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Early predictions.


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I know there's plenty of offseason to go, with the draft, and the June 1st free agents, but I'm going to make a dive at predictions, because I'm feeling really, really lucky right now. I've just got 'that feeling' and it's oozing out of me. Regardless how the rest of the offseason goes, here's how our division ends up :

Philly 11-5

Washington 9-7

Dallas 8-8

NY Giants 6-9-1

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Wut up all,

This is my first post. You guys have a great website. Hope you don't mind conversing with the enemy. :box:

I gotta admit, some of your early predictions are abit optimistic ... 11-5? 10-6? Sollie chollie.

The Skins are a work in process. Spurrier is an unknown entity. But without a QB, there's not much of a chance. Without a 3rd pick, there's not much of a chance to trade up in the draft to grab Joey Harrington.

As a Cowboy fan, I'm optimistically predicting an 8-8 for the Boys in Blue. I think the Eagles will make one final run at the NFC East before their bottom falls out (it's starting already).

The Skins and Cowboys will battle for 2nd place ... and if all goes well, a possible wild card spot for the winner.

The NY Giants are in denial. They're trying to make one final Super Bowl run, but their time ran out last year. Those contracts to Tiki Barber and Jason Sehorn as gonna kill them. They'll finish an un-surprising last place in the NFC East and take the place of the Cardinals.

I'm looking forward to discussing football with you gents ... no flame wars or insults please.


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Welcome aboard Eddie,

We enjoy having opposing fans around who want to talk football... However, you're login name is not one of a fan looking to avoid the flame-wars. Might want to find something more agreeable before the swarm gets a sniff of it....

Or, as a distraction, we would be happy to find a more agreeable picture to go under your name such as:


Enjoy your visit :cool:

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That was a cute picture. How do you insert pictures into the post?

My tag is a way to inspire you guys. Remember, there's still a rivalry. Two of the last 4 games could have gone either way ... the OT game to open 2000 and the lame MNF game last year.

But in regards to the draft, the Cowboys are not in an enviable position. The two players the team covets, Quintin Jammer and Julius Peppers will probably be gone. The best of the rest will be Roy Williams, and OT's McKinnie and Mike Williams. If the team follows the best available athlete policy, then it'll be one of these three ... but none are of any urgency, and there are other needs to fill.

The Skins are in a good spot (#18) to land very good talent. But all the elite athletes will be gone. The draft is deep along the DL, and I can possibly see the Skins snagging one of the top DT's. That, along with the signing of Trotter, would anchor the D and pay immediate dividends.

But the real question is at QB. Patrick Ramsey probably won't be available when the Skins pick in the 2nd round, and without a 3rd rounder, QB becomes a serious issue.

So ... do you "reach" for Ramsey at #18, or do you pass and leave a void at QB?


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Originally posted by 9inarow

...the Cowboys are not in an enviable position. The two players the team covets, Quintin Jammer and Julius Peppers will probably be gone. The best of the rest will be Roy Williams, and OT's McKinnie and Mike Williams. If the team follows the best available athlete policy, then it'll be one of these three ... but none are of any urgency, and there are other needs to fill.

If Jerrah is smart, (always a subject of debate) he will draft one of the OTs... always good policy to keep the lines strong, even if it means playing your draftee at OG for a year. A Saftey at #6 is just not worth the slotting IMHO.

The Skins are in a good spot (#18) to land very good talent....

But the real question is at QB. Patrick Ramsey probably won't be available when the Skins pick in the 2nd round, and without a 3rd rounder, QB becomes a serious issue.

So ... do you "reach" for Ramsey at #18, or do you pass and leave a void at QB?

I say leave a void at QB. Unless JH is there at 18, I think the Skins should take the BAA and be happy with it. That is exactly what the Skins will do judging from what we are learning of Joe Mendes (the defacto GM of the Skins). One of the 4 DTs may fall through the cracks. That is certainly my hope. I am not sold at all on Ramsey.

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Originally posted by Blade

One of the 4 DTs may fall through the cracks. That is certainly my hope.

I think DT is probably the best approach for the Skins. A top DT can make an immediate impact and solidify the DL. If you guys sign Trotter, then you'll have as solid a front 7 as any team in the league.

As for the Cowboys, the OT's aren't the most glamorous of picks, but considering the Boys may lose BOTH starting OT's to FA after the season, they may be wise to start shoring up the replacements.


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Originally posted by inmate running the asylum

or established who our starting QB is going to be. :laugh:

Funny things happen in the NFL. The Cowboys are currently carrying 5 QB's ... and with Quincy Carter and Chad Hutchinson locked in at #1 and #3, 3 other QB's are fighting for the backup QB spot, including Ryan Leaf.

I have a feeling Jerry Jones will be shopping Leaf around on draft day. Teams like the Bears are still looking for a QB.

But don't be surprised if JJ and Danny Snyder swing a deal that lands Ryan Leaf in DC in exchange for a low round draft pick.


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Yeah 9inarow,

You dont want to get NavyDave pissed off. Otherwise he'll fire off one of those Vietnam War surplus Sidewinder missiles and it will wind up your ying-yang. :laugh:

No way 9inarow, :laugh:

I just read where Ryan Leaf has ballooned up or ballooned down to 268 lbs. -- depends on whether you see the glass half full or half empty -- and is likely to be cut shortly. :laugh:

It seems that Ryan Leaf likes donuts, like this closet donutoholic with ExtremeSkins, who shall forever remain unnamed. :laugh:

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Originally posted by inmate running the asylum

No way 9inarow, :laugh:

I just read where Ryan Leaf has ballooned up or ballooned down to 268 lbs. -- depends on whether you see the glass half full or half empty -- and is likely to be cut shortly. :laugh:

If this is really true, then I think his NFL career is over. There hasn't been any news on Ryan Leaf over in Cowboys camp expect that he's a long shot to make the roster. But I didn't think he'd allow himself to fall into such terrible shape.


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I have a feeling Jerry Jones will be shopping Leaf around on draft day. Teams like the Bears are still looking for a QB.

But don't be surprised if JJ and Danny Snyder swing a deal that lands Ryan Leaf in DC in exchange for a low round draft pick.

Eddie [/b]

Although Jerry may try to shop Leaf on draft day, he will be released before they start training camp. It's fairly well known here in Dallas that Leaf is the odd man out.


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Originally posted by inmate running the asylum

How can you guys realistically predict team won-loss records, when the team rosters are not even set yet. :laugh: We havent even had the draft yet; finished free agency; or established who our starting QB is going to be. :laugh:

Inmate, it's called multiple predictions. While I'm predicting our records, I'm also simultaneously predicting what our team rosters will be, who we will draft, sign as a free agent, and who will win the starting QB job. Essentially, it's Predictions for the Advanced. I dont recommend it for novices.

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