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Patrick Ramsey


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What do you guys thinks of this QB we got? I think he will be a very good player. I think he might have been ranked ahead of Carr and Harrington if he went to a school with good recievers. He has better arm strength than Harrington and a better release than Carr. I don't know about his intangables, but I can't wait to see him play.

What do you think about our new leader?

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I think Ramsey will end up being the starter by mid-season.

That is the optimistic side.

The other side says the Skins just used their #1 pick on a player that is 1-2 years away from contributing on the field and their #2 pick as well in Betts.

This side argues that the Skins didn't add a single potential starter to the regular 22 that will open the season in September.

And that for a team that finished just 8-8 last season this type of outcome from Day 1 of the draft is unacceptable.

Perhaps the Rams and Eagles can make picks for depth even in rounds 1 and 2 because they are already contenders, but for the Skins to take the same approach with a roster that still has some significant holes is very risky.

At least for those of us that want to see some victories from the club in 2002. :)

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I totally disagree that Ramsey doesn't have SOS' blessing.

The guy was brought here because of his expertise in offense. He specifically stated that one of the few positions that he wanted say so on was QB. Until I hear words coming from Spurrier's mouth to the contrary, it is inconceivable that Ramsey was not a Spurrier selection.

BTW, the word on Spurrier's opinion of Ramsey prior to the draft, as I recall, was positive. Now, all of a sudden, after the pick of the position MOST important to him, he doesn't like the guy?

Sorry, but that dog doesn't hunt.

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I agree SonnyJ. When the combine took place, the local papers here and a small piece of coverage showed SS to be very keen on Ramsey. I took it for granted that Ramsey would be gone. I think some teams were smiling because they could be cynical and get the player they wanted to help to try and sack SS's pick, if it was Ramsey. It was.

He got the same rap as Montana. Although most of it also applies to Bauman and the WR. Not saying they woud be like him in all his splendor, just showing how much that it's all a gamble after the first round and a half or so.

Montana was wiry, not much footwork, not the McNabb or Vick build. So what. He is a leader, fights to the end, commands the respect of his teammates by example and leadership, absorbs very well and studies with a Peyton Manning intensity. He wants to win and HATES to lose, will disect other teams with all resources and disects his teammates responsibilities on a given play. Will NOT force the ball, aka-Jim Kelly, thus not trashing a good effort of his team. Reads with ease and his natural throwing motion is an envy. The fact he didn't have a great supporting cast and still delivered, is as good a testament as what happened in Harrington's career, when the team stunk, he kept playing like he wanted to win.

Compared to Simms. Give credit where it's due, he was a winner!

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That dog doesnt hunt? You sound like that Dr. Phil guy :D

from http://sports.espn.go.com/nfldraft/columnist?id=1371531

Spurrier's quarterback: One has to wonder how strongly Washington Redskins coach Steve Spurrier endorsed the choice of Tulane quarterback Patrick Ramsey in the first round. Spurrier had been lukewarm about Ramsey, although scout Ron Nay loved him.

In one of the Skins' final draft meetings Spurrier reiterated that he expected Danny Wuerffel to be the starter even if the club chose Ramsey. It's as if Spurrier is hell-bent on convincing the world he can win with Wuerffel, a guy no one else considers of starter quality, playing for him. The rest of the league figures that, by default, Ramsey becomes the best quarterback on the roster.

I'm not saying Spurrier doesnt like Ramsey, I just dont think he was his #1 choice. Coulda been someone like Gurode, or a WR. I'll search for more stuff. But, I'll reiterate that he didnt seem ecstatic when he discussed him. I'll admit however, that I havent seen enough of Spurrier to accurately judge his emotions.

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I agree with you ChosenOne. Even when Spurrier was being interviewed about Ramsey, he didn't seem very excited about it and his body language was giving that impression as well. I listened to the press conference after Ramsey was drafted and Spurrier stated he had watched only 1 game tape on Ramsey. Also, this guy who posts on another board works for the Redskins and he stated that Spurrier has never even met with Ramsey. I find that odd if Ramsey was one of the QBs Spurrier was targeting. I actually feel this whole draft was a Snyder pick because in that press conference, Spurrier stresses OG several times as a need area in the upcoming picks. Then Skins select a RB, CB and WR. Show how much say Stevie has.

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Listen what do we really know. All of us have opinions. That is it. Everyone always get's enamored with the glamor, big school press guys and think that they are the only really good players available.

There are busts all the time. Ron Dayne, Thomas Jones. Who wants Peter Warwick now. Shaun Alexander was the fourth running back taken in the first round that year. Tom Brady was picked in that draft. In the sixth round.

In fact, not even half of first round picks even turn out to be Pro Bowl players. I remember last year people were clamoring for us to take a guard. When the guy from the University of Washington was available many went ballistic as to why we didn't take him. I don't even think the guy is in the league!

For instance, Freeney went much earlier then projected. Many of us thought he would be a reach a bit at 18. Then Dungy takes him at 12. You can't argue with Mr. Dungy's eye for talent.

Those of you trying to read into Spurrier and his body demeanor and what you read (which too are opinions) -- well, come on. Look, two people can see the same thing and see two completely different things. Wuerful and Mathews are here for help and transition. They ain't the Savior. They are here to help Sage and Patrick. They know the offense, they don't have the arms. Both Sage and Ramsey have the physical skills. When the light bulb turns on, they will be good.

I for one, think Ramsey could turn out to be a very good quarterback with Spurriers Tutaledge. All his quarterbacks have performed well wherever he's been. This will be no different. There will be, however, a learning curve. That's what could be dangerous.

But I like the Ramsey pick. For one, he may have the best arm and quickest release of the three (Carr and Harrington). He was the MVP in the after season bowl game he played in. He did well at the combine. He definately seems to be a pure passer. Two years from now, this could turn out to be an unbelieveable pick. Particularly if he turns out to be the man. I see him being more in the Warner/Fouts mold. Great passer. What does Steve like to do. The sooner Steve can get his guy a groom him, the better it's going to be for us. Why wait until next year. We need to establish our own quarterback.

What do we know -- really? I was upset with our pick of Jansen several years ago. Now we love him. All teams have their busts and succeses. No one was talking Tom Brady two years ago. None of us were talking about a guy named Garcia in Canada several years ago. None of us heard of him. Terrell Davis who! What! He went to Georgia and was a blocking back! So let's give the front office the benefit of the doubt. We've gotten Wynn, Trotter, Armstead and a bunch of Gators that know the offense.

Keep in mind, we have Steve and Marvin -- the biggest gets!

It seems to me we are picking based on best guy on the board and not for need. Obviously that is what we are doing. Also by trading down we are getting value. These guys are cheap and it gives us more money for free agents in June.

Antonio Bryant? We have that guy in Rod Gardner. He's not a fit for us. That is why we took Russell later. Speed, man! Sounds a bit like a poor man's Stallworth.

As for Dallas: They needed to have a decent draft after their recent disasters. Even a non working clock is right twice a day. However, their draft was as about as easy as us taking Samuals and Arrington. Roy Williams was an obvious. Those pick happen when you're bad.

I like the Gurode pick. That's the pick that bothers me the most. Another huge guard to team with Allen. They are going to be a completely different team then us. Definately smash mouth. If Marty was here I'd be more worried. Within two years we will totally be more Rams like. More finese then smash mouth. We do need a fat run stuffer because we seem to have a smash mouth defense in the making. Maybe we do go for Adams in June. We've certainly saved money with our draft picks (LOL)

I was just surprised like all of us. I was like "A running back. AAAAAaaa defensive back." I remember one time Charley Casserly said "Picking for need sometimes can get you in trouble because many times you will forgo a guy you have rated higher." Ala Andre Johnson. You sometimes reach.

So sometimes you have a player rated higher at another position then your need pick. Anyway, it ain't over. We a lot more picks tomorrow. Only time will tell. Plus, we have luxury of having three good corners. Darrell is gone after this year. As for, Davis, we need some insurance fellas.

Personally this draft seems more Mendes then Snyder. Remember, Snyder thinks more like fans!!!!!!!!! Glamour name guys! Hail to the Redskins!


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Listen guys,

Whoever got the information that Ron Nay or Joe Mendes picked Patrick Ramsey and SS didnt want hime...... that is ridiculous. Or that these are Dan Snyder picks in the first two rounds, that is also ridiculous. Snyder was on the phone lining up possible trades, but the scouting staff and Joe Mendes and not Vinny were making these picks. And I think we have had a good draft so far, considering that we didnt have a 3rd round pick starting the day. Are we going to have the best draft in the NFL? Hell no. But that doesnt mean it is was bad either.

David Carr and Joey Harrington may have been the first choice, but that doesnt mean Ramsey is now a bum. Just about every team drafting SOMEWHERE was disappointed yesterday and did not ALWAYS get who they wanted. Christ, Dallas really wanted Quentin Jammer, everyone knows that. But they couldnt get him and settled on Roy Williams another fine player. Does that make Jammer a bum now?

Christ, Patrick Ramsey made a pre-draft visit to Redskin Park......so how the frig could SS not have met him?

So what if we didnt fill every need in this draft with a starter? Maybe next week we will sign free agent G Bob Hallen and after June 1st, Sam Adams. The season is not starting tomorrow. :D

P.S. Well said Skins2 :D

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Look it does not take a brain surgeon to know that the greatest area of need was the lines (starters and depth) both sides.

what do we end up with after 5 picks?


instead of the RB at the second pick we could have gone with several high rated lineman, or shoot in the third there was Metcalf, Dorsett davis, we even could have had Weaver.

I bet betts would still be there if we would have gone a differnet way...but now I agree the point is moot.

Today better be interesting.

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