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Skins fans - need your help

Willie Gault

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So I'm browsing a Fins board and I find a long thread where Miami fans are convincing themselves that Spurrier might not be such a bad choice. He'll learn from his mistakes. Gibbs isn't doing any better. Didn't have the talent in DC.

Now I know you guys owe the Phins nothing, but could you please give me an idea of how bad a coach he was? Discipline. Leadership. Strategy. Personnel. Locker room stuff.

Please - tell me from the horses mouth how bad this clown was...

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The scuttlebutt was he didn't work hard or work long hours. His team was very undisciplined. Apparently he thought the players should take care of conditioning, discipline, etc. He just wanted to run his plays. He did not listen to the players who would beg him to change his scheme. I guess he once said it worked in Japan (exhibition game) so it should work in the regular season. He believes he can make any QB great. I think his biggest fault was hiring an inexperienced coaching staff. That did not help at all. He would forget players names especially on defense. I guess there are a lot of stories out there about his incompetence and I am sure some of the posters know them. There are also a few supporters on here so you might get difference of opinion. He also doesn't believe in hitting in practice.

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Only thing I can do is state the obvious...which would be he was not ready for the game @ all...

He didnt believe in pass protection...Nor did he believe in a true running game (anytime Trung Cannidate is ur starter, u KNOW ur not gonna be a serious ground attack)...He never gained a bond w/ his players...He was a joke...

Honestly I dont think he understands the NFL...

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Originally posted by Dreadedup_skin4lifer

Honestly I dont think he understands the NFL...

Get real guys. It didn't work out for him, but he was a former (what, 10 year?) NFL veteran and a 15-20 year coaching veteran. He understands the NFL just fine. His approach might not have been tedious, but he understood the game.

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Personally, I love the guy. He has some of the greatest quotes. He will have you all in FLA rolling on the ground. I hope he goes there since Miami is basically my 2nd favorite team ("favorite" shouldn't even be used since I really only have one team that I truly love). You guys will have fun with him. Might not win many games, but you all will definitely have fun with his antics.

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Personally I too love the guy. I agree with a few of the GM's like Ron Wolfe saying that with the right ASSISTANT coaches he would be awesome. His problem was not having the proper assistants. He came in with no one to help him out. He may not be a big time game planner but the guy is such a genius and excellent play caller that he can beat that out as long as he's got a few assistants with experience and an attitude to make sure he learns a few things and keep the team together.

I thought his system worked as well, only problem was the lack of hot routes. I agree with his theory of attacking the blitz which is not to keep extra guys in to protect the passer but put extra guys out in patterns so someone is uncovered, I believe in that theory if you have QB smart enough to find that uncovered guy quickly enough, his only problem was he had everyone going deep even when facing the blitz, if he would put hot routes in his system would be fine.

I think he would be a good fit with the personnel you all have there. But I think he needs a few very good assistants to get the thing running.

He's a great guy though.

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5. No hot routes/receivers.

4. No commitment to running the ball WELL. Even if you don't run alot, you should at least try to be more effective when you do. Didn't seem to be enough of a priority.

3. Good leader of boys (college), poor leader of men (pros).

2. Worst staff in history.

1. Quitter.

Look, I'm someone who was hoping he would come back. Continuity and all. (Of course I was ultimately thrilled he didn't since it made it possible for Joe's return). If there's one thing I can't stand, it's a fuggin quitter. Anything about him that I might have liked ended the second he quit. Fug him eternally.

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Guest BleedinBurgundyandGold

he's absolutely the worst coach i've ever seen....

remember 4th and 1 from our OWN 26 with 5 minutes left in the game against the seahawks? Yea we made it, but it cost him the respect of the league.

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To be honest, I always liked Coach Spurrier. Just something about the guy.

Do I think he can be a success in the NFL. Absolutely.

In many ways, it's sad that he could succeed at the college level with his laissez faire approach and fail so miserably at the NFL level.

I still think if he had the appropriate support staff he could be a success in the NFL.

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Originally posted by Ax

5. No hot routes/receivers.

4. No commitment to running the ball WELL. Even if you don't run alot, you should at least try to be more effective when you do. Didn't seem to be enough of a priority.

3. Good leader of boys (college), poor leader of men (pros).

2. Worst staff in history.

1. Quitter.

Look, I'm someone who was hoping he would come back. Continuity and all. (Of course I was ultimately thrilled he didn't since it made it possible for Joe's return). If there's one thing I can't stand, it's a fuggin quitter. Anything about him that I might have liked ended the second he quit. Fug him eternally.

We don't know what happened behind the scenes; Danny might've even asked him to step down. Regardless, at least he had the class to not only turn down the money he was guaranteed for the next few seasons, but wouldn't even accept the offer from the 'skins to pay for his family to move back to FLA (granted, he probably only had a golf bag w/ clubs up here :laugh:

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Originally posted by herrmag


We don't know what happened behind the scenes; Danny might've even asked him to step down. Regardless, at least he had the class to not only turn down the money he was guaranteed for the next few seasons, but wouldn't even accept the offer from the 'skins to pay for his family to move back to FLA (granted, he probably only had a golf bag w/ clubs up here :laugh:

herrmag, is this really true? If so, I'm impressed.

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Originally posted by BleedinBurgundyandGold

he's absolutely the worst coach i've ever seen....

remember 4th and 1 from our OWN 26 with 5 minutes left in the game against the seahawks? Yea we made it, but it cost him the respect of the league.


We won the game b/c of that. It was like an inch and everytime Seattle was getting the ball at that point in the game they were moving it like 30-40 yards, if we had punted they would have at least tied it up.

He lost respect around the league for winning the game??

He's got balls. Sometimes it'll bite you in the ass but sometimes you'll win because of it. I like that about him, at least he has the balls to give it a shot. If our team couldnt have gotten that inch they didnt deserve to win.

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