was a good innovator, as was Landry.

Pettibone - the most underrated DC in history. Cases would be made for Johnson, Lewis, Rhodes, Fox, Schottenheimer, and the architecht of Chicago's fame, Buddy Ryan, but Pettibine resided over 4 SB defenses, with 3 of them coming out on top. I'll take my chances.

QB - Montana. I want a QB, even if he aint the fastest on foot, like McNabb, Cunningham, or athletic like a Baugh, Theismann, Young, McNabb or Culpepper or the purest of passers like Jurgenson or Marino. I want a QB that is so cool under pressure, you'd think you'd have to scream in his ear, that the world's at stake. I want a general, but a buddy, I want a shoulder I can put it on and know he can read what Unitas, Manning, Graham (Otto), Layne saw. I want a Favre attitude about staying to the finish, I want a heart and soul like Kelly or Bradshaw, or a careful dart like Elway.

I want leadership like Staubach, Greise, Kilmer.

Montana uses the machine like a martial arts master. It's not being the prettiest, the fastest, strongest, etc. It's making it all count when it counts.

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Head Coach Tuna.

Joe Gibbus Maximus has been away for awhile and we are talking current

Offensive Coordinator I'll say S Double.

He'd light it up more than death blossom attack in the Last Starfighter

Defensive Corrdinator J Johnson

Damn the torpedos full speed ahead.

QB Peyton Manning

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If we are going with current personnel:

Head Coach: Holmgren - He does just fine when he's got a decent QB.

OC - Spurrier is a homer pick. With the fate of the planet in the balance I wouldn't ever pick a guy who has never coached a snap at the pro level. I'd probably go with Martz.

DC - If we ARE going to be homers, why not pick Lewis? He's a Superbowl winning DC. If I could pick ANYONE I might go with Dungy or Cowher here.

QB - Favre. A proven winner who's tough as nails, lives to play, a fiery leader, and wills his teams to win.

Oh, and my Special Teams coach, in canse anyone was wondering, would have to be Rodriguez.

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Interesting question. I guess we really dig deep during off season. :laugh:

Head Coach: Gibbs - He's proven he can win it with 3 different QB's. It's all in the coaches system.

Offensive Coordinator: Bill Walsh.

Defensive Coordinator: Marvin Lewis

QB: Favre (I'd be hoping like crazy he wouldn't fall off the bandwagon under the pressure of saving the world).

I'd request that the game be played at Mile High, and the Cowboy cheerleaders would lead the cheerleading squad, hoping both would be a distraction to the alines.


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You all spend far too much time thinking pure football. I fear it's skewed your world-view. Let us not forget that by kickoff, I will have completed work on my 55SK-13 Time Traveler (with remote and handy carrying case).

Head Coach - Linda Lovelace, circa 1975. The standard.

Offensive Coordinator - Jimmy Raye. 2001. Honestly, has anyone ever been more offensive?

Defensive Coordinator - Erin Samuels, 1978 - 82. I spent 4 determined years in college trying to get past her defenses. No dice. She was a natural. Simply mad skills.

QB - Brett Favre. 2000. Great arm, great fire, guts galore. And the worst actor this side of Kevin Costner. What's not to like?

Broadcaster: Xm1>*<. You can't understand a word it says, being from Riinss 3.5 and all, but the enthusiasm it shows is nonpareil. Plus, it travels with those female DemSIM's from the P2NNx system ... damn they're hot.

Special Teams Coach: who cares? If this game comes down to a kick or punt coverage, we're in trouble anyway.

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Limiting myself to the modern era, Gibbs forward, players/coaches in their prime:

Coach: 1. Tuna, 2. Gibbs, 3. J. Johnson

OC: 1. Martz, 2. Gibbs, 3. Spurrier

DC: 1. Lewis, 2. Dungy, 3. Ryan

QB: 1. Favre, 2. Young, 3. Montana, 4. Warner


Limiting myself to the present moment:

Coach: Belichick

OC: Martz

DC: Lewis

QB: Favre


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OK assuming that they are all alive and in their prime I'll take:

1) Head coach:

Vince Lombardi!!! Hey they named the trophy after him guys!!! The best motivator in the history of the game.

2) Offensive Coordinator:

In a close call against Joe Gibbs, burn me at the stake for being a heretic, but I'll take Bill Walsh. The best offensive mind in the history of the game.

3) Defensive Coordinator:

Richie Petibon. The most underrated DC ever. A genius who outfoxed the best in the business year after year.

4) Quarterback

Give me Slingin' Sammy Baugh. yeah it's from left field but if you look at his stats he ewas the most dominant offensive player of his or any era-- plus he wore the B&G and that's gotta count for sumptin'.

I'm also adding a running back, defensive lineman, linebacker, corner back, and safety because I want too. Nyahh nyah!!

OK adding stuff now:

5) Running back:

Gale Sayers-BEFORE THE KNEE INJURY- He would have broken every record Jim Brown had if he hadn't torn his knee to shreds.

6) Defensive lineman:

Dexter Manley- When he was Mr D and all coked up and stoked during games. Coming off the edge and busting QB's was his game. Of course I'm overlooking Bubba Smith, Deacon Jones, Big Daddy lipscomb, Reggie White, and others-- but hey they never signed an autograph for a 10 year old BCS like Dex ter did so fruck 'em. Dex is my main man!

7) Linebacker:

I was tempted to go with Butkis for his shear animal like ferocity and presence but he was just a bit too slow. So I'm going with LT instead- a true impact player. Nothing wrong there.

8.) Corner Back:

Darrell Green. No arguments. Mr Redskin in a landslide and he's our punt returner too!

9.) Safety:

Ronnie Lott. Nobody will go deep across the middle with him patrolling center field.

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Good answers all. Rather than post my own, I thought I would post the probable answers of our recent 'Poke fan visitors. Here goes:

1) Head coach - Dave Campo (He is NOT just a puppet!)

2) Offensive Coordinator - Norv Turner (wasn't he great?) or Jack Reilly (isn't he great?)

3) Defensive Coordinator - Mike Zimmer (We have a top 5 defense!)

4) Quarterback - tie between Troy Aikman (3 rings) and Quincy Carter (beat Champ on a pass!)

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Touche, Henry. :)

All right, then ... we'll go with Pete Rodriguez, in a photo finish over Wayne Sevier and Frank Beamer. Pete has that hat with the little bobble-thingy's hanging from the brim, and I understand the VooXXian's - what with their multiple retinas - are sometimes mesmerized by such things. It might just distract them enough on kick coverage to let D. Green and/or Billy White Shoes break one.

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I'm afraid that we've all run into tough defenses at some point over the years! And the b!tch of it is, those are always the ones you remember the most fondly. :laugh:

As for this whole Mars Attacks! scenario, I'd definitely want Riggo doing the color for the game! And Tom Jones leading the Redskins Band providing the music!

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Originally posted by BallCoachSpurrier

Defensive Coordinator:

Richie Petibon. The most underrated DC ever. A genius who outfoxed the best in the business year after year.

So what happened when Petibon was head coach? I know the talent was old, but even so, he bombed.

Any theories on why such a good DC would bomb as HC?


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Originally posted by Brave

Good answers all. Rather than post my own, I thought I would post the probable answers of our recent 'Poke fan visitors. Here goes:

1) Head coach - Dave Campo (He is NOT just a puppet!)

2) Offensive Coordinator - Norv Turner (wasn't he great?) or Jack Reilly (isn't he great?)

3) Defensive Coordinator - Mike Zimmer (We have a top 5 defense!)

4) Quarterback - tie between Troy Aikman (3 rings) and Quincy Carter (beat Champ on a pass!)

That is funny as hell :laugh:

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Because he didn't have Micheal Westbrook. :)

Seriously, though -- it's a good question, but I vote you make it a separate thread. It'll likely be a long one. Seems to me this one is too much fun to sidetrack that much ...

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I was glad to get a stirring debate going! I see there are lots of homers picking Gibbs, but I guess I can see it. It would be interested to see what people on other teams' boards think. I've posed this question many times to Wilbon and Tony on their weekly chats on the Post and I never get a response.

Anyway, I was going to start another thread noting that we kicked the alien's asses with our first group and they want another go at it. This time they are offering the Earth plus the ability to time travel. As such, we can can grab anyone in history (in their prime) to play in round two for all the marbles.

1) HC- Lombardi

2) OC- SOS (still say when all is said and done he'll deliver the goods)

3) DC- Ryan

4) QB tough again - I hate Elway like a bad rash, but in his prime he seemed like he could always pull it out if it was close. I'd rather scratch my nose with a cheese grater than put my life in his hands so I might have to go with Montana here. He's cool as a cuke!

Serve 'em up!

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