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Will Taylor want a new deal?


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Do you Remember hearing last season that Taylor was unhappy with the contract he signed after seeing what other high picks got and hearing what Winslow was saying? There was talk that he wanted a new deal but had to wait at least one year. Well...one year is up! Do you think he will want a new deal or just shut up and play ball?

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He was just mad because a lot of his money wasnt guaranteed. And for the team that is a good thing. Make him earn his pay, there should be no other form of contract.

Imagine Gardner making 500K a year because he cant catch more than 60% of the balls thrown his way, he'd have great incentive to get better at catching the ball.

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Originally posted by BlindSideBlitz

Do you Remember hearing last season that Taylor was unhappy with the contract he signed after seeing what other high picks got and hearing what Winslow was saying? There was talk that he wanted a new deal but had to wait at least one year. Well...one year is up! Do you think he will want a new deal or just shut up and play ball?

You can;t really look at it and compare his salary to anyone other than a safety. And he IS the highest paid safety in history. Just because Kellen Winslow II's father, Kellen Winslow I, says it was a bad deal, doesn't mean it is. Taylor is a safety and he just won;t draw as much as a QB because he won't have as much impact on the game, although Taylor certainly made a huge impact last year...I don't think a new contract is going to happen. It would have been discussed.

His off-the-field situations, haven;t been that bad. He skipped out on some of the rookie symposium. He was wrongfully arrested for a DUI, which was proven in court, but he did refuse a breathalizer, which wasn't smart. He fired and hired agents, so what? His teammates and coaches love him. They say he is a down to earth, self-effacing charming young man. He has his head screwed on straight. When you go from being a broke college student to a millionaire football player, it can be overwhelming, but he is going to be just fine. If what happened is as worse as it is going to get, then its no big deal.

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