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I hate Dan Synder


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Listen: I don't feel good about this entire situation. I mean, here's the think about Synder, it's always one quick fix after another. I'll tell you the last person in the world who thought we would be 1-3 right now: Synder. Bringing in Gibbs was a brillant move, I'll give him that, it was also the move that will either make or break this franchise in the future. Obviously, we all expect the best, and 4 games into Gibbs's first year, we have NO reason not to expect great things.

But, the problem as I see it, is that Gibbs has to coach a team out of a losing dynamic that has gone on for a decade, and coach an owner out of the quick fix, which does not work in the NFL. The NFL is like geology, it takes time, and consistent pressure to become successful

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Originally posted by skins4eva

Listen: I don't feel good about this entire situation. I mean, here's the think about Synder, it's always one quick fix after another. I'll tell you the last person in the world who thought we would be 1-3 right now: Synder. Bringing in Gibbs was a brillant move, I'll give him that, it was also the move that will either make or break this franchise in the future. Obviously, we all expect the best, and 4 games into Gibbs's first year, we have NO reason not to expect great things.

But, the problem as I see it, is that Gibbs has to coach a team out of a losing dynamic that has gone on for a decade, and coach an owner out of the quick fix, which does not work in the NFL. The NFL is like geology, it takes time, and consistent pressure to become successful

And if you'd said this in the first place, I doubt anybody woulda busted your chops. :)

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I don't mind having my chops busted. I'm just so frustrated with this team. I'm the kind of person who never gets angry about anything, EXCEPT regarding the skins on sundays. It's like a cathartic release for me, and when we don't win, I'm just not satisfied. But, like i said in a different thread, it's really not the losing that gets to me, it's the way we lose.

We don't even need to face another team on Sunday's, we can beat ourselves every time. Every friggen weak we try to beat ourselves. Even in the Tampa game we tried to give it to them on a platter. You just can't be competitive in the NFL when you play football the way we do. If we are beaten by a superior team, but we but up a fight, I can live with a loss like that. But, not what happened Sunday, please, never again, I can't deal with it.

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Originally posted by skins4eva

I don't mind having my chops busted. I'm just so frustrated with this team. I'm the kind of person who never gets angry about anything, EXCEPT regarding the skins on sundays. It's like a cathartic release for me, and when we don't win, I'm just not satisfied. But, like i said in a different thread, it's really not the losing that gets to me, it's the way we lose.

We don't even need to face another team on Sunday's, we can beat ourselves every time. Every friggen weak we try to beat ourselves. Even in the Tampa game we tried to give it to them on a platter. You just can't be competitive in the NFL when you play football the way we do. If we are beaten by a superior team, but we but up a fight, I can live with a loss like that. But, not what happened Sunday, please, never again, I can't deal with it.

Ain't nobody happy around here, brother (with the exception of a few trolls and fans of other teams, of couse). It's where you chose to direct your angst in this particular thread that got people's attention. :)

Dan Snyder contributed to where this franchise found itself in January, but the man he hired early in that month is now running this team, not Snyder. When Gibbs turns it around, I hope people are as quick to credit The Dan for learning from his mistakes, bringing in a consummate football man and then stepping aside as they are to still bash him for all that's gone before.

Won't be holding my breath though.

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you guys probably spent more on Portis than we did on Terry Glenn, Vinny Testeverde, Keyshawn Johnson, Marcellas Wiley, Laroi Glover, Eddie George all together.

So the actual dollar figure attached to the player is the problem. So because we paid more and and aquired players is different from paying less and aquiring players. So it's not how many players you get from other teams, it's how much you pay for them...OH, I get it now. My mistake. Here I am thinking that Dallas also aquires players in free-agency and trades but it's not the same as the Skins cause they were cheaper.

Thanks for enlightening me.:rolleyes:

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When I think of Snyder in terms of a sports team owner, I think of George Steinbrenner often. For at least ten years, he and his Yankee management sidekicks grossly overpaid for many players. They also rarely went after established pitchers in or before their prime. For about ten years they purchased the likes of Don Baylor, Steve Kemp, Jimmy Spencer (and other overhyped hitters).

After about ten years of stupidity (1982-1992 or so), Steinbrenner hired two good managers consecutively who righted the ship. Snyder just hired his first Super Bowl coach in Gibbs, who has just begun the process of personnel evaluation like Buck Showalter did for the Yankees in the early 1990's.

Although Steinbrenner has a much easier time producing a winner with the joke known as the baseball salary cap, Snyder is learning and I think will do a lot better this offseason with Gibbs and Co. being in place for a year. The Skins are still feeling the effects of $6 million dollars in dead money going to Big Daddy and Bruce Smith. They should reap a lot in the future with Portis, Coles, Randy Thomas, Tupa, Hall and others.

Bottom line: I just don't think the Skins' QB's scare too many people, nor does its offensive line (yet).

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You can't pin this one on Danny, he brought in the best coach in the world and is sitting back and letting him run the show. The season's not lost, but we certainly blew some opportunities against some mediocre teams, I really thought we would be 3-1 or 4-0 at this point.

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My frustration with Snyder has less to do with this year then the last 10 when he couldn't stop meddling with the team. If something didn't work immediately he had to change it and buy more, more, more. This is the problem b/c it's gotten us all excited about his spending making a huge impact immediately. How many times in the past have we all been like, this is the year...only to have our hopes vanquished. I just hope that he can hold himself back after this year and let Gibbs rebuild the franchise.

As to my boy skins4eva: the lamp was really ugly. I'm glad you have to replace it.

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I don't get it... skins4eva, weren't you the guy who made some thread urging everyone to give out "positive vibes" so the Skins would win, as opposed to negativity? Didn't Snyder just get Joe Gibbs???? Good job following your own advice.

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Skins4eva is a little caty sometimes. Trust me, we watched the game together and he said, "I know I'm supposed to be positive" about 30 times (of course each was followed by some sort of breaking wood, plates, etc.). It was a bona fide effort of positive energy.

We all have changes of heart.

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Originally posted by skins4eva

I know I'll take some crap for this thread, but I really do hate dan synder. I just don't like him. And, I'm also venting because I completely lost it yesterday and broke a very expensive lamp and chair

Sorry to hear. Don't hurt yourself.

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