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Now That Election Is Over, Expect to See Conscription

By Greg Szymanski

Within a matter of weeks, Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.), plans to try and re-institute the military draft, saying the present voluntary system places an unfair burden of war among lower- and middle-class Americans while giving the rich a free ride from military service.

Rangel’s statements are unpopular among most lawmakers and government watchdog groups. But they came on one of the bloodiest days of the Iraq war with over 35 Marines killed, bringing the total military casualties to more than 1,400 with over 10,000 injured or maimed.

Although the liberal Democrat has been an outspoken critic of President Bush’s war policies, he said this week “the burden of war should be shared among all social groups,” including the children of the wealthy and privileged.

“Sometime soon Rep. Rangel is preparing to reintroduce legislation to reinstitute the military draft since he strongly feels everyone should share the burden of war,” said Emile Milne, Rangel’s press representative and legislative director Wednesday from his Washington office. “He is essentially reintroducing legislation that failed to gain support last session. However, this time around, I think, it has a better chance of passing.”

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I've said it before, and I'll say it again. The draft is a good thing, and we need it to stay strong. If they work the hitches right it wouldn't be so bad. I think that a fair amount of people drafted would actually re-up for active duty once they see it from the inside.:2cents:

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Originally posted by tex

“He is essentially reintroducing legislation that failed to gain support last session. However, this time around, I think, it has a better chance of passing.”

HAHAHAHAHAHA.... it must be a trip to work for Rangel and have to act as if you live in a parallel universe. The first time he introduced it, the vote was 402 against, 2 for, and the rest abstaining.

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I don't think it will have any chance of passing....plus a lot of lower class sign on because it gives them opportunities they would otherwise not have...like the G.I. bill and a possible career in the military...I don't like the idea of a draft...:2cents:

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Originally posted by Pete

So how does it ruin your future Dave?

I doubt it will pass too, but I still like it.

Because I'm going to college. I'm going get out into the world at 22 years of age and make a money. Much of that money is going to be saved for my future.

The draft delays all of that. You don't really know me that well, but trust me when I tell you, I'll be a much more productive member of the private sector than I would be a soldier.

Basically, they'd be taking someone that would be great in the business world and delaying it by turning him into a really crappy soldier. The military doesn't need me, and I don't particularly want or need the military.

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Originally posted by Pete

So how does it ruin your future Dave?

I doubt it will pass too, but I still like it.

How would it ruin his future. I'll tell you how it would ruin mine. I have a plan to go to college and play football and then coach, I dont want to have to join the military and go to some foreign country. Sorry

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It will certainly never happen if they listen to the military on the issue.

That's a big IF as always ... but I do believe it would have to make quite a bit of political headway for this issue to even cross over into the realm of possibility.

This is just Charlie Rangle trying to make a name for himself.

Rest easy tonight, Dave and Penn -- you're safe for now.

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Rangel is an a-hole who said that when Republicans say "Tax cut" they're really saying "N---er." I think I've heard him throw around the old Nazi slur too.

Point is, this is just a shameless statement by him. It has nothing to do with actually WANTING conscription.

In fact, I don't know about you guys, but I got emails and I had young kids asking me about the draft and the assumption was that Rumsfeld or Bush wanted a draft(completely false) and yet when you followed the links, you found that it was Democrats who sponsored these bills.

But then, that's their MO, I guess. I hardly think they sent those forwards(same with the expiration of the Civil Rights Act implying blacks would LOSE the right to vote) really thinking that these things were true. I would state that the Democrats who sponsored the bills in the Senate and House knew they could then use their OWN SPONSORSHIP of the bills to say to constituents and through the net and word of mouth that "Bush and the Republicans" were bringing back the draft.

Hell, I knew a HS kid who told me that's what his teacher said to the class. Now you tell me, how did people not do any research into who actually keeps bringing up the draft?

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Originally posted by Pete

So how does it ruin your future Dave?

I doubt it will pass too, but I still like it.

I mean this with the upmost respect, and am not trying to stir up any sort of argument, I am just wondering if you were previously in the military, or have kids of the draft age.

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Originally posted by tex

I don't think this will pass but what if it does?

Would you really be so eager to send your 18 year old daughter to the front? Your wife or girl friend?

Tex, I'm not eager to send anybody into combat, seasoned vet or greenhorn. I wouldn't love the idea of my daughter being sent into a combat zone, but there is a price for freedom and I would expect her to do her duty as many of her family of past generations have.

This countrry hasn't seen a major conflict simce Korea. My dad was drafted into the Corps during Korea. He was off the US main land all of 5 weeks. Cuba and PR. He did most of his hitch at Cherry Point Naval Air Station, so getting drafted even during war time isn't a sure ticket to combat or even being deployed overseas.

The bigger the military, the less likely you go with a small war. If we intend to fight more then one "small war" at a time, we need a bigger force to have a reserve. Were stretched a little thin right now, but this conflict isn't gonna last forever.

Thanks Dave, that was the reply I expected from ya.

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To be honest, I was considering enlisting anyway. I've always wanted to serve and there is section of my family that's been in the USMC for three generations. My step-dad was actually a drill sargeant at one time. I have tried to do the summer JAG program a few times, but the process of application has been murky at best and unreceptive at worse.

And Pete, if the war were on American soil you can bet that I'd be fighting in any and every way I could.

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Originally posted by skinsfan080

I mean this with the upmost respect, and am not trying to stir up any sort of argument, I am just wondering if you were previously in the military, or have kids of the draft age.

I was set to go into the Marine Corps when I was 17, and blew out my shoulder three weeks prior to swaring in. I had intended to make a life of it.

Many in my family have served in combat through out the decades. Dad was a VERY GUNG HO Marine, but never saw combat. Lost a cousin at Anzio (Ranger) and another in france (regular Army). Uncle Raffi was a radio man in Burma with the Flying Tigers (AVG), and uncle Sal saw action in the Philipeans(sp). Uncle Red was under water demolition in WW II. Cousin Junie was 82nd Airborn in Korea, and uncle Al was a tanke driver. Cousin Pete did a tour in Nam (Army), as did my uncle Kevin who was a Marine.

I was a volunteer firefighter for many years, and many of my closest friends were older guys that were combat Vets. Jimmy (Big Daddy) Sheene was at Normandy on D-Day, and Whilley was a Pearl Harbor survivor who saw a bucket load of action soon after. Dave Fisher did two tours in Nam as a front gunner (duel 50's) on a PBR (Fast Boats).

See where I get it from.:D

As for kids draft age, no. My daughter is 12, and I have started to push for the military. I'm pushing for the Army more then the Corps being West Point has one of the best engineering programs in the nation.

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