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Extremeskins in Iraq


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Hello guys,

Its been along time since I’ve been able to post on my favorite website due to being in Iraq. The Redskins have had a disappointing season but there are some things we have that can be built on and have just some that plainly need to be rebuilt. I’m posting this just to show a few photos and to say Hi to all my extreme fans, you have been sorely missed.


In the photo is a Sig Sauer 226 9mm and an Ak-47 w\ a collapsible stock. In the background is 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit attached with ¼ Battalion Landing Team. These dudes have been kicking ass here for a while to include Falluja.

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Hey bro, on behalf of my family and i'm sure everyone on this board. Thank You. I don't it doesn't mean too much, but we all appreciate what all you guys are doing. I buddy of mine from Texas is about to head over.

God Bless, Stay Safe and come home safe.:point2sky

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Thanks guys for the kind comments. JimboDaMan, I'm still here, these pics where taken a few hours ago. Its mid-day here while its mid-night there. Things here are not so bad here although the insurgents are alot more active as we get closer to the elections. But its well worth it. You can see a night a day differance in this place from what is was before (post evasion). We still have along way to go with the rebuilding but we are getting there!

The worst thing about being here is that on my team I work with South Africans and Brits, they think football is soccer!

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On behalf of Texas I want to say Thank You and you have my upmost respect.

You please stay safe. You will be added to my prayer list by name. I know God will know who I mean when I say bish.

Please tell all your friends and fellow soliders how proud we are of each and every one of you.

Thank you again.


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