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Nextel or Sprint in The DC Area


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Whatever you do, don't go with Sprint or T-Mobile. I can't ever get in touch with any of my friends that use them. My personal advice would be to get Verizon. It's a bit more pricey, but it's worth it. You can even talk underground on the metro.

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Originally posted by thito_da_skins_fan

It does in certain spots.

It's the metro. Not many companies get great service in the metro as it is.

verizon has the advantage with metro, they are the only phone that works on it

Nextel is nice only if you have a lot of friends that use it. If you are looking for deals you won't find it with nextel you will with At&t since they now have the largest customer base thanks to the merger with cingular.

Don't even think sprint, they charge too much.

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Originally posted by SlobberKnockinFootball

Anyone know why Nextel doesn't have coverage in the metro?

They do, but it's spotty. We had Nextels when I was at the FCC and I hated those damn things. Very clear response when talking to other Nextel users, though. The whole PTT thing just annoys me and I'm convinced the only people who use it are just trying to look cool. After you have a two-way conversation go longer than 20 seconds, you finally get aggravated and scream, "look, dammit, just call me already if it's such a big deal... " :laugh:


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Originally posted by thito_da_skins_fan

I would agree with that to an extent. It's still a nice phone and I never have any major problems with service.

But having said that, 90% (or maybe even more) of my friends and family have Nextel.

It's a beautiful thing.

There you go, so you have a lot of friends in law enforcement :D

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Originally posted by ntotoro

The whole PTT thing just annoys me and I'm convinced the only people who use it are just trying to look cool.

Stupid comment.

It's a great feature. If it wasn't, they wouldn't be the most dominating cell phone company that exists.

It's quick and easy. And it doesn't use any minutes. The majority of people I know have a Nextel.

I don't use it because I'm cool. I use it because I like it.

Besides, I'm cool with or without it. :cool:

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Originally posted by thito_da_skins_fan

It's a great feature. If it wasn't, they wouldn't be the most dominating cell phone company that exists.

I didn't realize they were... ? Can you back that up? I thought Verizon Wireless had the largest customer base.

I know Verizon has their own versions of it, but it runs on the same bandwidth as their regular phone usage. Nextel is different in that regard. I'm still not surprised it hasn't caught on more, though.


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Originally posted by ntotoro

I didn't realize they were... ? Can you back that up? I thought Verizon Wireless had the largest customer base.

There was an article in The Washington Post about a year ago. Nextel dominated everyone.

I don't feel like looking for the article.

I also have a few friends that work at Nextel. They have told me there's no competition.


Direct Connect.

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Originally posted by RedskinsNation

My service is flawless (except for a couple spots on 66).

I think that's everyone. Every phone I've ever had has had problems in the exact same two spots and one on the Toll Road. Probably because of the airport.


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Originally posted by thito_da_skins_fan

There was an article in The Washington Post about a year ago. Nextel dominated everyone.

I don't feel like looking for the article.

I also have a few friends that work at Nextel. They have told me there's no competition.


Direct Connect.

Actually that title goes to At&t since they merged with Cingular this past year. The only problem with nextel something happened with their copyrighted DC that now every other company has copied them. Sprint has the same technology now.

The one advantage that nextel has is the deal with most of the government and public safety agencies, the problem is they are starting to get sick of nextels service and costs that they might be looking for cheapier deals soon.

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Originally posted by jbooma

The only problem with nextel something happened with their copyrighted DC that now every other company has copied them. Sprint has the same technology now.

That is true, but no company has been able to match the quality of the DC.

With other companies, there is a delay and sometimes the DC doesn't even go through.

Nextel, hands down, controls the DC market.

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Originally posted by thito_da_skins_fan

With other companies, there is a delay and sometimes the DC doesn't even go through.

We had delays with our Nextels at the FCC, sometimes as much as 3/4 of a second. We used to play with them last Winter when we first got them (kids with new toys) and DC one another from our desks. The delay was audible (or inaudible, which is equally as appropriate). Made it difficult to DC someone in an emergency because you may be trying to connect to someone you think is done speaking they've already tried to connect to you again.


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Originally posted by ntotoro

The delay was audible (or inaudible, which is equally as appropriate). Made it difficult to DC someone in an emergency because you may be trying to connect to someone you think is done speaking they've already tried to connect to you again.


That's not the type of delay I was talking about.

That delay happens with any phone. You obviously cannot get through if they are pressing the button as well.

The delay I was referring to happens when a person actually talks. It's like those old kung-fu movies.

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Originally posted by thito_da_skins_fan

That's not the type of delay I was talking about.

That delay happens with any phone. You obviously cannot get through if they are pressing the button as well.

The delay I was referring to happens when a person actually talks. It's like those old kung-fu movies.

Well, yeah... that's what I mean. We could sit near one another and someone would be done speaking a half-second to 3/4 a second before you receive the transmission. There would be many times, when we were actually using it, that we didn't realize people were trying to message us again. The transmissions would take so long to hit us that we'd get the busy beep when trying to return them because they were already trying to message again before we could get a word in edgewise. It was also part of the reason we went with a different service that cost less for both hardware and bandwidth, without DC, shortly before I left.


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